School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 1999

Summerfest / Dance, Dana Lawton

Ballroom competitions Good Live TV, Olga Lazebnaya

Ballroom Dance Championships series with Sandy Duncan and Ron Montes, Olga Lazebnaya

Rising Star Finalist, UK Championships, Olga Lazebnaya

The Learning Channel, Olga Lazebnaya

Top 24 Couples, UK Championships, Olga Lazebnaya

Seeking El Dorado: African Americans in California, 1799-1999, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Jeans, Miniskirts, and Parity: Redefining Citizenship for the New Millennium, Patrizia Longo

Sexual Difference and Parity: The Italian Case, Patrizia Longo

Social Citizenship and Parity in Italy, Patrizia Longo

Imitatio Ricardi: The Transformation of the Word in Richard Rolle's Meditations on the Passion, Lisa Manter

The Education of Mike Tyson, Elise Miller


The Pure American Woman and the Wicked Catholic Priest: An Analysis of Anti-Catholic Literature in Antebellum America, Marie Pagliarini

Idolatry and Medieval Italian Lyric, Gabriel Pihas

Was Ulysses a Philosopher?, Gabriel Pihas

First prize, Chicago Ensemble Competition, Martin Rokeach

Confronting the Past: Lessons and Legacies, Katherine Roper

I Figurinai della Lucchesia: Artigiani ed Emigranti, Paola Sensi-Isolani

In Search of New Identities and Social Policies: Europe, Multiculturalisms and Globalization: The Italian Example, Paola Sensi-Isolani

The Italians, Paola A. Sensi-Isolani

Ballroom competitions, Dima Sukachov

Ballroom Dance Championships series with Sandy Duncan and Ron Montes, Dima Sukachov

Rising Star Finalist, UK Championships, Dima Sukachov

The Learning Channel, Dima Sukachov

Top 24 Couples, UK Championships, Dima Sukachov

Escribir por modelos: Teaching Writing from a New Perspective., Frances Sweeney

Why Teach Art?., Frances Sweeney

Beyond Linear, Beyond Literature: Culture, Art, and Language, Frances M. Sweeney

Rethinking Folk Drama, Steve Tillis


The Art of Puppetry in the Age of Media Production, Steve Tillis

Alabama Rain (play), Edward Tywoniak

Extended Education 19th Anniversary Video, Edward Tywoniak

Lasallian Heritage, Video., Edward Tywoniak

Our Town (play), Edward Tywoniak

The Spirituality of the Educator, Edward Tywoniak

From Sovietology to Post-Soviet Studies: Another Failed Transition, Susan Weissman

Guerra Sucia en Chechenia, Susan Weissman

Movers and Shakers Award for Journalism, Susan Weissman

NATO, Kosova, and the International Left, Susan Weissman

Restructuring and its Results: Wage Warriors, Students, and Repression, Susan Weissman

Russia's Current Crisis: It's Worse than World War II, Susan Weissman

The Role of the Purges and Terror in the Formation of the USSR, Susan Weissman

Victor Serge at the Crossroads of the Fourth International, Susan Weissman

The Writer's Wardrobe: Wharton Cross-Dressed., Denise Witzig

Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Germany, Stephen Woolpert

Outstanding Book of 1999, American Political Science Association, Stephen Woolpert

Submissions from 1998

Faculty Development Opportunity, Shawny Anderson

Reader's Digest on Women: Antifeminist Articulations of “The Second Sex.”, Shawny Anderson

She Thinks Just Like I Do': College Women's Identification with Ally McBeal, Shawny Anderson

Sweet Freedom's Song, Shawny Anderson

The Status of Instruction, Shawny Anderson

A Round Table on Teaching in a Multimedia Classroom, Jane Dilworth

Opera's Artificial Paradise in Alponse Daudet's Un ménage de chanteurs, Jane Dilworth

Redifining the Role of the Intellectual in 16th Century Italy, Costanza Gislon Dopfel

Engaged Pedagogy in Psychology, Jose Alfonso Feito


Envisioning a Curriculum for Future Generations, Ronald Gallagher

How Faculty Learn: Faculty Development Through Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design, David Gentry-Akin

A Rhetorical and Pastoral Analysis of the Magisterial Teaching on Sexuality, Paul Giurlanda

The Erotic in its Pure State, Paul Giurlanda

Over the Carnage Rose Prophetic a Voice, Rosemary Graham

The City Dead-house, Rosemary Graham

The Collected Writings of Walt Whitman, Rosemary Graham

The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman, Rosemary Graham

NEH Summer Seminar for School Teachers, Carl Guarneri

Understanding Hildegard: Text and Context, or Hildegard on Her Own Terms, Charles Hilken

Modern American Public Health: Relationships between Educational Attainment, Risky Health Behavior, and the Healthcare System, Deane A. Lamont

Title IX and College Athletics, Deane A. Lamont

Catherine Davalos, Dana Lee Lawton

Janice Garrett (Theater Artuad, San Francisco CA), Dana Lee Lawton

Paufve / Haft DanceWorks, Dana Lee Lawton

Ballroom competitions Good Live TV, Olga Lazebnaya


Review of Kevin Starr, Endangered Dreams: The Great Depression in California, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Writing Oral History: Choices and Options, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Promoting Moral Education Through Physical Education with At-Risk Youth, Steve Miller and additional author(s)


Carnal Pleasures The Public Spaces of Desire, Anna Novakov

Vico Studies in Spain: Cuadernos Sobre Vico, Gabriel Pihas

First prize, New York Cygnus Ensemble Competition, Martin Rokeach

DeSales Perez Award for Excellence in Teaching Collegiate Seminar, Katherine Roper

Film and Memory: Fridericus Phenomena in Weimar Germany, Katherine Roper

Fridericus Films in Weimar Culture: The Hero and National Memory, Katherine Roper


Looking for the German Revolution in Weimar Films, Katherine Roper

Professor of the Year, Katherine Roper

The Founding Years (Gründerjahre), Katherine Roper

A Multicultural Italy? Two Cities and Chinese Immigrants, Paola Sensi-Isolani

Chinese Immigration in Two Tuscan Comuni, Paola Sensi-Isolani


Dalle Alpi ad Atitlan: Italian Emigration to Guatemala 1870-1945, Paola Sensi-Isolani

Italian Immigration to the Promised Land: The Italian Experience in California, Paola Sensi-Isolani

The Italian Immigrant Experience: East is East and West is West, Paola Sensi-Isolani

Ballroom competitions, Dima Sukachov

Teaching In a Multimedia Classroom: Low Tech Options., Frances Sweeney and additional author(s)

Style and Substance: Advanced Composition Models, Frances M. Sweeney

Carlos Fuentes: An Intra-American Translator, Molly Swift

Saint Mary's College Capital Campaign, Video, Edward Tywoniak

Economic Crisis in Russia, Susan Weissman

Global Crisis: East and West, Susan Weissman

The Communist Manifesto from 1848-1998., Susan Weissman

The Communist Manifesto on its 150th Birthday, Susan Weissman

The Invisible International., Susan Weissman


The Russian Revolution Revisited: Myths and Distortions Then and Now, Susan Weissman

The Sorry State of South African Socialism, Susan Weissman