The SMC Open Access collection includes openly available publications, pre-print and post-print articles, published or unpublished papers, manuscripts, and presentations. The Open Access collection is accessible in compliance with copyright and indexed by major search engines.
See also Open Access at SMC.
Submissions from 2019
Quantitative civic literacy, Mary Candace Raygoza
‘Can you help me count these pennies?’: Surfacing preschoolers’ partial understandings of counting, Mary Candace Raygoza and additional author(s)
A critical approach to information and digital literacy instruction, Molly June Roquet
You’re So Smug, I’ll Bet You Don’t Care This Post is About You, Grant J. Rozeboom
Beauty, Embodiment, and Stewardship: Theological Libraries and Theological Ecology, David Edward Schmersal, David Kriegh, Sandy Shapoval, and Alex Strohschein
Links between age at menarche, antral follicle count and body mass index in African American and European American women, Sonya M. Schuh, Julia Kadie, and additional author(s)
Organizational Readiness in the Operations Management and Information Systems Disciplines: Concept Review and a Crisp Set Comparative Analysis, Nasser Shahrasbi and Mina Rohani
Twenty Questions About Design Behavior for Sustainability, Michal Strahilevitz and additional author(s)
Effect of Weather on Cryptocurrency Index: Evidences From Coinbase Index, Sankaran Venkateswar and additional author(s)
Trotsky y Victor Serge: La oposición de izquierda, dividida, Susan Weissman
Submissions from 2018
How many human proteoforms are there?, Ruedi Aebersold, James J. Pesavento, Bing Zhang, and additional author(s)
Critical Sustainable Consumption: A Research Agenda, Manisha Anantharaman
Post 2015 strategies to improve business models in corporate Turkey, Norman Bedford and Berna Aksu
Doxxing to Deter: Citizen Activism on Social Media, Taylor Carriere, Kristen Walker, and Kimberly Legocki
Opportunities and challenges for using the zebrafish to study neuronal connectivity as an endpoint of developmental neurotoxicity, Vidya Chandrasekaran and additional author(s)
Regulation of Dendritogenesis in Sympathetic Neurons, Autonomic Nervous System, Vidya Chandrasekaran and Pamela J. Lein
The Koszul property for graded twisted tensor products, Andrew Conner and additional author(s)
Overcoming Elder speak: A Qualitative Study of Three Alternatives, Anna Corwin
Autobituary: the Life and/as Death of David Bowie & the Specters from Mourning, Jake Cowan
Central Coast growers' trust in water quality regulatory process needs rebuilding, Ann Drevno
Asian American Studies and the Fight for Worker Justice, Kim Geron, Loan Dao, Kent Wong, and Tracy Lai
The promise of free college (and its potential pitfalls), Douglas N. Harris, Raquel Farmer-Hinton, Debbie Kim, John B. Diamond, Tangela Blakely Reavis, Kelly Krupa Rifelj, and Bradley R. Carl
Attenuating Sulfidogenesis in a Soured Continuous Flow Column System with Perchlorate Treatment, Ping Hu and additional author(s)
Exploring Biogeochemistry and Microbial Diversity of Extant Microbialites in Mexico and Cuba, Ping Hu and additional author(s)
Representation of domestic violence in Brazilian serialized productions, Samantha Nogueira Joyce and additional author(s)
Maximum Hours, Minimal Staff: What Is a Small Library to Do?, David Kriegh, Derek Rieckens, and Stephen Sweeney
"I Will Give You Shepherds" : Student Formation, Research Literacy, and Accreditation Standards., David Kriegh, Stephen Sweeney, and Jennifer Bartholomew
Citizen Activism: Anger and Persistence in #Charlottesville, Kimberly Legocki, Kristen Walker, and Taylor Carriere
Keeping up With Design Thinking, Ryne Leuzinger, Gina Kessler Lee, and Irene Korber
Misconceptions amongst dental students: How can they be identified?, Samuel L. Lind and additional author(s)
Rhetoric and Authority in a Polarized Transition: The Development of China’s Stock Market, Yuan Li, Sandy E. Green, and Paul M. Hirsch
How does firm life cycle affect board structure? Evidence from China’s listed privately-owned enterprises, Yunhe Li and Xiaotian Tina Zhang
Optimal resource states for local state discrimination, Michael Nathanson and additional author(s)
Orbitofrontal lesion alters brain dynamics of emotion-attention and emotion-cognitive control interaction in humans, Keith Ogawa and additional author(s)
Leadership Coaching 2.0: Improving the Marriage between Leadership and Coaching, Ken Otter
Collegiate Seminar at 75: a collection of papers from the 75th Anniversary Symposium, Saint Mary's College of California and Julie Park
