School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 2017

Nicky B. Carpenter Fellowship in Manuscript Studies, Charles Hilken


Stiftsbibliothek und Kirchenschätz: Materielle Kultur in den Augustiner-Chorfrauenstiften Steterburg und Heiningen by Britta-Juliane Kruse. Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien 28. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016, Charles Hilken

“A Halting Probability on a Train,” “Species Prepared to Exist After Mone,” and “Autumn Ritual With Hate Turned Sideways”, Brenda Hillman

Autumn Ritual With Hate Turned Sideways, Brenda Hillman

Benefit Reading at Squaw Valley, Brenda Hillman

Community of Writers Benefit Reading, Brenda Hillman


From Social Merchandising to Social Spectacle: Portrayals of Domestic Violence in TV Globo’s Prime-Time Telenovelas, Samantha Nogueira Joyce and additional author(s)

Women and criminality in Brazilian telenovelas: Salve Jorge and human trafficking, Samantha Nogueira Joyce and additional author(s)

Bodies of Resistance in Lysistrata & Chi-raq: Spectacular Refusal and Intimate Justice, Emily Klein


Failure to Adapt: Affect, Apathy, and Doomed Reenactments in American Theatre’s Militarized Dystopias, Emily Klein

Seductive Movements: Lessons from Lysistrata and Spike Lee’s Chi-raq on How to Attract Americans to the Theater and the Resistance, Emily Klein

Teaching Chesnutt’s "The Conjure Woman" Through Its Publication History, Kathryn S. Koo

The Criminal Community: Lynching in the Novels of William Faulkner and Harper Lee, Kathryn S. Koo

Introduction: Successful Aging as a Twenty-first-Century Obsession, Sarah Lamb, Jessica Robbins-Ruszkowski, and Anna Corwin


Oakland’s Nineteenth Century Parks and Resorts: "Lungs of the City," Commercial Sporting Venues, and Instruments of Civic Boosterism, Deane Lamont

Represented Saint Mary's College of California at the International Association of Lasallian Universities Leadership Program, Deane Lamont

DLD 10th Anniversary, Dana Lee Lawton

Amor Ciego San Francisco, 1967: The Summer of Love Revisited, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Engendering Social Change: Feminism, Sexual Freedom, and Gender-Transgressive Fashion in the Age of Aquarius, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Gender Revolution: Counterculture Contributions to the Gender Revolution, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

San Francisco in 1967: The Summer of Love Reconsidered, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

The Long Sixties, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Completing the Manuscript of “My Story is Our Story: A Literary History of Social Networking”, Helga Lenart-Cheng


Mapping Lives Across Borders, Helga Lenart-Cheng


Mapping Lives Across Borders, Helga Lenart-Cheng


Mapping Our Spaces by Mapping Our Stories, Helga Lenart-Cheng


Memories in Dialogue: Transnational Stories About Communist Childhoods, Helga Lenart-Cheng


Pinchas Gutter: The Virtual Holocaust Survivor as Embodied Archive, Dan Leopard


Pinchas Gutter: The Virtual Holocaust Survivor as Embodied Archive, Dan Leopard


Reading Myself into Existence, Mel Michelle Lewis


Beyond Timbuktu: An Intellectual History of Muslim West Africa, Jennifer Lofkrantz


Civic Learning in Interdisciplinary Majors, Nicholas Longo, Monica Fitzgerald, and Shawny Anderson

Dissecting "Titus Andronicus": Seeing the Subtext of Gendered Violence, Hilda H. Ma

Utilizing fame-based entrepreneurship to foster economic growth, Andras Margitay-Becht and Dana Herrera

Are Persons Like Steel or a Cloud: Conrad's Contributions to the Contradictions of Personhood, Felicia Martinez

The Serried Multitude of the Stars: Community Building in Seminar with Galileo and Ptolemy Plenary, Felicia Martinez

What Does Ptolemy Have to Do With Me? Pedagogy for Difficult Times, Felicia Martinez


The Spirituality of Wine, Thomas McElligott

Interfaith Leadership as Transforming Leadership, Barbara McGraw

Religious Pluralism in Correctional Institutions: Promise and Peril, Barbara McGraw

The Fourth Disestablishment: Legitimacy and Religious Minorities, Barbara McGraw

The Fourth Disestablishment: Legitimacy and Religious Minorities, Barbara McGraw

The Fourth Disestablishment: Legitimacy and Religious Minorities, Barbara McGraw

Transforming Leadership for a Religiously Diverse World, Barbara McGraw


Liberalism, Barbara A. McGraw

Ancinas Scholarship, Rashaan Meneses


The Expectant, Rashaan Meneses

What is a Problem but a Reason for Living?, Rashaan Meneses, Monica Fitzgerald, Joseph Zeccardi, and additional author(s)

Global Americans: A History of the United States, Maria Montoya, Laura A. Belmonte, Carl Guarneri, Steven Hackel, and Ellen Hartigan-O'Connor


Imagined Utopias in the Built Environment: From London’s Vauxhall Garden to the Black Rock Desert, Anna Novakov


Effects of Peppermint Oil Supplementation on the Ventilatory Threshold in Young Women, Julianna Oates and Chi-An Emhoff

