The SMC Open Access collection includes openly available publications, pre-print and post-print articles, published or unpublished papers, manuscripts, and presentations. The Open Access collection is accessible in compliance with copyright and indexed by major search engines.
See also Open Access at SMC.
Submissions from 2021
8 Fun Tips for Making Your Resolutions Stick, Michal Strahilevitz
The Consumption of Altruism: How Giving to Charity is Both Different from and Similar to Eating Ice Cream, Michal Strahilevitz
Research on Happiness and Well-Being, Michal Strahilevitz, Ethan Kross, Raj Raghunathan, Zoe Chance, and Aaron Ahuvia
Office supply grab bag, Sarah M. Vital
Submissions from 2020
Fund Code Reduction Project, Swetta Abeyta
Algebra, Marilyn Abildskov
The Chalk Garden, Marilyn Abildskov
Green public spaces in the cities of South and Southeast Asia, Manisha Anantharaman and additional author(s)
Family engagement in a Catholic school: What can urban schools learn?, Rebecca Anguiano, Suzy Thomas, and Rebecca Proehl
Developing Empathetic Leaders through Storytelling: The Global Citizen Story Exercise, Marco Aponte-Moreno
Immigration as a leadership crucible, Marco Aponte-Moreno
Desi Poetry Reading Hits Home, Jyoti Bachani
Humanising management by using the arts, Jyoti Bachani
Using Theory to Develop Healthy Choices in Motion, a Comprehensive, Experiential Physical Activity Curriculum, Jacqueline J. Bergman and additional author(s)
The Politics of Fair Trade Consumption: A U.S. perspective, Caroline Burns and Ameera Ibrahim
Curiosity, wonder, invitation, Luz Casquejo Johnston
Beyond Behavior: Linguistic Evidence of Cultural Variation in Parental Ethnotheories of Children’s Prosocial Helping, Andrew Coppens, Anna I. Corwin, and Lucía Alcalá
Experiencing Presence: An Interactive Model of Perception, Anna I. Corwin and Cordelia Erickson-Davis
Climate-induced shifts in California butterflies, Jessica R. Coyle
Special Issue Editors' Introduction: Voices from the Field: Centering Southeast Asian Americans through Policy, Practice, and Activism, Loan Thi Dao and Peter T. Keo
Intergenerational Literacies: The Racial, Linguistic, and Cultural Resources of Families in Raising Young Children of Color, Tracey T. Flores, Emily Rose Schwab, Wintre Foxworth Johnson, and Alicia Rusoja
‘Without cleanliness we can’t lead the life, no?’ Cleanliness practices, (in)accessible infrastructures, social (im)mobility and (un)sustainable consumption in Mysore, India, Tullia Jack, Manisha Anantharaman, and Alison L. Browne
2020 California Ballot Measure Pro/Con, Jason Jakaitis
Denisse is Making Lasagna, Jason Jakaitis
Smaller drawdowns, higher average and risk-adjusted returns for equity portfolios, using options and power-log optimization based on a behavioral model of investor preferences, Jivendra K. Kale and Tee Lim
Saint Mary's College of California: Trust and Tradition on a Tight-knit Campus, Gina Kessler Lee and Conrad M. Woxland
Too Much of a Good Thing: The Tipping Point of Employee Voice, Nancy L. Lam and Arnav Sheth
Exploring eWOM Volume and Valence on Reputation: A One Year Study Of 75 Global Brands On Twitter, Kimberly Legocki and Kristen Walker
Sound and Fury: Digital Vigilantism as a Form of Consumer Voice, Kimberly Legocki, Kristen Walker, and Tina Kiesler
Personal and Collective Memory in the Works of Svetlana Alexievich, Helga Lenart-Cheng
Last Days of the Wind, Felicia Martinez
The Giver: Interview With Lois Lowry, Felicia Martinez
Trajectories of co-occurring psychopathology symptoms in autism from late childhood to adulthood, James B. McCauley, Rebecca Elias, and Catherine Lord
Defining Positive Outcomes in More and Less Cognitively Able Autistic Adults, James McCauley, Andrew Pickles, Marisela Huerta, and Catherine Lord
Foreign Domestic, Rashaan Meneses
The Distance of Now, Rashaan Meneses
The Spark: History and the Filipinx Imagination, Rashaan Meneses, Veronica Montes, and Marianne Villanueva
