School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 2000

Performative piece utilizing writings of prisoners in the Indiana Women's Prison, Shawny Anderson

Three Views of Sado-Masochism: Unamuno, Camus and Orwell, David W. Bird

[untitled presentation], Maria Grazia De Angelis

From Christine's Study to Virginia's Room: What happened to the Female Intellectual?, Costanza Gislon Dopfel

Book review of Embracing Travail: Retrieving the Cross Today, by Cynthia Crysdale (New York: Continuum, 1999), Alexis Doval

Religious Studies Department film colloquia, Alexis Doval

Increasing Multicultural Awareness in the Psychology Classroom, Jose Alfonso Feito

The God In Whom We Live and Move and Have Our Being: Dialectical Theism as Orthodox Christian Theology, David Gentry-Akin


A Word From Her Sponsor, Rosemary Graham


The Value of a Summer Job, Rosemary Graham

Abolitionism and American Reform in Transatlantic Perspective, Carl Guarneri

Abolitionism and Nineteenth-Century Reform as Transatlantic Movements, Carl Guarneri

Teaching U.S. History in An Era of Internationalization, Carl Guarneri

Beneventan Minuscule on the Borderlands: Fragments of an Eleventh-Century Antiphonary at Zadar, Croatia, Charles Hilken

The Necrology of San Nicola della Cicogna, Charles Hilken


Tongue-Tied: Rhetoric and Relation in Louise Erdrich's Tracks, Sheila Hassell Hughes

Perfecting the Moment: A Cross-Disciplinary Look at Improvisation, Lewis Jordan

Festival of Films from Iran: Program Notes, Hossein Khosrowjah

The Role of Sport in the Development of Oakland's Saint Andrew’s Society, Deane A. Lamont

American College Dance Festival, Dana Lawton

Flight Series, Dana Lawton

Saint Mary's College Dance Company Concerts, Dana Lawton

Vision Series, Dana Lawton

Praxis Project, Dana Lee Lawton

Ballroom competitions Good Live TV, Olga Lazebnaya

Ballroom Dance Championships series with Sandy Duncan and Ron Montes, Olga Lazebnaya

Ballroom Dance Championships series with Sandy Duncan and Ron Montes, Olga Lazebnaya

Grand Finalist at Professional Dance Federation Championship, Olga Lazebnaya

Ohio Star Ball Grand overall champions and show dance winners, Olga Lazebnaya

Top 24 Couples, UK Championships, Olga Lazebnaya


New Lives in the West, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

The Feminization of Immigration in Italy, Patrizia Longo

Women Without Borders: A Relational View of Immigration and Citizenship, Patrizia Longo

Impossible Images: Julian of Norwich's Visionary Challenge to the Patristic Hierarchy, Lisa Manter

Jesus as Mother: Julian of Norwich's Challenge to the Patriarchal Symbolic, Lisa Manter

"My Love Is Cruelly Pend': Death, Stasis, and Lyric in Chaucer and Spenser, Lisa Manter

The Imaginary of Julian of Norwich, Lisa Manter

Italians, Problematic Whites in Bisbee's Copper Camp, 1900-1929, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli

Occupational and Residential Patterns of Mexican and Italian Workers in Bisbee, AZ 1900-1925, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli

The Gold and the Copper, A Comparative Study of the Cultural and Social Adjustment of Italians Miners in Arizona and Western Australia, 1900s-1930s, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli and Adriano Boncompagni

Longing for a Center: Judith Butler’s Unsubjectivized Subject and Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, Felicia Martinez

Academic Freedom and Institutional Autonomy, Barbara McGraw

Interfaith Discourse, the United Nations, and the World Trade Organization: Mission or Minefield?, Barbara McGraw

Women and the Academy, Barbara McGraw

Eradicating 'Nature': Fashioning a Spouse of Christ in the Georgetown Visitation Convent, 1834-1865, Marie Pagliarini


Mother Theresa, Marie Pagliarini

Century Fellow - University of Chicago, Gabriel Pihas

Dante and Philosophy, Gabriel Pihas

Democracy in America and European Nihilism, Gabriel Pihas

From Epic to Novel, Gabriel Pihas

Can't Wait, Martin Rokeach

Scherzo, Martin Rokeach


1848 in the Early Novels of Friedrich Spielhagen: The Making of a German Democrat, Katherine Roper

