School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 2015

Hollywood Goes to High School: Cinema, Schools and American Culture, Second Edition, Robert Bulman

How Teaching Can Inform Scholarship, Robert Bulman

'I can't be your wife:' Gender and the Cultural Double Standard in American High School Films, Robert Bulman

A Dialectic of Dreams and Dispossession: The School-to-Sweatshop Pipeline, Catlin Cahill, Leticia Alvarez Gutiérrez, and David Quijada

Theorizing in the Belly of the Beast: Resisting the School-to-Sweatshop Pipeline, Catlin Cahill, David Quijada, and Leticia Alvarez Gutiérrez

Jesus and the Coin of Tribute (Mark 12: 13 – 17), Kenneth Cardwell

Real and Imagined Oppositions: Balthasar and Lonergan on Remembering the Tradition [Keynote], Anne Carpenter

Sense and Memory: At the Critical Conjunction of the Sensus Fidelium and Church Tradition, Anne Carpenter

Theo-Poetics: Hans Urs von Bathasar and the Risk of Art and Being, Anne Carpenter

Empowering Memory and Movement: Thinking and Working Across Borders, Jessica Coblentz

Ghosts in the Office: Practical, Ecclesiological, and Soteriological Implications of Stereotype Threat among Women in Catholic Theology, Jessica Coblentz

Jesus and Salvation: Soundings in the Christian Tradition and Contemporary Theology, Jessica Coblentz

Joan Chittister: Essential Writings, Jessica Coblentz


Sisters in the Wilderness: Toward a Theological Reflection on Depression with Delores Williams, Jessica Coblentz

Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God, Jessica Coblentz

Representations & repatriations: Reclaiming the past in present-day politics, Loan Dao and additional author(s)

Toward a critical refugee perspective: Southeast Asian American studies forty years beyond war, Loan Dao and additional author(s)

Choreographer: Davalos Dance Company, 1994-present, Catherine Davalos

Excerpts from "Oh the MOON!", Catherine Davalos

Master Teacher: Creating Your Toolbox, Catherine Davalos

New Excerpts from “Oh the MOON!”, Catherine Davalos

Classroom Applications: Community-Engaged Learning, Maria Grazia De Angelis

Handwriting Play in Gertrude Stein’s Compositional Practices, Janice Doane

Did Women Have a Renaissance Epic?, Costanza Dopfel

Fertilissima Firenze: Imperativi Demografici ed Epica Femminile nell’ Arte del Quattrocento Fiorentino, Costanza Dopfel

Heroic Mothers and Holy Nativities: Towards a Discovery of Female Visual Epic, Costanza Dopfel

Holy Births: A History of the Iconography of the Nativity, Costanza Dopfel

Medieval Childbirth: Social Representations and Medical Realities I and II, Costanza Dopfel


James Baldwin’s Love as Religious Orientation, Joseph Drexler-Dreis

Effect of Peppermint Oil on the Ventilatory Threshold in Endurance-Trained and Moderately Active Men, Chi-An Emhoff

Effects of Branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplementation on Exercise Performance and Recovery in Highly Endurance Trained Athletes, Chi-An Emhoff

Corporate Sponsorship Grant - GU Energy Labs and Saint Mary's College (2015), Chi-An W. Emhoff

Faculty Development Fund - Saint Mary's College (2015), Chi-An W. Emhoff


Exemplary Program Award for Improving General Education, Jose Alfonso Feito

Informal Writing: Techniques to Engage Your Students Daily, Katherine Field

Children, War, and the State: American Youth’s Wartime Experiences, Monica Fitzgerald

Panel on Angels in America, Monica Fitzgerald

Provost Faculty Scholarship Award, Monica Fitzgerald

The Middle Ground of Masculinity: Puritans, Rogues, and Soldiers, Monica Fitzgerald

To Conduct Archival Research on Early American Ideas About Gender and to Transcribe Oral Histories, Monica Fitzgerald

Mathematical Theologies: Nicholas of Cusa and the Legacy of Thierry of Chartres, David Zachariah Flanagin

The Quest for the Historical Jesus [21 lectures on 8 DVDs], David Zachariah Flanagin

AWP (Milwaukee), Jeanne Foster

Goodbye, Silver Sister [Poetry], Jeanne Foster

Holy Names University Reading Series, Jeanne Foster

Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center Reading Series, Jeanne Foster

Poetry Flash, Jeanne Foster

Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival’s Poetry Contest, Jeanne Foster

