School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 2013

The Medial Metaphor: Hip-Hop as Media, Aaron D. Sachs

Cocaine in United States History, Myrna Santiago

Distinguished Professor Award, 2013-2014, Myrna Santiago

Extracting Histories: Mining, Workers, and Environment, Myrna Santiago

Professor of the Year, 2013-2014, Myrna Santiago

Tampico, Mexico: The Rise and Decline of an Energy Metropolis, Myrna Santiago

Racial Appropriation in White Expatriate South African Discourses: Reading Race on Social Club Websites, Scott Schönfeldt-Aultman

Aeleah Soine - Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto, School of Nursing, Aeleah Soine

"Nursing" in An Encyclopedia of American Women at War: From the Home Front to the Battlefields, Aeleah Soine

The Motherhouse and its Mission(s): Kaiserswerth and the Convergence of Transnational Nursing Knowledge, 1836-1865, Aeleah Soine

Apologizing for Violence: A Comparison of the Media’s Response to Serena Williams’s ‘Tirade’and John McEnroe’s ‘Joust’, Meghan Sweeney

Fostering Reading Identity for Students in the Developmental Writing Classroom, Meghan Sweeney

Pedagogy as Material Practice: Using Disciplinary Literacy to Foster Reader Identity, Meghan Sweeney

“Review of Featured Session N: The Public Work of Contingent Labor”, Meghan Sweeney

A Relational Orientation Toward gWPA Leadership, Meghan Sweeney and Crystal Broch Colombini

Edmund White Award, Best Debut Fiction, Lysley Tenorio

And the Walls of Jericho Came Tumbling Down: Music & the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, Ed Tywoniak

Death, Ritual and Performance, Ed Tywoniak

General Semantics and Speculative Fiction, Ed Tywoniak

Grounding, Ed Tywoniak

Neil Postman: Technopoly, Ed Tywoniak

Symbols at the Edge of Time: Time Binding and the Cosmology of Australia's Aborigines (Part 2), Ed Tywoniak

The Question Concerning Poetry, Ed Tywoniak

The Semantics of Numbers, Ed Tywoniak

Symbols at the Edge of Time: Time Binding and the Cosmology of Australia's Aborigines (Part 1), Edward Tywoniak

Epifanio San Juan, Jr, Michael Viola

Philip Vera Cruz, Michael Viola

Rhyming, Researching, & Resisting Global Apartheid: W.E.B. Du Bois’s ‘Guiding Hundredth’ and Hip Hop Educational Exposures to the Philippines, Michael Viola

Toward a Filipino Critical (FilCrit) Pedagogy: A Study of United States Exposure Programs to the Philippines, Michael Viola

Stalin spent the interwar period obsessing about Trotsky and his followers: the story of his master spy, Marc Zborowski, Susan Weissman

The Contemporary Relevance of Victor Serge and his Revolutionary Life, Susan Weissman

Encountering the Past: Mad Men, Feminism and the Future, Denise Witzig

Leadership, Involvement and Diversity Faculty Ally of the Year, Denise Witzig

Working Girls and Wives: Mad Men, Mad Women and the Sexual Revolution, Denise Witzig

How the Voting Rights Act empowered the Tea Party, Stephen Woolpert

Since there is no pork in Congress, how about a game of chicken, Stephen Woolpert

Invisible Nature: Healing the Destructive Divide between People and the Environment, Kenneth Worthy

Descartes on Abstraction, Exclusion, and Real Distinction, Joseph Zepeda


Descartes on Physical Vacuum: Rationalism in Natural-Philosophical Debate, Joseph Zepeda

Descartes on Transubstantiation and Local Motion: Theology and Common Sense as (Putative) Authorities, Joseph Zepeda

Descartes the arch-Aristotelian: The Theory of Place and Space, Joseph Zepeda

Submissions from 2012

When Do Consumers Become Citizens?, Manisha Anantharaman

The Islamist Utopia of the Global Age: Civil Society, Transnationalism, and Solidarity Networks, Zeynep Atalay

Transnational Sociological Research: Issues, Challenges and Contributions, Zeynep Atalay

Occupying' Genesis 1-3: Missionally Located Reflections on Biblical Economic Values and Justice, Michael Barram

Affect, Architecture, Suicide, David Benin

Aural Identities: The Performativity of Sound in Experimental Queer Cinema, David Benin