The Happy World, Naomi Schwartz

Economic Transformation and the Reaction to Chinese Immigrants in Italy's Golden Triangle, Paola Sensi-Isolani

Acreage and Efficacy: China's Afforestation and Forest Preservation Efforts during the Republican Era, Elena Songster

Ballroom competitions, Dima Sukachov

Ballroom Dance Championships series with Sandy Duncan and Ron Montes, Dima Sukachov

Grand Finalist at Professional Dance Federation Championship, Dima Sukachov

Ohio Star Ball Grand overall champions and show dance winners, Dima Sukachov

Top 24 Couples, UK Championships, Dima Sukachov

C.A.L.L. Research Design: From Goals to Methods to Outcomes., Frances Sweeney

Interactive Strategies for the Foreign Language Classroom., Frances Sweeney

Teaching through Picasso: Art and Language Acquisition, Frances M. Sweeney


Superassassin, Lysley Tenorio

Lasallian Educator Award, Edward Tywoniak

De Petrogrado a Orenburgo. El mundo de Victor Serge y el nuestro, Susan Weissman

El fracaso de la transición capitalista en Rúsia, Susan Weissman


El Fracaso De La Transición en Rusia, Susan Weissman

Lagos y Pinochet ganaron, Susan Weissman

La Restauración capitalista en Rusia, Susan Weissman

Los Nuevos movimientos en Estados Unidos: Entrevista a Susan Weissman, Paco Sobrino, Susan Weissman


On Stalinism, Susan Weissman

Restructuring and its Results: Wage Warriors, Students, and Repression in the USA, Susan Weissman

Russia’s Chechnya Syndrome, Susan Weissman

The Banality of Cowardice: Marc 'Etienne' Zborowski, Stalin's Master Spy in the Left Opposition, Susan Weissman

Victor Serge and U.S. Intellectuals, Susan Weissman

Why Yeltsin Had to Fail, Susan Weissman

Από τov Γέλτσιv, Susan Weissman


From Yeltsin to Putin: Modern Democrat Gives Way to Modern Nationalist, Susan Weissman and additional author(s)


Putin’s Contribution to Democracy, Susan Weissman and additional author(s)

Submissions from 1999


Allied and Axis signals Intelligence in World War II, David J. Alvarez


Axis Sigint Collaboration: A Limited Partnership, David J. Alvarez


Behind Venona: American Signals Intelligence in the Early Cold War, David J. Alvarez

Accessing Cultural Literacy through TV: Mediated Life Experience in the Indiana Women's Prison., Shawny Anderson

The Shifting Politics of School Choice, Robert C. Bulman and David L. Kirp

Appropriating the Feminine Operatic Voice in Pedro Antonio de Alarcon's El final de Norma, Jane Dilworth

Portrait of the Writer as Artist: Firenzuola, Trissino and the Redefinition of Female Beauty, Costanza Gislon Dopfel


Book review of The New Testament Text of Cyril of Jerusalem by Roderic Mullen, (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997), Alexis Doval

Cyril of Jerusalem's Doctrine of Salvation, Alexis Doval

Rekindling the Light: The Erosion of Catholic Identity in Catholic Colleges and Universities, David Gentry-Akin

Sex, Lies and Global Economics, David Gentry-Akin


Brisbane, Albert, and Evans, George Henry, Carl Guarneri


Brook Farm, Fourierism, and the Nationalist Dilemma in American Utopianism, Carl Guarneri


Il monachesimo femminile in Italia dall' alto medioevo al secolo XVII a confronto con l'oggi, Charles Hilken

Improvisation, A Lesson in, Lewis Jordan

Improvisation, A Lesson in, Lewis Jordan

Perversity and Influence: "In Prison" with Edgar Allan Poe and Elizabeth Bishop, Kathryn S. Koo

The Physical Culture of Puritan New England, Deane A. Lamont

Pilot Concerts 25, 26, 27, and 28, Dana Lawton