From Chansons Innocents for soprano solo, treble voices and organ, Helena Michelson
Rendezvous with Bloody Mary, Helena Michelson
What Two Imaginary Cats Tell Us About Who We Are (and How We’re Different), Marie Mutsuki Mockett
Race, Imposter Thoughts, and Healing: A Black Man's Journey in Self-Discovery While Working at a PWI, Calvin Monroe
Soundtracks of Sisterhood: Historicizing the Women's Music Movement, Bonnie Morris
LIFTing UP literacy: Urban teachers and university coaches collaborate to ensure literacy proficiency for students, Mary Kay Moskal, Kathy Perez, Mary Dierking, and Meredith Morgan
Reimagining schools with special guests Drs. Raina León and Mary Raygoza, Aaminah Norris, Raina León, and Mary Raygoza
This is your home now: on Juli Delgado Lopera’s ‘Fiebre Tropical’, Florencia Orlandoni
Hawaii as a microcosm: advancing the science and practice of managing introduced and invasive species, Liba Pejchar, Christopher A. Lepcyzk, Jean Fantle-Lepczyk, Steven C. Hess, Tracy M. Johnson, Christina R. Leopold, Michael Marchetti, Katherine M. McClure, and Aaron B. Shiels
The adult outcome of children referred for autism: typology and prediction from childhood, Andrew Pickles, James B. McCauley, Lauren A. Pepa, Marisela Huerta, and Catherine Lord
We are the leaders we’ve been waiting for: Women & leadership development in college, Jennifer Pigza and additional author(s)
Women and Leadership: Part 2, Episode 74, Jennifer Pigza and additional author(s)
Women and Leadership: Part 3, Episode 75, Jennifer Pigza and additional author(s)
Coping with School Closures as Student Teachers: Self-Compassion, Surrender, and Action, Mary Raygoza
COVID-19, Exponential Growth, and the Power of Showing Up in Social Solidarity: The Math Behind the Virus, Mary Raygoza
Social justice in teacher education: It’s not just a course, Mary C. Raygoza, Raina León, Chris Junsay, Aaminah Norris, Gemma Niermann, and additional author(s)
Racism is pandemic as well, Mary C. Raygoza, Aaminah Norris, and Raina León
Humanizing Online Meetings, Mary Raygoza, Raina J. León, Aaminah Norris, Chris Junsay, and Cliff Lee
Humanizing Online Teaching, Mary Raygoza, Raina León, and Aaminah Norris
Humanizing online teaching, Mary Raygoza, Raina León, and Aaminah Norris
Beyond skills: Asking critical questions about educational technology, Molly June Roquet
Untold Stories, Unsung Heroes: Using Visual Narratives to Resist Historical Exclusion, Exoticization, and Gentrification in Boston Chinatown, Carolyn Rubin, Loan Thi Dao, Izabella Villanueva, and Cynthia Woo
Review of "Principles of Sociological Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods", Alicia Rusoja
Recovery after Earthquakes: Managua, la ciudad zombie, Myrna Santiago
The highly variable time evolution of star-forming cores identified with dendrograms, Rachel A. Smullen, Kaitlin M. Kratter, Stella S.R. Offner, Aaron T. Lee, and Hope How-Huan Chen
Teaching across time and space: A collaborative self-study of teacher educator identity and critical practices, Tamara Spencer and additional author(s)
Why shopping and giving to charity are the perfect match, Michal Strahilevitz
Saving the Earth one diaper at a time: How Diapers became a social media success story, Michal Strahilevitz, Jason Graham-Nye, and Rowan Parkinson
The Power Of Emotion In Adult Learning: Perspectives From Affective Neuroscience And Post-Jungian Psychology, Kathleen Taylor and additional author(s)
A simulation study of the use of temporal occupancy for identifying core and transient species, Sara Snell Taylor, Jessica R. Coyle, Ethan P. White, and Allen H. Hurlbert
Fostering the whole child: A guide to school-based mental health professionals, Suzy Thomas and additional author(s)
Informal Work and Sustainable Cities: From Formalization to Reparation, Jennifer L. Tucker and Manisha Anantharaman
Racist Neoliberal Response to Hurricane Katrina Foreshadowed Response to COVID, Michael Viola
