Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

First Advisor

Michal Strahilevitz


This dissertation is based on applied research that examines the United States Navy’s current innovation ecosystem, aiming to identify challenges, barriers, and viable solutions. The assessment involved a qualitative study as well as a quantitative study, encompassing respondents from various Navy organizations. Results of the qualitative interviews (study 1) were used to reveal patterns, concepts, and theoretical insights that informed the design of the quantitative survey (study 2). The research revealed significant process gaps, including communication breakdowns across organizations and a critical deficiency in knowledge management. Additionally, the research highlighted suboptimal decision-making among practitioners, negatively impacting the ecosystem. To chart a strategic path forward, relevant theories from management, innovation management, and behavioral economics were integrated. The primary focus was on fostering robust connections among practitioners within the ecosystem, while enhancing the overall quality of decision-making processes.

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