
Submissions from 2019

Newfound Facts, Marilyn Abildskov

What Shade of White, Marilyn Abildskov


Border Immersion Reflection, Zahra Ahmed


Government and Politics - Brazil, Ronald Ahnen

Alba Viotto Visiting Professor, University of Geneva, Manisha Anantharaman

Critical Sustainability: A transformative research agenda, Manisha Anantharaman

Critical Sustainable Consumption: A Community-Engaged Research Agenda, Manisha Anantharaman

The politics of inclusion in sustainability transitions: Counter-stories from Bangalore, India, Manisha Anantharaman

How Do People Practice Green Public Spaces as a Consumption Corridor? Initial conceptual reflections linking satisfiers, to practices, to needs, Manisha Anantharaman and additional author(s)


Who participates in community-based sustainable consumption projects and why does it matter? A constructively critical approach, Manisha Anantharaman and additional author(s)

Everyday Cleanliness in Mysore, India: Materialities, Conventions, Consumption. Healthy Cities: Urbanization, Infrastructures and Everyday Life, additional author(s) and Manisha Anantharaman

Invited essay: “Teaching a Bible that is Relevant: Reflections on Context, Genre, Emphasis, and Missional Formation”, Michael Barram

Panel Discussion of Michael Barram's Missional Economics: Biblical Justice and Christian Formation, Michael Barram

Panelist/Respondent: Review Panel on Michael Barram's "Missional Economics: Biblical Justice and Christian Discipleship", Michael Barram


Review: Collins, Raymond F., "Wealth, Wages, and the Wealthy: New Testament Insight for Preachers and Teachers", Michael Barram


Review: Hinson-Hasty, Elizabeth. "The Problem of Wealth: A Christian Response to a Culture of Affluence", Michael Barram


Review of Reading the Bible Missionally, Michael Barram


Review: Theoharis, Liz. "Always with Us? What Jesus Really Said About the Poor", Michael Barram


Review: Van Gelder, Craig, and Dwight J. Zscheile. "Participating in God’s Mission: A Theological Missiology for the Church in America", Michael Barram

Intrinsic motivation among skateboarders in relation to goal orientation and risk taking behavior, Michael Boyd

Variety of exercise, self-perceptions of fitness, autonomous motivation and sensation seeking behavior, Michael Boyd

Lighting Designer for "Wax Poets", Matthew Cohen

Lighting Designer for "Lipstick Lumberjacks", Matthew Cohen, Shaiunna Vella, and Andrew Merrell

National Endowment for the Humanities, HSI Fellowship 2019, Anna Corwin

Successful Aging or Meaningful Decline: Comparative Approaches at the End of Life, Anna Corwin

Successful Aging or Meaningful Decline: Comparative Approaches at the End of Life, Anna Corwin

Emotion in the Language of Prayer, Anna Corwin and Taylor W. Brown

2019 National Endowment for the Humanities – HSI Fellowship, Anna I. Corwin


Emotion in the Language of Prayer, Anna I. Corwin and Taylor W. Brown

Immigrant Student Summer Leadership Institute Program Implementation, P.I Grant, Loan Dao

Inside Chinatown Photovoice Project, Project Scholar, Loan Dao

Refugeeism, Rightlessness, and the Claims to Human Rights in Southeast Asian Deportation, Loan Dao

Transactivist Viet Nam: An ethnography of reconciliation, P.I Grant, Loan Dao

Transdisciplinary Doctoral Dissertation Training Program Grant, Lead Faculty, UMass Boston, Loan Dao

Vietnamese Americans Today, Loan Dao

We Will Not Be Silent: Undocumented Activists Resist ICE Intimidation, Loan Dao

Davalos Dance Company 25th Anniversary Season: "Borders, Spaces and Brown Eyes", Catherine Davalos

Chicana Daughter, CatherineMarie Davalos

Chicana Daughterhood: Exploring New Meanings Through Performance and Dialogue, CatherineMarie Davalos

Loving the X: a somatic modern dance class, CatherineMarie Davalos

Zellerbach panelist grant to support the research, rehearsal and performance of "Borders, Spaces, and Brown Eyes", CatherineMarie Davalos

Food and Sustainability: Teaching Language in the Garden, Maria Grazia De Angelis Nelson

Italian Journeys: Departures and Arrivals. Teaching the History of Italian Immigration through the tale of two Cities, Maria Grazia De Angelis Nelson

Gifting the Mother: Medieval and Early Modern Childbirth Vessels, Costanza Gislon Dopfel


Holy Mothers and Vanished Nativities: Maternal Art and Female Visual Epic Quattrocento Florence, Costanza Gislon Dopfel


Introduction of "Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Premodern World", Costanza Gislon Dopfel

Maternal Materialities I and II, Costanza Gislon Dopfel


Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Premodern World: European and Middle Eastern Cultures, from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance, Costanza Gislon Dopfel, Alessandra Foscati, and Charles Burnett

Decolonial Love: Salvation in Colonial Modernity, Joseph Drexler-Dreis and additional author(s)


Centering Service to Graduate Writers. Review of Re/Writing the Center: Approaches to Supporting Graduate Students in the Writing Center, Katherine Field-Rothschild

