Submissions from 2011
Study Guides: To give or not to give? That is the question, Velina Boteva and additional author(s)
Challenge for Easter People, Jessica Coblentz
National Endowment of the Arts, CatherineMarie Davalos
Welcoming Facebook in the Classroom: Can’t Beat Them? Join Them!, Maria Grazia De Angelis
Changing Focus: the Student-Centered Classroom, Jane Dilworth
Reshaping Rome's Narrative: the curious case of Sigismondo Malatest̕as execution, Costanza Dopfel
Holy Mothers and Vanished Nativities: Origins and transformations of the Iconography of Christ's Birth, Costanza Gislon Dopfel
The Urbe as Theater: Pius’ II and the Reshaping of Rome’s Urban Narrative, Costanza Gislon Dopfel
Faculty Technology Grant, Monica Fitzgerald
Fifteen Country Entries. The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, Monica Fitzgerald
Fornicators, Drunkards, and a Great Hen Squabble: Censuring Practices and the Gendering of Puritanism, Monica Fitzgerald
FTG Mobile Computing Grant, Monica Fitzgerald
Review of Every Home a Distillery: Alcohol, Gender, and Technology in the Colonial Chesapeake, Monica Fitzgerald
Seventeenth Century Women. American Centuries: The Ideas, Issues, and Trends that Made U.S. History, vol. II, Monica Fitzgerald
The 'Skirts' are Coming: Going Co-ed During the Second Wave., Monica Fitzgerald
Antimatter Film Festival, Peter Freund
Ars Cameralis, Peter Freund
Australian International Experimental Film Festival, Peter Freund
CAMP, ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art, Peter Freund
CAMP. Videonale. 13 Festival for Contemporary Video Art, Peter Freund
Panoptic: New Media, Peter Freund
{SonikFest} Synthetic Zero, Peter Freund
Sydney Underground Film Festival, Peter Freund
The Silence of Politics, Peter Freund
Videonale, Peter Freund
Videonale.13, Peter Freund
A Grounded Theory Exploration of Community-based Social Capital Meanings and Motives, Cynthia Ganote
Foundations: Fundamental Catholic Theology, David Gentry-Akin
Fundamental Catholic Theology, David Gentry-Akin
Walking in the Footsteps of the Early Christians: Reflecting on the Normativity of History for Theology, David Gentry-Akin
Writing for Today's Teen Reader, Rosemary Graham and additional author(s)
An Insider's View of Grant's Virginia Campaign, 1864, Carl Guarneri
Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History, Carl Guarneri
Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History: Essays on Global and Comparative History, Carl Guarneri
Once More Beyond Consensus: The Transnational Turn and American Liberal Nationalism, Carl Guarneri
Research Scholar Award - Saint Mary's College of California, Carl Guarneri
Utopia's Rank and File: New Approaches to Communitarianism, Carl Guarneri
The Civil War Diary of Captain Edward Hill, Carl Guarneri and Alyssa Sisco Ginn
Revising Models: Ptolemy’s Latitude Theory for the Planets, Elizabeth Hamm
Further Research on Dating and Locating Codex Barberinianus Latinus 421, Charles Hilken
Instances, Brenda Hillman
Patience Swoons in the Sword Fern, Brenda Hillman
Poems From Above the Hill: Selected Poems of Ashur Etwebi, Brenda Hillman
Six Kinds of "I" in Poetry, Brenda Hillman
Sky of Omens, Floor of Fragments, Brenda Hillman
Till It Finishes What It Does, Brenda Hillman
All Mixed Up: Space, Memory, and Identity Construction in Multigenerational Multiracial Families, Ynez Wilson Hirst
Depression’s Lover., Sheila Hassell Hughes
Mid-life, Sheila Hassell Hughes
Sleeping Like a Widow, Sheila Hassell Hughes
A Circle of Shared Memory, Meaning, and Table, Sheila Hassell Hughes and additional author(s)
Cross-cultural comparison of collectivistic and individualistic values between China and the United States, Makiko Imamura and additional author(s)