Face/Off: Facade and the Question of Representing Affect, David Benin

Power Down: Consumption, Sustainability and Environmental New Media, David Benin

El dandysmo como lente critico en los ensayos de Luis Antonio de Villena, David W. Bird


Review of Carlos Barriuso, Discursos de la modernidad en el fin de siglo españo, David W. Bird

Social Emancipation contra the Death Penalty in Gabriel Alomar's La pena de mort (1912), David W. Bird

Evaluation of Sponsorship Activation Strategies Employed by a Minor League Baseball Team, Velina Boteva and additional author(s)


A Win-Win: Helping the Poor and Helping Ourselves, Robert Bulman

A Win-Win: Helping the Poor to Help Ourselves, Robert Bulman

Hearing with One's Eyes: Balanchine's Choreographic Influences, Carrie Gaiser Casey

The Ballet Corporealities of Anna Pavlova and Albertina Rasch, Carrie Gaiser Casey

An examination of sex differences in relation to the eating habits and nutrient intakes of university students, Rebecca Concepcion and additional author(s)


Changing God, Changing Bodies: The Impact of New Prayer Practices on Elderly Catholic Nuns’ Embodied Experience, Anna I. Corwin


Let Him Hold You: Spiritual and Social Support in a Catholic Convent Infirmary, Anna I. Corwin

A Wintry Mix. Davalos Dance Company, Catherine Davalos

The Dilemma of Motivation, Maria Grazia De Angelis

Notte in Piazza: A Night at the Court of the Medici, Costanza Gislon Dopfel

Notte in Piazza: Medieval Night, Costanza Gislon Dopfel

The Influence of the Legenda Aurea in the Iconography of Sacred Births, Costanza Gislon Dopfel

The Urbe as Theater: Pius II and the Reshaping of Rome’s Urban Narrative, Costanza Gislon Dopfel

Decoloniality as Reconciliation, Joseph Drexler-Dreis

Grasping Reality: How Can Christian Theology Respond to Coloniality?, Joseph Drexler-Dreis

Engaged Pedagogy, the Benefits of Service Learning, Monica Fitzgerald

International Association of Lasallian Universities., Monica Fitzgerald

Lasallian Research Symposium., Monica Fitzgerald

Post-Election Panel, Monica Fitzgerald

Unmanly Blubbing: Masculinity Redefined, the Case of Captain John Underhill, War Hero., Monica Fitzgerald

Why History Matters, Monica Fitzgerald

Reassessing Reform: A Historical Investigation into Church Renewal, David Flanagin and additional author(s)


The Origins of Christianity, David Zachariah Flanagin


Tyrannicide and the Question of (Il)licit Violence in the Fifteenth Century, David Zachariah Flanagin

Art, or the Perverse Ethics of the Lapse, Peter Freund

Art, or the Perverse Ethics of the Lapse, Peter Freund

Asian Cinema Studies Society Conference, Peter Freund

Berlin International Directors Lounge, Peter Freund

"CAMP" a film by Peter Freund, Peter Freund

CAMP. Shoah Film Collection, Peter Freund

CAMP. The Journal of Short Film, Peter Freund

Cologne Experimental Documentary Film Festival, Peter Freund

End of an Error, Peter Freund

Festival of (In)appropriation, Peter Freund

Film and the Problem of Witnessing, Peter Freund

Is Paris Burning?, Peter Freund

MENA Experimental, Peter Freund

Selected works in video, Peter Freund

Sometimes Cigar is Just an Other, Peter Freund

The Gaze, the Image, and the Objet Petit a, Peter Freund

XFILM, Peter Freund

In Time's Rift [translation of Ernst Meister's Im Zeitspalt], Graham Froust and additional author(s)

Saint Mary’s College Alumni Faculty Fellow, Rosemary Graham

Modeling the Heavens: Ptolemy’s Planetary Hypotheses and Ancient Instrument-making, Elizabeth Hamm

Ptolemy’s Visual Theory Applied to Astronomy, Elizabeth Hamm


Shaping Worldviews: Contextualizing Roman Science, Elizabeth Hamm


Teaching Social Skills in Virtual Worlds: A primer for extending existing social science education to business management, Dana Herrera and Andras Margitay-Becht