Anonymous Writers and Feminist Rhetorical Tactics in the Workplace, Elisa Findlay


Book Review: Literacy Work in the Reign of Human Capital by Evan Watkins, Elisa Findlay


Madison Writing Assistance Reflects on a Successful Round of Grant Proposals for 2019-2020, Elisa Findlay

Strategic (Dis)Connection: Performing a Multiplicity of Writerly Selves in the Workplace, Elisa Findlay


When Writers Aren't Authors: A Qualitative Study of Unattributed Writers, Elisa Findlay

Unpacking the mystery of the "Singers Formant", Julie Ford

Moving Beyond Eurocentrism, Julie Ford and Kelly Fosdahl Burge

Moving Beyond Eurocentrism: Advancing Voice Science Pedagogy and Assessment to Build A Non-Genre Biased Approach that Encourages Students to 'Find Their Own Voice', Julie Ford and Kelly Fosdahl Burge

Developing an interdisciplinary structure for a Creative Digital Arts minor, major, or certification, building upon current courses in Music, Design/Technical Theatre Arts, Visual Arts, Communication, Technology, and Business, Kelly Fosdahl Burge and Julie Ford

Exploring interdisciplinary Creative Digital Arts educational pathways built upon current offerings in Music, Design/Technical Theatre Arts, Visual Arts, Communication, Technology, and Business, Kelly Fosdahl Burge and Julie Ford

4|4 < VU a project by Werner Thöni, Peter Freund


Acorus Calamus, Peter Freund

Artificial Intelligence, Art, + Nature, Peter Freund

Beyond Word and Image: From Interdisciplinary to Transdisciplinary Poetics, Peter Freund

Conceptual Method, Peter Freund

Digital Images: Truth or Lie?, Peter Freund


Entry #1: 'Flying over the detritus of the GIF' by Eloi Puig (July 2016), Peter Freund


Entry #2: 'Background Silence' by Anna Dot (Sept 2017), Peter Freund


Entry #3: 'What Criticism?' by Martí Peran (Feb 2006), Peter Freund


Entry #4: 'Fail Better' by Sonia Fernández Pan (Nov 2015) and A*Desk’s May 2019 issue on Failure, Peter Freund

Il n’y a pas de rapport sémiotique: tres lecturas discontinuas, Peter Freund


Introduction to Werner Thöni's 4|4 (4BAR4), Peter Freund

Lost Grids, Peter Freund

"Lost Grids" Artist Talk, Peter Freund

Nonreciprocal Aesthetics, Peter Freund


Recto Verso, Peter Freund


Mentoring in Research-Practice Partnerships: Toward Democratizing Expertise, Maria Paula Ghiso, Gerald Campano, Dee Asaah, and Alicia Rusoja

A 'Printing House Divided': Charles Dana, Horace Greeley, and the New York Tribune on Secession and Civil War, Carl Guarneri

Lincoln's Informer: Charles A. Dana and the Inside Story of the Union War, Carl Guarneri


Review of Michael Robertson, The Last Utopians: Four Late Nineteenth-Century Visionaries and their Legacy, Carl Guarneri

The Buddha Mind Speaks to the Anthropological Mind: Mindfulness, Pedagogy, and Knowledge Production, Jennifer Heung


Rallying Over Balloting: The Origins of Millennial Activism, Nolan Higdon

United States of Distraction: Fighting The Fake News Invasion, Nolan Higdon and additional author(s)


Has Media Literacy Been Hijacked?, Nolan Higdon and Ben Boyington


Follow The Youth Left: Dissecting The Corporate News Media’s 'Moderate Electability' Farce, Nolan Higdon and Mickey Huff

Dignity in the United Nations Charter of Human Rights, Charles Hilken

Panel discussion of methodology by co-authors of A Companion to Beneventan Studies, Charles Hilken


Concerning The Meaning Molecule In Poetry, Brenda Hillman


Scandalgate: Weapon of Mass Distraction, Mickey Huff and Nolan Higdon

United States of Distraction Media Manipulation in Post-Truth America (And What We Can Do About It), Mickey Huff and Nolan Higdon


"The Talk", and the one who shall not be named: A case study on racial and gender discourses on NBC's Parenthood, Samantha Joyce and Monica Martinez

Subjective camera, direct address, and audience participation, Samantha Nogueira Joyce and Antonio C. La Postina


Nostalgic Cartography: Performances of Hometown by Pittsburgh’s Squonk Opera and San Francisco’s Magic Bus, Emily Klein


Seductive Movements in Lysistrata and Spike Lee’s Chi-Raq: Activism, Adaptation, and Immersive Theatre in Film, Emily Klein

The New Feminist Absurd: Domestic performances of protest, panic, and white feminist futility, Emily Klein


Introduction: Welcome Home, Emily Klein and additional author(s)


Performing Dream Homes: Theater and the Spatial Politics of the Domestic Sphere, Emily Klein and additional author(s)

Decolonizing the Curriculum, Patrizia Longo


Justice Unbound: Voices of Justice for the 21st Century, Patrizia Longo

Hidden Out in the Open: Spanish Migration to the United States (1875-1930), Phylis Cancilla Martinelli and additional author(s)