Does Math Help with Addition?, Ellen Veomett
The Efficiency Gap, Voter Turnout, and the Efficiency Principle, Ellen Veomett
Submissions from 2017
Leftist Politics and the Limits of Microcredit in Argentina, Ron Ahnen
Elite and Ethical: The Defensive Distinctions of Middle-Class Bicycling in Bangalore, India, Manisha Anantharaman
Augmented generalized happy functions, Kristen Beck and additional author(s)
Aligning Stakeholder Frames for Transition Management in Solid Waste: The Case Study of Bangalore, India, Nivedita Biyani and Manisha Anantharaman
Deploying a Quantum Annealing Processor to Detect Tree Cover in Aerial Imagery of California, Edward Boyda, Saikat Basu, Sangram Ganguly, Andrew Michaelis, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, and Ramakrishna R. Nemani
Unbearable Poverties and the Future of Liberation Theology, Joseph Drexler-Dreis and additional author(s)
Final conversations: Overview and practical implications for patients, families, and healthcare workers, Mark A. Generous and Maureen P. Keeley
Disorganized Attachment in Infancy: A Review of the Phenomenon and Its Implications for Clinicians and Policy-Makers, Pehr Granqvist, L. Alan Sroufe, Mary Dozier, Erik Hesse, Miriam Steele, Marinus Van Ljzendoorn, Judith Solomon, Carlo Schuengel, Pasco Fearon, Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg, Howard Steele, Jude Cassidy, Elizabeth Carlson, Sheri Madigan, Deborah Jacobvitz, Sarah Foster, Kazuko Behrens, Anne Rifkin-Graboi, Naomi Gribneau, Gottfried Spangler, Mary Ward, Mary True, Susan Spieker, Sophie Reijman, Samantha Reisz, Anne Tharner, Frances Nkara, Ruth Goldwyn, June Sroufe, David Pederson, Deanne Pederson, Robert Weigand, Daniel Siegel, Nino Dazzi, Kristin Bernard, Peter Fonagy, Everett Waters, Sheree Toth, Dante Cicchetti, Charles Zeanah, Karlen Lyons-Ruth, Mary Main, and Robbie Dischinsky
Dating_MissRepresentation.Com: Black Women’s Lived Love-Hate Relationship With Online Dating, James Johnson
Characterization of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Core Histones by Top-Down Mass Spectrometry Reveals Unique Algae-Specific Variants and Post-Translational Modifications, Aliyya Khan, Carlo Eikani, Hana Khan, Anthony Iavarone, and James Pesavento
Operator Structures and Quantum One-Way LOCC Conditions, David Kribs, Comfort Mintah, Michael Nathanson, and Rajesh Pereira
Clarifying the Chaos of a Social Media Crisis: The Case of #DeleteUber, Kimberly Legocki and Kristen Walker
#DeleteUber: Hashtag Crises and Chaos, Kimberly Legocki and Kristen Walker
Drosophila Muller F Elements Maintain a Distinct Set of Genomic Properties Over 40 Million Years of Evolution, Wilson Leung, Vidya Chandrasekaran, Christopher Beck, Kristen R. Hatfield, Douglas A. Herrick, Christopher B. Khoury, Charlotte Lea, Christopher A. Louie, Shannon M. Lowell, Thomas J. Reynolds, Jeanine Schibler, Alexandra H. Scoma, Maxwell T. Smith-Gee, and Sarah Tuberty
Fostering Nascent Recognition for Human Rights Within ESG, Kevin McGarry
The Kehrleins, L. Raphael Patton FSC
De Marillac academy: Perseverance, purpose, and promise, Rebecca Proehl, Lisa Ayon, Desiree Braganza, and Gloria Sosa
Teaching about economic inequality in United States secondary mathematics classrooms, Mary Candace Raygoza
FRAMING MANDELA: An (Inter)National Comparative News Analysis of the Iconic Leader’s Death, Tiana Cantrell Rosas-Moreno and Samantha Nogueira Joyce
"Lifestyle Leapfrogging" in Emerging Economies: Enabling Systemic Shifts to Sustainable Consumption, Patrick Schroeder and Manisha Anantharaman
PlumX: A tool to showcase academic profile and distinction, Elise Y. Wong and Sarah M. Vital
Submissions from 2016
Entanglement as a Resource for Local State Discrimination in Multipartite Systems, Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay, Saronath Halder, and Michael Nathanson
Exopolysaccharide Microchannels Direct Bacterial Motility and Organize Multicellular Behavior, James E. Berleman, Marcin Zemla, Jonathan P. Remis, Hong Liu, Annie E. Davis, Alexandra N. Worth, Zachary West, Angela Zhang, Hanwool Park, Elena Bosneaga, Brandon van Leer, Wenting Tsai, David R. Zusman, and Manfred Auer
Air Quality at Devils Postpile National Monument, Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, USA, Joel Burley, Andrzej Bytnerowicz, Monica Buhler, Barbara Zielinska, Donald Schweizer, Ricardo Cisneros, Susan Schilling, Jennifer Chapman Varela, Mark McDaniel, Michelle Horn, and Deanna Dulen
Periodic Free Resolutions from Twisted Matrix Factorizations, Thomas Cassidy, Andrew Conner, Ellen Kirkman, and W. Frank Moor