Collectivism & inclusive excellence: Transforming student success while leading institutional change, Tracy Pascua Dea, Gloria Sosa, Cynthia Van Gilder, and Corliss Watkins


Dynamic ventilatory responses of females and males to acute isocapnic and poikilocapnic hypoxia, Lauren Rispen, Derek Marks, and Simon Green


Effects of Ursolic Acid Supplementation on Early Strength Gains and Body Composition, Ashton Roman and Chi-An Emhoff


FRAMING MANDELA: An (Inter)National Comparative News Analysis of the Iconic Leader’s Death, Tiana Cantrell Rosas-Moreno and Samantha Nogueira Joyce

With a Pistol in Her Hand: Novelas, Telenovelas and La Reina del Sur, María Luisa Ruiz

Fontaine Fellowship, Alicia Rusoja

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Research Spring 2017 Travel Grant, Alicia Rusoja

Graduate School of Education Student Government Conference Reimbursement Grant, Alicia Rusoja

Preston Award for Scholarship and Teaching, Alicia Rusoja

Somos Nuestras/os Mejores Defensoras/es: Las Literacidades de Inmigrantes Latinas/os en EEUU (We Are Our Own Best Advocates: The Literacy Practices of Latina/o Immigrants in the United States)., Alicia Rusoja

We Are Our Own Best Advocates: Latinx Immigrants Teaching and Learning for Their Rights, Alicia Rusoja

Building Slow Research Relationships, Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)

Exploring Activist Literacies Across Contexts: Literacy Practices in Teacher, Student, and Community Organizing, Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)

Cacao Stories: A Food Manifesto, Aaron Sachowitz

Chocolate Stories: Voices from Nicaragua, Aaron Sachowitz

Food Discourses in the Nicaraguan Cacao/Chocolate Industry, Aaron Sachowitz


A Dialogue on Hip-Hop, Social Justice and Pedagogy, Aaron Sachs and Scott Schönfeldt-Aultman

La Reforma Energética y la Ecología del Petróleo: Lecciones desde la Historia, Myrna Santiago


Refinery Town: Big Oil, Big Money, and the Remaking of an American City, Myrna Santiago


Working on Earth: Class and Environmental Justice, Myrna Santiago


"Lifestyle Leapfrogging" in Emerging Economies: Enabling Systemic Shifts to Sustainable Consumption, Patrick Schroeder and Manisha Anantharaman

System and Population, Christopher Sindt

Nurse Writers of the Great War., Aeleah Soine

China's Giant Panda, Symbol of Nation and Nature, Elena Songster

Safe Nationalism and Reckless Exhibition: The Panda as Image and Animal, Elena Songster

California Commission on Teaching Grant to Fund the Development of a 4-Year Integrated Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Program-Special Education, Tamara Spencer, Peter J. Alter, and Monica Fitzgerald

Diverse Motivations/Diverse Readers: Opening up a Space for Multiple and Competing Motivations Among Basic Reading and Writing Students, Meghan Sweeney

Understanding Perceptions of Ideal Readers and Writers to Cultivate Change for Students in Basic Writing, Meghan Sweeney


The Faraway Land, Melinda Thomas

Recollection and Presence: Seeking a Tao, Ted Tsukahara

Filipinx Critical Theory: From Racialization to Radicalization, Michael Viola

Filipinx Critical Theory: The Farm Workers Movement in California and the Possibilities for Radical Ethnic Solidarities, Michael Viola


One Hundred Years since October, Susan Weissman

The Russian Revolution: The Victory and Defeat of Workers Democracy—and Signs of Revival, Susan Weissman


A Rebirth of Hope, An interview with Kevin Ovenden, Suzi Weissman

Marc Cooper, Robert Scheer, Suzi Weissman Conversation: Media & Democracy: From the Vietnam War to the Consolidation of “Alternative Facts” in the Digital Era, Suzi Weissman


The Golden Era,” Between October 1917 and April 1918, the Bolshevik government enacted the most radically democratic platform in history, Suzi Weissman


The Movement in Corbyn’s Wake, An interview with Paul Mason, Suzi Weissman


The Russian Revolution, Soviets and Socialist Democracy: An Interview with Suzi Weissman, Suzi Weissman

Bay to Breakers: the Original Fun Run, Claire Williams


Unlocking the Unconscious Through Poetry, Matthew Zapruder

Why Poetry, Matthew Zapruder

Communication Accommodation, Relational Closeness, Cultural Salience, and Intergroup Attitudes: Chinese Sojourners Perspective, Yan Bing Zhang and Makiko Imamura


Communication Accommodation Theory and Intergroup Communication, Yan Bing Zhang and Makiko Imamura

Communication Accommodation Theory and Intercultural Communication: Interpersonal and Intergroup Perspectives, Yan Bing Zhang, Makiko Imamura, and additional author(s)

Submissions from 2016

Class, Poverty and Urban Sustainability in Bangalore, India, Manisha Anantharaman


Critical Sustainable Consumption: New Research Directions, Manisha Anantharaman

Early Career Scholar Award, Manisha Anantharaman

Individuals Confronting Environmental Problems, Manisha Anantharaman