
Faculty Handbook

Article Title

1.7 Committee Structure

Document Type

Main Text


1.7.1 Board of Trustees Committees

1.7.2 Institutional Councils and Committees

1.7.3 Academic Affairs Councils and Committees

1.7.4 Academic Senate Committees

1.7.5 Student Life Committees

1.7.6 Finance Committees

1.7.7 Miscellaneous Committees and Faculty Representatives


Committee Structure, Board of Trustees Committees, Committees, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee (of the Board of Trustees), Academic Affairs and Enrollment Committee (of the Board of Trustees), Advancement Committee (of the Board of Trustees), Audit Committee (of the Board of Trustees), Finance Committee (of the Board of Trustees), Governance Committee (of the Board of Trustees), Investment Committee (of the Board of Trustees), Mission and Identity Committee (of the Board of Trustees), Student Life Committee (of the Board of Trustees), Institutional Councils and Committees, President’s Cabinet, College Committee on Inclusive Excellence, Inclusive Excellence, College Committee on, Sustainability Committee, Institutional Effectiveness Committee, Title IX Committee, Academic Affairs Councils and Committees, Academic Council of Dean, Provost's, Provost’s Academic Council of Deans, Campus Athletic and Recreational Sports Committee, Faculty Qualified for Election, to Rank and Tenure Committee, Rank and Tenure Committee, Rank and Tenure Committee, Student, Student Rank and Tenure Committee, Qualified, Faculty, for Election to Rank and Tenure Committee, Library Committee, Academic Appeals, Committee on, Committee on Academic Appeals, International Programs Coordinating Committee, Human Research Institutional Review Board, Faculty Development Fund Committee, Academic Senate Committees, Grievance Committee, Committee on Teaching and Scholarship, Teaching and Scholarship, Committee on, January Term Committee, Collegiate Seminar Governing Board, Core Curriculum Committee, Core Curriculum Working Groups, Working Groups, Core Curriculum, First Year Advising Steering Committee, Committee on Educational Technology, Educational Technology, Committee on, Faculty Welfare Committee, Welfare, Faculty Committee, Committee on Committees, The, Academic Administrators Evaluation Committee, Undergraduate Educational Policies Committee, Graduate and Professional Studies Educational Policies Committee, Program Review Committee, Admissions and Academic Regulations Committee, Bookstore, Faculty Committee on the, Faculty Committee on the Bookstore, Student Life Committees, Disciplinary Hearing Board, Academic Probation Review Board, Finance Committees (under CFO), Budget Committee, Technology Planning and Policy Committee, Campus Facilities Planning Committee, Employee Benefits Advisory Committee, Retirement Benefits Committee, Miscellaneous Committees and Faculty Representatives, Joint Committee of ASSMC, Staff Council, and the Academic Senate, Faculty Handbook Review Committee, Board of Trustees, Faculty Representatives to the, Faculty Representatives to the Board of Trustees, Alumni Board of Directors, Faculty Representative to the, Faculty Representative to the Alumni Board of Directors, Handbook Review Committee, Faculty

Publication Date