Japanese college students' media exposure to sexually explicit material, perceptions of women, and sexually permissive attitudes, Makiko Imamura and additional author(s)
Japanese sojourners' attitudes toward Americans: Exploring the influences of communication accommodation, linguistic competence, and relational solidarity in intergroup contact, Makiko Imamura and additional author(s)
A Brief History of Area Studies and International Studies: Knowing/Producing the Other and Serving the Security State, Hossein Khosrowjah
Neither Victims, Nor Heroines: Kiarostami’s Feminist Turn in Ten, Hossein Khosrowjah
Anti-War Activism and The Structures of Trauma in the Plays of Eve Ensler and Kathryn Blume, Emily Klein
Body Comedy/Bawdy Violence: Re-imagining Lysistrata’s Dubious Feminism, Emily Klein
Hysterical Refusals: Comic Bodies in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, Emily Klein
Reel Women’s History: A Return to the Seventies, Emily Klein
Spectacular Citizenships: Staging Latina Resistance through Urban Performances of Pain, Emily Klein
Spring Awakening, The Musical: Exploring the Passion and Pain of Growing Up, Then and Now, Emily Klein
Returning to the Source: Captain John Smith’s "Generall Historie" and the Making of Terence Malick’s "The New World", Kathryn S. Koo
Confusio Linguarum, Kerry Krouse
West Wave Dance Festival, Dana Lawton
Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Helga Lenart-Cheng
Once Upon a Time in The West, Helga Lenart-Cheng
One Day a Year: Documenting One’s Own Life as a Form of Communal Utopia, Helga Lenart-Cheng
The Producers, Helga Lenart-Cheng
Recent Trends in Using Life Stories for Social and Political Activism, Helga Lenart-Cheng and Darija Walker
From Hags to Witches, Hilda H. Ma
Book Review: Forsans, Ola, Le Theatre de Lelio: etude du repertoire du Nouveau Theatre Italien de 1716 a 1729, Catherine Marachi
Book Review: Goubourne, Russel, Voltaire Comic dramatist, Catherine Marachi
Immigrants vs the Ku Klux Klan, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli
Irish and the KKK of Denver, CO 1920s, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli
Moral Economy in Global Perspective, Barbara McGraw
Review of "Prison Religion: Faith-Based Reform and the Constitution", Barbara A. McGraw
Navajo rugs with maize motifs, Lynn Meisch
Otavalos as 'Shape Shifters': Music and Ethnicity (But Whose)?, Lynn Meisch
Costume and history in highland Ecuador, Lynn Meisch and additional author(s)
Engaging First Generation College Students with Jean Jacques Rousseau's "A Discourse on Inequality", Rashaan Meneses
Nominee, Best of the Net Fiction Prize, Rashaan Meneses
Dave Eggers’s 'A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius': Memoir as a “Pain-Relief Device”, Elise Miller
Visiting Scholar, Institute of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies, Anna Novakov
The Crucible of Suffering: The Practice of Pain in the Nineteenth-Century Georgetown Visitation Convent, Marie Pagliarini
Anti-Classicism in the Seicento: Galileo and Borromini, Gabriel Pihas
Dante and Iconoclasm, Gabriel Pihas
Mellon Grant for Release Time to Study Newton and Leibniz, Gabriel Pihas
The Rome of George Eliot, Gabriel Pihas
What's Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) Got To Do With Ethnic Studies? : Mapping Cultural Citizenship, New Ethnicities and Youth Activism, David Alberto Quijada
Resist this! Embodying the contradictory positions and collective possibilities of transformative resistance, David Quijada and additional author(s)
Don Quijote and the Prison House of Language, Alvaro Ramirez
Buying Books: Class, The Liberal Arts, and U.S.Higher Education, Ellen Rigsby
Benefit concert, Lino Rivera
Benefit Performance, Sherman Clay Pianos, Lino Rivera
Kantonsschule Zürcher Unterland, Lino Rivera