

In the work for global equality and social justice, how should “change” be understood? Who determines what must change or be changed? In the efforts to carry out social change, what is the academy’s relationship with the community, society at large, and the broader world? This article parts from these and other key questions and then proposes a model of change that can be used as a lens for examining any project, program, or organization with the aim of creating positive change that is meaningful, sustainable, and holistic. The article provides both an explanation of the underlying interdisciplinary theoretical framework of the model and a graphic representation. The components and overall structure of the model are designed in such a way that they can be modified and adapted to the needs and circumstances in which it is implemented, from academic contexts—curricular, co-curricular, service learning, experiential learning, study abroad, faith-based activities, etc.—to other institutional and organizational spheres beyond the university.
