Submissions from 2003
Between Text and Sermon: Romans 12:9-21, Michael Barram
Toward a Missiological Hermeneutic: The Bible and Mission in Current and Future Discussion, Michael Barram
Rule Breaking, Gender Making, and Life Taking in Sarduy's Colibrí, David W. Bird
Fighting the Culture of Poverty: Contradictions in Adolescent Cinema, Robert Bulman
Hollywood Goes to High School: Cinema, Schools, and American Culture, Robert Bulman
Alumni -Faculty Grant, Costanza Gislon Dopfel
Isotta's Book and Sigismondo's Temple: A Renaissance Love Story as Political Statement, Costanza Gislon Dopfel
Multiple Models of Atonement in Athanasius' "De Incarnatione", Alexis Doval
The Place of the Demonic in Contemporary Theodicy: A Critique of Arthur McGill's Suffering: A Test of the Theological Method, Alexis Doval
Engaging Students as Advocates for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Jose Alfonso Feito
Mapping the Academic Seminar: A Research Agenda for Liberal Education, Jose Alfonso Feito
Drunkards & Fornicators on Meetinghouse Hill: Gender, Religion and Identity in an Early New England Town., Monica Fitzgerald
Gathering Around the Word: The Biblical Roots of Conciliarism in Jean Gerson, David Zachariah Flanagin
Gerson, Conciliarism, and the Bible, David Zachariah Flanagin
Ecofeminism, David Gentry-Akin
Clothing Firms Try on Teen Fiction, Rosemary Graham
My Not-So-Terrible Time at the Hippie Hotel, Rosemary Graham
William Gilbert Award - American Historical Association, Carl Guarneri
The Death, Burial, and Election of the Popes, Charles Hilken
The Survival and Permanence of the Subdiaconate in the Middle Ages, Charles Hilken
Race, Childhood Family Structure and Educational Attainment, Ynez Wilson Hirst
Race, Childhood Family Structure and Education: Changes Over Time, Ynez Wilson Hirst
Theories about Families, Organizations, and Social Supports, Ynez Wilson Hirst and additional author(s)
Janice Garrett & Dancers (Julie Morgan Theater, Berkeley CA), Dana Lee Lawton
Rebecca Salzer Dance Theater, Dana Lee Lawton
Top 24 Couples, UK Championships, Olga Lazebnaya
Restoring Women to History Through Historic Preservation, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo
Through Biographical Filters: Women, Religion, and the Civil Rights Movement, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo
Autobiography As Advertisement: Why Do Gertrude Stein's Sentences Get Under Our Skin, Helga Lenart-Cheng
French in Action: Visual Tourism and the Object of Language Acquisition, Dan Leopard
Dean Thomas Earl Brown Faculty Award, Patrizia Longo
Italian Feminism: Past, Present, and Future, Patrizia Longo
Oxford Round Table on women’s rights and gender discrimination in education and the workplace, Patrizia Longo
“A Gentle and No Jew": Jewishness and Unstable Representation in the Early Modern Period, Hilda H. Ma
America’s Sacred Ground and the Marketplace: Religious and Moral Roots of Economic Freedom, Barbara McGraw
America's Sacred Ground: The Founding Fathers' Religious Reasons for Separation of Church and State, Barbara McGraw
Ethics Beyond Humanism: Implications of America’s Sacred Ground for Codes of Ethics, Barbara McGraw
Rediscovering America’s Sacred Ground: Public Religion and Pursuit of the Good in a Pluralistic America, Barbara A. McGraw
Memories of a Catholic Girlhood: Autobiography and the Burdens of Heritage, Elise Miller
Transforming the 'Natural' Body: Rituals of Discipline and Pain in the Nineteenth Century Georgetown Visitation Convent, Marie Pagliarini
Curiosity as Origin of Narrative, Gabriel Pihas
Dante and the Modern Novel, Gabriel Pihas
Dante's Ulysses: Stoic and Scholastic Models of the Literary Reader's Curiosity and Inferno 26, Gabriel Pihas
Introduction to the Nicomachean Ethics, Gabriel Pihas
Nef Fellowship - University of Chicago, Gabriel Pihas
Outstanding Dissertation Award, Finalist-Honorable Mention - American Anthropological Association, David Alberto Quijada
Fridericus Films in Weimar Society: Potsdamismus in a Democracy, Katherine S. Roper
Italian Radicals and Union Activists in San Francisco: 1900-1920, Paola A. Sensi-Isolani
