School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 2016

Murder, the Macabre, and Medical Culture: Understanding Gendered Violence in Early Modern Tragedy, Hilda H. Ma


The Medicalization of 'Midnight Hags': Perverting Post-menopausal and Political Motherhood in Macbeth, Hilda H. Ma

If Not Charity, What?: Reading and the Bounds of Reason, Felicia Martinez


I Know Who I Am: Don Quixote, Self-fashioning, and the Humanness of Ordinary Identity, Felicia Martinez


A Place for Reading Instruction in our Writing Classrooms, Maureen McBride and Meghan A. Sweeney

Chaplains, Barbara McGraw

Teaching Interfaith Leadership for Business and the Professions, Barbara McGraw

Toward Core Competencies in Interfaith Studies, Barbara McGraw

Why Religious Literacy Matters for Business Professionals, Barbara McGraw


Religious Pluralism at the Crossroads, Barbara A. McGraw


Preface and Introductions to Parts I, II, III, and IV of Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Politics in the U.S., Barbara A. McGraw


Toward a Framework for Interfaith Leadership, Barbara A. McGraw


Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Politics in the U.S., Barbara A. McGraw

“Introduction” and “Reading a Different Drummer: Hope for a New Exodus”, Mark McVann

Craft is Culture: Writing & Reading a Global Imagination, Rashaan Meneses


Mourning and Melancholy: Literary Criticism by African American Women, Elise Miller

Institutional Racism in the NCAA and the Racial Implications of the "2.3 or Take a Knee" Legislation, Akuoma C. Nwadike, Ashley R. Baker, Velina Brackebusch, and Billy J. Hawkins

Have Zero-Tolerance Policies Made Schools Safer?, Alicia Pantoja and additional author(s)

Epidemiology of Injuries in United States High School Track and Field: 2008-2009 Through 2013-2014, Lauren A. Pierpoint, Claire Williams, Sarah K. Fields, and R. Dawn Comstock

Excess of Prudence in Inferno 26, Gabriel Pihas

Imagining the Cosmos from the Pantheon to the Gesù, Gabriel Pihas

Phronesis from Plato to Dante, Gabriel Pihas

Republicanism and Renaissance Painting, Gabriel Pihas

"Can't Wait" for Violin, Clarinet and Piano, Martin Rokeach

Completion of "New Work: Concerto for Piccolo and Orchestra", Martin Rokeach

Concerto for Piccolo and Orchestra, Martin Rokeach

"Fast Lane" for Violin and Trumpet, Martin Rokeach

MSR Classics: "Running at the Top of the World" for Trumpet and Piano, Martin Rokeach

Nunca Olvida for Mezzo-Soprano and Guitar, Martin Rokeach

Visiting Artist, Including Master Class, Guest Lecture, and Performance of "Fast Lane" for Violin and Trumpet, Martin Rokeach

Beauty, Bullets and Bodies: The Making of Spectacle in Miss Bala., Maria Luisa Ruiz

Research Fellow, Maria Luisa Ruiz

Hits & Misses: Gender, Beauty Queens & Violence in Narratives of Narcotrafico, María Luisa Ruiz

Nothing About Us Without Us: Latinx Immigrants Teaching and Learning for Their Rights, Alicia Rusoja

President Gutmann Leadership Award, Alicia Rusoja

We Are Our Own Best Advocates”: Latinx Immigrants Teaching and Learning For Their Rights, Alicia Rusoja

Coalitional Literacies in a Participatory ESOL Program, Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)

Collective Advocacy in a Latina/o Family ESOL Class, Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)


Dialogic Teaching and Multilingual Counterpublics., Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)


Education Without Boundaries, Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)

Minoritized Families and Educational Access in a Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Faith Community, Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)

Multilingual Counterpublics: Collective Responses to Precarity in a Latina/o Intergenerational Language and Literacy Inquiry, Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)

Practitioner Research as Humanizing and Activist Methodology, Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)

Sochi Pop: Getting Lucky with Sex, Force, and Proliferating Signifiers, Aaron Sachowitz

The Curious Case of Donald Trump’s Doctor: Metonymy in the Age of Memetic News, Aaron Sachowitz

The Question Concerning Technological Humor, Aaron Sachowitz


Oil and Environment in Mexico, Myrna Santiago

Outstanding Scholar Award, 2016-2017, Myrna Santiago

Domestic Labor Organizing at the Forefront of Justice: Yesterday and Today, Suzanne C. Schmidt

Envisioning Decolonial Crafting Subjects in Fae Myenne Ng’s Bone, Suzanne C. Schmidt

