The SMC Open Access collection includes openly available publications, pre-print and post-print articles, published or unpublished papers, manuscripts, and presentations. The Open Access collection is accessible in compliance with copyright and indexed by major search engines.
See also Open Access at SMC.
Submissions from 2006
SMM-Chemokines: A Class of Unnatural Synthetic Molecules as Chemical Probes of Chemokine Receptor Biology and Leads for Therapeutic Development, James J. Pesavento and additional author(s)
Quantitative Analysis of Modified Proteins and Positional Isomers by Tandem Mass Spectrometry: Human Histone H4, Jim Pesavento and additional author(s)
A deeper look at hyperbolic discounting, Arnav Sheth and Barry Sopher
Gene-Specific Characterization of Human Histone H2B by Electron Capture Dissociation, Nertila Siuti, Jim Pesavento, and additional author(s)
Submissions from 2005
Distinct Functional Sites for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Stromal Cell-Derived Factor 1a on CXCR4 Transmembrane Helical Domains, James J. Pesavento and additional author(s)
Possible observation of phase separation near a quantum phase transition in doubly connected ultrathin superconducting cylinders of Al, Mari-Anne M. Rosario and additional author(s)
Submissions from 2004
Characterization of cyst cell formation in the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum centenum, James E. Berleman and additional author(s)
Hyper-cyst mutants in Rhodospirillum centenum identify regulatory loci in cyst cell differentiation, James E. Berleman and additional author(s)
Phylogenetic investigations of Antarctic notothenioid fishes (Perciformes: Notothenioidei) using complete gene sequences of the mitochondrial encoded 16S rRNA, Thomas J. Near, James J. Pesavento, and Chi-Hing C. Cheng
Shotgun Annotation of Histone Modifications: A New Approach for Streamlined Characterization of Proteins by Top Down Mass Spectrometry, James J. Pesavento and additional author(s)
Submissions from 2003
Charged pion production in 2A to 8AGeV central Au+Au Collisions, Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Comparison of source images for protons, pions, and lambda hyperons in 6A GeV Au + Au, Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Near-Threshold Production of the Multistrange Xi- Hyperon, Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Mitochondrial DNA, morphology, and the phylogenetic relationships of Antarctic icefishes (Notothenioidei: Channichthyidae), Thomas J. Near, James J. Pesavento, and additional author(s)
Submissions from 2002
Bone morphogenetic protein-7 stimulates initial dendritic growth in sympathetic neurons through an intracellular fibroblast growth factor signaling pathway, Vidya Chandrasekaran and additional author(s)
Glia induce dendritic growth in cultures sympathetic neurons by modulating the balance between bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and BMP antagonists, Vidya Chandrasekaran and additional author(s)
Genetic divergence and chimerism within ancient asexually propagated winegrape cultivars, Keith E. Garrison and additional author(s)
Methylglyoxal Enhances Cisplatin-Induced Cytotoxicity By Activating PKCd, Jonathan P. Godbout, James J. Pesavento, and additional author(s)
Cenrality and momentum-selected elliptic flow: Tighter constraints for the nuclear equation of state., Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Longitudinal flow of protons from (2-8)A GeV Central Au + Au collisions., Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Electrical transport properties of quench condensed Bi films at the initial stage of film growth, Mari-Anne M. Rosario and additional author(s)
Functional studies on native and mutated forms of perilipins: A role in protein kinase Amediated lipolysis of triacylglycerols in CHO cells, Rainbow A. Vogt and additional author(s)
The Maximal Abelian Gauge, Monopoles, and Vortices in SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory, Roy J. Wensley and additional author(s)
Conflicts around a study of Mexican crops, Kenneth Worthy, Richard C. Strohman, and Paul R. Billings
Exploring the Stereochemistry of CXCR4-Peptide Recognition and Inhibiting HIV-1 Entry with D-Peptides Derived from Chemokines, Naiming Zhou, James J. Pesavento, and additional author(s)
Submissions from 2001
Directed Flow of Lambda Hyperons in (2 - 6)A GeV Au + Au Collisions., Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Model-independent source imaging using two-pion correlations in (2 to 8)A GeV Au + Au collisions., Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Regular-Uniform Convergence and the Open-Open Topology, Kathryn Porter
Destruction of the global phase coherence in ultrathin, doubly connected superconducting cylinders, Mari-Anne M. Rosario and additional author(s)
Italian Americans: A Retrospective on the 20th Century, Paola Alessandra Sensi-Isolani and Anthony Julian Tamburri
Submissions from 2000
Characterization of four outer membrane proteins involved in binding starch to the cell surface of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, James E. Berleman and additional author(s)
Antiflow of $K0_s$ Mesons in 6A Au~+~Au Collsions, Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Azimuthal dependence of pion interferometry at the AGS., Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Nuclear multifragmentation, percolation, and the Fisher Droplet Model: Common features of reducibility and thermal scaling., Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Sideward Flow in Au + Au Collisions Between 2A GeV and 8A GeV, Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Submissions from 1999
Elliptic Flow: Transition from Out-of-Plane to In-Plane Emission in Au+Au Collisions, Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Affirming Our Commitment to Diversity: The Oakland University Trustee Academic Success Program, Gloria Aquino Sosa and additional author(s)
Submissions from 1998
A Four Nation Study of Entrepreneur/Banker Interaction in Young Growing Firms, Jonathan Levie and Jan P. Warhuus
The Design of the Flavian Amphitheatre, L. Raphael Patton FSC
Magnetic Monopoles as Agents of Chiral Symmetry Breaking in U(1)Lattice Gauge Theory, Roy J. Wensley and additional author(s)
Submissions from 1997
land/slide, Sheila Hassell Hughes
Mattering, Sheila Hassell Hughes
Outward Bound, Sheila Hassell Hughes
The Energy Dependence of Flow in Ni Induced Collisions from 400A to 1970AMeV, Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Hormone regulation of bovine leukemia virus via the long terminal repeat, Gemma Niermann and additional author(s)
Monopoles and the Chiral Transition in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory, Roy J. Wensley
Submissions from 1996
Aging and the segregation of auditory stimulus sequences, Keith Ogawa and additional author(s)
The Regular Open-Open Topology for Function Spaces, Kathryn Porter
Monopoles at Finite Volume and Temperature in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory, Roy J. Wensley and additional author(s)
Submissions from 1995
Fragment Flow in Au + Au Collisions, Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Light Fragment Production and Power Law Behavior in Au + Au Collisions, Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
The case of Putah Creek: Conflicting values complicate stream protection, Michael Marchetti and Peter B. Moyle
Submissions from 1994
Determination of Critical Exponents from the Multifragmentation of Gold Nuclei, Jessica Kintner and additional author(s)
Large Loops of Magnetic Current and Confinement in Four Dimensional Lattice Gauge Theory, Roy J. Wensley and additional author(s)
String Tension from Monopoles in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory, Roy J. Wensley and additional author(s)
Submissions from 1989
De Petrograd a Orenbourg: la critique du développement politique soviétique par Victor Serge, Susan Weissman