Cultivating the Nation in Fujian’s Forests: Forest Policies and Afforestation Efforts in China, 1911-1937, Elena Songster
Top 24 Couples, UK Championships, Dima Sukachov
Modelos: An Integrated Approach for Proficiency in Spanish, Frances M. Sweeney and additional author(s)
Monstress, Lysley Tenorio
East, West, and World Theatre, Steve Tillis
Passion Plays in Rural Pennsylvania: The Voice of the People, Steve Tillis
Alexander Buchman's Revolutionary Life, Susan Weissman
Crisis and War, Susan Weissman
El mundo de Víctor Serge y el nuestro, Susan Weissman
Victor Serge and Socialism, Susan Weissman
Women's Studies Alumni Faculty Excellence Award, Denise Witzig
Professor of the Year, Stephen Woolpert
The Contributions of Scholarship to Teaching at a Small, Catholic, Liberal Arts College, Stephen Woolpert
The Dialectics of Political Emancipation and Spiritual Enlightenment: The Political Praxis of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Stephen Woolpert
James Merrill Writer in Residence, Matthew Zapruder
Submissions from 2002
Spies in the Vatican, David J. Alvarez
Paul's 'Missionary Intentionality' in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, Michael Barram
Teachers in the 'Hood: Hollywood's Middle-Class Fantasy, Robert C. Bulman
College Nomination - National Endowment for the Humanities, Costanza Gislon Dopfel
The Duties of a Christian to God, Alexis Doval
Toward a Unified Doctrine of the Atonement, Alexis Doval
Assessing Learning in Seminar-style Classes, Jose Alfonso Feito
Comparisons between the U.S. Carnegie Scholar’s Program and the UK National Teaching Fellows Program, Jose Alfonso Feito
Developing Projects in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Jose Alfonso Feito
Emergent Themes of Community in a Greek Thought & Literature Class, Jose Alfonso Feito
Exploring intellectual community: Reflections on the evolution of a seminar, Jose Alfonso Feito
Exploring Intellectual Community: Student Reflections upon their Learning in a Seminar Class, Jose Alfonso Feito
Fostering Intellectual Community: Group Learning Processes in traditional 'Great Books Seminars'., Jose Alfonso Feito
Reflections on the seminar experience, Jose Alfonso Feito
Puritan Duty and the Pious Soul: Sin, Confession and the Gendering of Religion in the Seventeenth Century., Monica Fitzgerald
‘Eye to eye’: Using Women's Literature as Lenses for Feminist Theology, Sheila Hassell Hughes
Review of "Betrayal and Other Acts of Subversion: Feminism, Sexual Politics, Asian American Women’s Literature", Sheila Hassell Hughes
Review of "Women and the Word: Contemporary Women Novelists and the Bible", Sheila Hassell Hughes
Self-Reflexivity in Iranian Cinema: Local Narrative Practices, Hossein Khosrowjah
Eid al-Fitr, Kerry Krouse
Review of "Race, Sport and British Society", Deane A. Lamont
Under Californian Skies: Pierre de Coubertin’s Visit to the San Francisco Bay Area, 1893, Deane A. Lamont
Janice Garrett & Dancers (Cowell Theater, San Francisco CA), Dana Lee Lawton
Janice Garrett & Dancers (Grand Theater, Los Angeles CA), Dana Lee Lawton
Janice Garrett & Dancers (ODC Theater, San Francisco CA), Dana Lee Lawton
US National Professional Latin-American Top Couple of the Year, Olga Lazebnaya
Four Migrant Stories: African American Women in Wartime California., Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo
Award for Excellence in Teaching, Dan Leopard
The Cassandra of Post-Cinema: A Review of Paul Virilio’s The Information Bomb, Dan Leopard
Is a Kinder, Peaceful World Possible?, Patrizia Longo
The Globalization of Care: Kant’s Cosmopolitanism and Filipina Migrant Domestic Workers, Patrizia Longo and additional author(s)
Rolle Playing: "And the Word Became Flesh", Lisa Manter
The Medieval Mae West?: Chaucer's Wife of Bath as Female Camp, Lisa Manter
Comparing the Status of Latins in a 'Mexican camp' to a 'white man's' camp: Mexicans and Euro Latins in the Arizona Copper Industry: 1900-1930, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli
Religion, Pluralism, and American Identity in the Wake of September 11th, Barbara McGraw
Andean entrepreneurs : Otavalo merchants and musicians in the global arena, Lynn A. Meisch
Transnational Literature in the Americas, Molly Metherd