Governing water quality in California’s Central Coast: The case of the conditional agricultural waiver, Ann Drevno
Mobile exercising and tweeting the pounds away: The use of digital applications and microblogging and their association with disordered eating and compulsive exercise, Veronica Hefner and additional author(s)
Predicting Invasiveness of Species in Trade: Climate Match, Trophic Guild and Fecundity Influence Establishment and Impact of Non-Native Freshwater Fishes, Jennifer G. Howeth, Crysta A. Gantz, Paul L. Angermeier, Emmanuel A. Frimpong, Michael H. Hoff, Reuben P. Keller, Nicholas E. Mandrak, Michael Marchetti, Julian D. Olden, Christina M. Romagosa, and David M. Lodge
Geographic Variation in Gorilla Limb Bones, Rebecca Jabbour and Tessa L. Pearman
BRICS and Mediated Narratives: The Proximity Between Brazilian News and Telenovelas, Samantha Joyce and Monica Martinez
The Predatory Life Cycle of Myxococcus xanthus, Ryan Keane and James E. Berleman
Consumer Anger and Brand Reputation, Kimberly Legocki and Kristen Walker
This is OUTRAGEOUS!: Understanding Consumer Anger and Brand Reputation on Social Media, Kimberly Legocki and Kristen Walker
Paul Ricoeur and the 'Particular' Case of Autobiography, Helga Lenart-Cheng
Critical Race Theory and the Cultivation, Mentorship and Retention of Black Women Faculty, Raina León and Norma D. Thomas
Studying the Snow Leopard: Reconceptualizing Conservation Across the China-India Border, Michael Lewis and Elena Songster
Religious Pluralism at the Crossroads, Barbara A. McGraw
The Great Chain of Being: Manifesto on the Problem of Agency in Science Communication, Carolyn R. Miller, Lynda Walsh, James Wynn, Ashley Rose Kelly, Kenneth C. Walker, William J. White, Emily Winderman, and Bonnie Tucker
Evaluating and Implementing Open-Source Research Guides Powered by SubjectsPlus, Gabriel Ortiz and David Kriegh
The Olivers, L. Raphael Patton FSC
Assessment in Action Program: Four Perspectives in its Value to Librarians, Institutions and Students, Sharon Radcliff, Gina Kessler Lee, Sara Davidson Squibb, and Stephanie Alexander
Striving toward transformational resistance: Youth participatory action research in the mathematics classroom, Mary Candace Raygoza
Singlet Glycine Riboswitches Bind Ligand as Well as Tandem Riboswitches, Karen M. Ruff, Ayesha Muhammad, Phillip J. McCown, Ronald R. Breaker, and Scott A. Strobel
Human Brain Reacts to Transcranial Extraocular Light, Lihua Sun, Jari Peräkylä, Anselmi Kovalainen, Keith Ogawa, Pekka J. Karhunen, and Kaisa M. Hartikainen
W.E.B. Du Bois and Filipino/a American exposure programs to the Philippines: race class analysis in an epoch of ‘global apartheid’, Michael Joseph Viola
Submissions from 2015
Home activities of Mexican American Children: Structuring Early Socialization and Cognitive Engagement, Rebecca Anguiano and additional author(s)
Reevaluating αE-catenin monomer and homodimer functions by characterizing E-cadherin/αE-catenin chimeras, Julie M. Bianchini, Khameeka N. Kitt, Martijn Gloerich, Sabine Pokutta, and William I. Weis
The Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative (NVROI): Insights to understanding air pollution in complex terrain, Mae Sexauer Gustin, Rebekka Fine, Matthieu Miller, Dan Jaffe, and Joel Burley
On Coloring Box Graphs, Emilie Hogan, Joseph O’Rourke, Cindy Traub, and Ellen Veomett
Stakeholder Perception of the Ethics of an Industry: The Case of Organic Food in South India, Jubin Jacob-John and Navin Veerapa
Online Courtship: Interpersonal Interactions Across Borders, James Johnson
Downside Loss Aversion and Portfolio Growth, Jivendra Kale and Arnav Sheth
Typology of Employee-Oriented Voice: An Exploration of Voice Content, Nancy Lam
Review of "Alexander Lenard: Stories of Rome", Helga Lenart-Cheng
Food justice and sustainability: a new revolution, Patrizia Longo
Issues and Challenges in the Establishment of Continuous Improvement in Vietnam, Phoung Anh Nguyen
Cdc45 (cell division cycle protein 45) guards the gate of the Eukaryote Replisome helicase stabilizing leading strand engagement, James J. Pesavento and additional author(s)
Catalyst Schools: The Catholic Ethos and Public Charter Schools, Rebecca Proehl, Heather Starnes, and Shirley Everett
Black Lives Matter=All Lives Matter, Myrna Santiago
Whiteness Attacked, Whiteness Defended: White South African Rhetorics of Race in JULUKA Newsletter, Scott Schönfeldt-Aultman
Long-Term Services Requiring Customer Participation and Compliance, Frances Turner, Mark Hager, and Stephanie Dellande