Visionary Domesticity: Craft and Domestic Labors as Decolonial Heuristic, Suzanne C. Schmidt

Try out Writing Circles and peer review pieces for potential publication, Suzanne C. Schmidt and Joseph Zeccardi


Life After College: Work and the Art of Living, Stephen B. Sloane

Identity at the Borders: An Examination of Students Challenging Academic Institutions, Meghan Sweeney

Review of M.10: Framing Circulation for Action: Frameworks for Enabling Action via Circulation Studies, Meghan Sweeney

The (In)Action of College Student Readers: An Examination of Motivation and Self-Efficacy Among Basic Reading and Writing Students, Meghan Sweeney

Filipino American Hip Hop and Class Consciousness: Renewing the Spirit of Carlos, Michael Viola

Land is Life: Reflections on E. San Juan, Considerations for Filipino Critical Theory, and Notes for Environmental Justice in the United States and the Philippines, Michael Viola


W.E.B. Du Bois and Filipino/a American exposure programs to the Philippines: race class analysis in an epoch of ‘global apartheid’, Michael Joseph Viola

Becoming Social Justice Educators: The Ongoing Praxis of Teaching/Learning Justice, Michael Viola, Shawn Purcell, Tamara Spencer, and additional author(s)

Learning From the Past - Looking to Our Future, Susan Weissman

Chinese Classical Dance, Jia Wu

Choreographing Two Solos for 5th Shanghai International Ballet Competition, Jia Wu

Dance Film in America, Jia Wu

Excellent Creation Award, Jia Wu

No More Than Skins, Jia Wu

No More Than Skins, Jia Wu

Water Moon, Jia Wu

What is the Mysterious Modern Dance in America, Jia Wu

Exclusion in Descartes's Rules for the Direction of the Mind: The Emergence of the Real Distinction, Joseph Zepeda

Mechanics of Love, Deanna Zibello


"Mechanics of Love" by Dipika Guha, Deanna Zibello


"The Shipment" by Young Jean Lee, Deanna Zibello

Submissions from 2015

Dirt, Marilyn Abildskov

Housesitting, Marilyn Abildskov

On Beauty, Marilyn Abildskov

What Stood Out, Marilyn Abildskov


U.S. Must Lead World in Resolving Syrian Crisis, Hisham Ahmed

Economic Development Strategies and the Evolution of Violence in Latin America, Ron Ahnen

Challenges and Opportunities in Municipal Solid Waste Management in India, Manisha Anantharaman

Middle Class Waste, Working Class Hands: The Politics of Cleaning and Greening the Garden City, Manisha Anantharaman

Recycling Class: The Cultural and Environmental Politics of the New Middle Classes of Bangalore, India, Manisha Anantharaman

State-Civil Society Partnership in Turkey: Power, Agency, and Co-Optation, Zeynep Atalay

The Reconfiguration of the Relationship Between Civil Society, State, and the Market in Contemporary Turkey, Zeynep Atalay

The Refugee Crisis: Panel and Community Discussion, Zeynep Atalay

Between Text and Sermon: Isaiah 58:1–12, Michael Barram

"Fools for the Sake of Christ": Missional Hermeneutics and Praxis in the Corinthian Correspondence, Michael Barram

Review of Biblical Economic Ethics: Sacred Scripture’s Teachings on Economic Life, by Albino Barrera (Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2013), Michael Barram

Review of Christian Economic Ethics: History and Implications, by Daniel K. Finn (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2013), Michael Barram

Review of Jesus, Debt, and the Lord’s Prayer: First-Century Debt and Jesus’ Intentions, by Douglas E. Oakman (Eugene: Cascade Books, 2014), Michael Barram

Review of Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling, by Dean Flemming (Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2013), Michael Barram

To Serve God and Not Mammon: Reading Matthew 6 as Missionally Located Formation for Economic Discipleship, Michael Barram

Beautiful Girlhood, a Double Life: Lucy Maud Montgomery, Margaret Laurence, and Alice Munro, Carol Beran

The Paris Perspective, Carol Beran

The Paris Perspective, Carol Beran


Review of Contra las musas de la ira: El Materialismo Filosófico como Teoría de Literatura, David W. Bird

Chapter 23: Intercollegiate Athletics and Amateurism, Velina B. Brackebusch and additional author(s)

Take me out to the ballgame: New Ethnographers Learning Ethnographic Fieldwork, Velina B. Brackebusch and additional author(s)


Conflicted View of High School is Reflected in Hollywood Films, Robert Bulman

Dance With Me: Dancing and the Promise of Instant Intimacy, Robert Bulman