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Browse MATL action research projects by archival headings:
Action Research Projects from 2024
Building Civic Efficacy in Adolescents through Civic Zines, Darryl Ashley Owens
Fourth-Grade Students’ Perspective Taking During California Social Studies, Melodi Vincent
Growth Mindset and Self-Confidence in Math, Jacqueline Drew Wehe
Action Research Projects from 2023
Oral-Based Exams: Implications for Special Education and English Learning Students, Stephen Apel
Tapping into Calm and Clarity, Caroline Macarah
Autism Awareness: Improving Understanding and Building Inclusive Playground Engagement, Diana Nickelson
The Impact of Media Literacy Professional Development on Teacher Self-Efficacy and Media Project Implementation, Rachel Roberson
Action Research Projects from 2022
Social Emotional Learning in Middle School: Examining the Second Step Program, Mindee Albanese
Why Assess Everyone the Same Way?, Susan Caguyong
Increasing Student Interest Through the Explicit Teaching about Women and BIPOC Scientists in the Forensic Science Curriculum, Melissa Shaw Luna
Why Won't They Pay Attention? Improving engagement and classroom climate through teaching a conflict resolution program, Leeat Medina
Let Me Check My Notes: Using Interactive Notebooks to Increase Retention of Basic Math Facts, Chelsey K. Miller
Sense of Belonging Through Authentic Caring: Free Up Learning from Prejudgment, Jason Ernest Perenon
Classroom Mic Check: Amplifying Student Voice, Anjelika Ashna Saverio
Mathematical Discussions with Linguistically Diverse Students, Cecily Stevens
Action Research Projects from 2021
Care to Engage: Increasing Engagement Through Authentic Care, Jil Assefa
The Impact of Professional Development on Teacher Learning and Use of Technology in The Classroom, Craig R. Bocks
Co-Teaching Strategies and Student Engagement in a Secondary Math Class, Parisa Salehsari Lindgren
Action Research Projects from 2020
Empowering Teen Mothers as Problem Solvers, Teresa C. Bolla
"Let's Talk About Race!": Unpacking Social Justice in the Classroom, Ashlee Evonc
Let's Talk About It: The Impact of Social Skills in the Classroom, Joshua Garibay
English Learners and Reading Comprehension: Vocabulary Instruction, Lindsay Hunt Jury
Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities in General Education Inclusion Classrooms, Susan McGill
Modeling Growth Mindset: How Parental Involvement Benefits Student Cognitive Development, Stacey Navarro
Fostering Empathy in Middle School Boys: A Path to Peace, Jessica Preciado
Making Meaning with Word Problems, Kaitlyn Giovannoni Solnok
Action Research Projects from 2019
Using Oral Rehearsals to Develop First Grade Writing Proficiencies, Teresa Sanchez