The Wild Prayer of Longing, Jeanne Foster

UC Davis Reading Series, Jeanne Foster

Acorus Calamus, Peter Freund

Chicago Underground Film Festival, Peter Freund

IRAN|USA, Peter Freund

IRAN|USA, Peter Freund

Education for Social Transformation: Infusing Feminist Ethics and Critical Pedagogy into Community-Based Research, Cynthia Ganote and Patrizia Longo

A Celebration of the Life and Work of Father Thomas Berry: His Contribution to a Creation Theology for An Ecology Age, David Gentry-Akin

Collegium’s annual Colloquy on Faith and the Intellectual Life [Faculty Mentor], David Gentry-Akin

Provost’s Faculty Research Grant, Saint Mary's College of California, Rosemary Graham

Simple Lessons in Irish [Finalist], Rosemary Graham

Simple Lessons in Irish [Novel-in-Progress], Rosemary Graham

Simple Lessons in Irish [Novel-in-Progress], Rosemary Graham

American Utopias and Japanese Socialism, Carl Guarneri

Review of "Enrico Dal Lago, William Lloyd Garrison and Giuseppe Mazzini: Abolition, Democracy, and Radical Reform", Carl Guarneri


Refusing to Tolerate Intolerance: An Experiment Testing the Link Between Exposure to Gay-Related Content and Resulting Attitudes and Behaviors, Veronica Hefner

The Foundation Generation Project: Supporting Students Who Are First in the Family to Attend University, Dana Herrera

#OFW: Social Media and Public Discourse Regarding Overseas Filipino Workers, Dana R. Herrera


The Philippines: An Overview of the Colonial Era, Dana R. Herrera

Facts and Fictions of Educational Tourism: Adventures in Engaged Pedagogy with Hungry and Tried Students, Jennifer Heung

Good Global Citizens: Strategic English, Educational Governance, and Cosmopolitan China, Jennifer Heung

Producing and (Re)configuring the Asian Diaspora: Identity, Globalization, and Cross-Cultural Narratives, Jennifer Heung

Strange Body Language: Embodying English, Urban Chinese Identity, and Cultural Capital, Jennifer Heung

Consuetudines et Regulae: Sources for Monastic Life in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, Charles Hilken


Review of Rainer Berndt, S. J., (Ed.) Eure Namen sind im Buch des Lebens Geschrieben, Charles Hilken

The Beneventan Minuscule at the Crossroads of Monastic Reform, Charles Hilken

The Papacy in the Church and in the World, Charles Hilken

Bay Area Book Festival, Brenda Hillman

Bucknell University Reading, Brenda Hillman

Cascadia Poetry Conference, Brenda Hillman

Concordia University, Reading, Brenda Hillman

Crisis & Creativity, Brenda Hillman

Eight poems from “Metaphor and Simile”, Brenda Hillman

E. M. Wolfman Books Reading, Brenda Hillman

Geography of Hope: Women and Land, Brenda Hillman

Morris Gray Reading Series Reading, Brenda Hillman

Panel Discussion on Metaphorical Thinking, Brenda Hillman

Particulars of Place, Brenda Hillman

Radiance of Time During Their Love, Brenda Hillman

Sacramento State University, Reading, Brenda Hillman

Shanghai Book Festival, Brenda Hillman

To Translate Contemporary Brazilian Woman’s Poetry, Brenda Hillman

University of Michigan, Reading, Brenda Hillman

There Is More to Be Told: Sexual and Tribal Dispossession and Survivance in Louise Erdrich’s Fiction, Sheila Hughes

Standing on Shoulders Strong: A Conversation with First and Second Generation American Girls Studies, Sheila Hughes and additional author(s)

Talking Out of School: Crossing and Extending Borders with Collaborative Research in Girls Studies, Women’s Studies, and Teacher Education, Sheila Hughes and additional author(s)

Teresa of Avila, Sheila Hassell Hughes

Early Career Award for Scholarship and Service, Makiko Imamura

To Continue a Longitudinal Project Studying Communication Between East Asian International Students and the Americans They Interact With Most Frequently, Makiko Imamura

Chinese sojourners’ attitudes toward Americans: Exploring the influences of communication, relational closeness, and cultural salience, Makiko Imamura and additional author(s)

Assessment of undergraduate student learning and perceptions of quantitative and qualitative communication research methods, Makiko Imamura and Ellen M. Rigsby


Changing GLBTQ representations: The Sexual Other in Brazilian Telenovelas, Samantha Nogueira Joyce and additional author(s)