A conversation on ‘Filipinx’ and its vicissitudes, Michael Viola and additional author(s)
Behind Lebanon’s Catastrophe - Suzi Weissman interviews Gilbert Achcar, Susan Weissman
Science, Politics and the Pandemic - Suzi Weissman interviews Dr. Irv Weissman, Susan Weissman
Susan Weissman responds to Steven Smith’s letter to the LRB, Susan Weissman
Quick and facile preparation of histone proteins from the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and other photosynthetic organisms, Amanda L. Wong, Nicholas N. Totah, Anthony T. Iavarone, and James J. Pesavento
From Digital Commons to Scholar Profiles: Implementing a New System to Raise College Academic Distinction, Elise Y. Wong
Submissions from 2019
Open Access: Opportunities for Saint Mary’s College of California, Swetta Abeyta, Betty Bell-Amarant, Gina Kessler Lee, Shannon Meaney-Ryer, Josh Rose, and Elise Y. Wong
Open Educational Resources: Opportunities for Saint Mary’s College of California, Swetta Abeyta, Betty Bell-Amarant, Gina Kessler Lee, Shannon Meaney-Ryer, Josh Rose, and Elise Y. Wong
Who participates in community-based sustainable consumption projects and why does it matter? A constructively critical approach, Manisha Anantharaman and additional author(s)
Data demonstrating distinct embryonic developmental defects induced by bisphenol a alternatives, Ashley L. Arancio, Emry R. Cohenour, Kyla D. Cole, Anyssa R. Dominguez, Julia Kadie, William Cooper Maloney, Chane Cilliers, and Sonya M. Schuh
Serving English language learners in the Florida State Plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act, Alta Joy Broughton, Xigrid Soto, and Ashley White
Noncommutative Knorrer Periodicity and Noncommutative Kleinian Singularities, Andrew Conner, Ellen Kirkman, Moore W. Frank, and Chelsea Walton
Freudian typos, rhetorical parapraxis, and the psychopathology of digital life. enculturation, Jake Cowan
Using Language Pathways to Foster Language Awareness and Educational Equity, Stephanie D'costa and additional author(s)
Book Review: Literacy Work in the Reign of Human Capital by Evan Watkins, Elisa Findlay
When Writers Aren't Authors: A Qualitative Study of Unattributed Writers, Elisa Findlay
Beyond four forces: The evolution of psychotherapy, Colette Fleuridas and Drew Krafcik
Setting up an undergraduate immunology lab: Resources and examples, Keith E. Garrison and Melanie R. Gubbels Bupp
"Check Yourself": Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teachers of Students With Challenging Behaviors, Todd Haydon, Peter Alter, Renee Hawkins, and Connie Kendall Theado
Has Media Literacy Been Hijacked?, Nolan Higdon and Ben Boyington
Follow The Youth Left: Dissecting The Corporate News Media’s 'Moderate Electability' Farce, Nolan Higdon and Mickey Huff
Concerning The Meaning Molecule In Poetry, Brenda Hillman
Scandalgate: Weapon of Mass Distraction, Mickey Huff and Nolan Higdon
Unusual Metabolism and Hypervariation in the Genome of a Gracilibacterium (BD1-5) from an Oil-Degrading Community, Ping Hu and additional author(s)
"The Talk", and the one who shall not be named: A case study on racial and gender discourses on NBC's Parenthood, Samantha Joyce and Monica Martinez
Reversing the negative skewness of value portfolios with power-log optimization and options, produces smaller drawdowns and higher risk-adjusted returns, Jivendra K. Kale and Tee Lim
WID course enhancements in STEM: The impact of adding ‘writing circles’ and writing process pedagogy, Tereza Joy Kramer, Joseph Zeccardi, Rebecca Concepcion, Chi-An Emhoff, Steve Miller, and Krista Varela Posell
Correction to: Schoolin’ Black Girls: Politicized Caring and Healing as Pedagogical Love, Monique Lane and additional author(s)
The Formation and Evolution of Wide-orbit Stellar Multiples In Magnetized Clouds, Aaron Lee, Stella S. R. Offner, Kaitlin M. Kratter, Rachel A. Smullen, and Pak Shing Li
An Historical Guide to the Campus: Saint Mary's College, L. Raphael Patton FSC