School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 2016

"Lifestyle Leapfrogging" in Emerging Economies: Enabling Systemic Shifts to Sustainable Consumption, Manisha Anantharaman

Outside the Wage: Spaces, Politics, Possibilities, Manisha Anantharaman

The Relational Class Politics of Working Outside the Wage in Bangalore, India, Manisha Anantharaman

The ‘Sustainability’ of Class Relations in Bangalore, India, Manisha Anantharaman

Microprocesses of Norm Localization by Transnational Agents: Muslim Faith-Based NGOs and Liberal Civil Society, Zeynep Atalay

Teaching Social Inequality in the Millennial Sociology Classroom, Zeynep Atalay


Vernacularization of Liberal Civil Society by Transnational Islamic NGO Networks, Zeynep Atalay

Women’s and Gender Studies: A Symposium on Gender, Zeynep Atalay

Formal Response to Two Papers (by Mark Glanville and Helen Bousier) in the GOCN Forum on Missional Hermeneutics (Session Theme: "Migration, Marginalization, and the Mission of God: Missional Hermeneutics in the Context of Human Displacement and Relocation”), Michael Barram

Modernism on the Periphery: The Case of Gabriel Alomar i Villalonga (1873-1941) and Catalan Political Modernism, David Bird

Nation, History and Historiography in the Essays of Ángel Ganivet, David Bird

Sport for Social Change in the City: Case Southeastern United States, Velina Brackebusch and Billy J. Hawkins

Foreword to Exploring Teachers in Fiction and Film, Robert Bulman

Come to Me, Continuously, Jessica Coblentz


Holy Fasting in a Culture of Body Hatred?, Jessica Coblentz

Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering, Jessica Coblentz

Sisters in the Wilderness: Toward A Theology of Depression with Delores Williams, Jessica Coblentz


The Redemptive and Demonic in Big-time Sports: An Interview with Marcia W. Mount Shoop, Jessica Coblentz

Unless Someone Instructs Us, Jessica Coblentz

Care and the Paradox of Spiritual Healing, Anna Corwin

Out & Asian: Asian American youth in the immigrant rights movement, Loan Dao and additional author(s)

New Excerpts from “Son”, Catherine Davalos

Oh the MOON!, Catherine Davalos and additional author(s)

“Venezia,” A Dance Film, Catherine Davalos and additional author(s)

Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers, new excerpts from "Radical Acts of Love, CatherineMarie Davalos

Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers, new excerpts from “Son”, CatherineMarie Davalos

Master Teacher, West Region, American College Dance Association, CatherineMarie Davalos

Videotaping Oral History Projects to Preserve Italian Language and Culture, Maria Grazia De Angelis

Bridget’s Vision and Jan Provost’s Nativity, Costanza Dopfel

Nascere. Studi di Antropologia, Inconografia, Aggografia, e Storia della Medicina dall’ Antichrista all’Eta Moderna, Costanza Dopfel

Pagan Virtue in a Christian World: Sigismondo Malatesta and the Italian Renaissance (book review), Costanza Gislon Dopfel


Latin American Liberation Theology as a Decolonial Project? Considering the Theological Approaches of Clodovis Boff and Ignacio Ellacuría, Joseph Drexler-Dreis

‘The White Man’s Burden’: Naar Een Dekoloniale (Missie)Theologie, Joseph Drexler-Dreis and Kristein Justaert

Effect of Peppermint Oil Supplementation on Ventilation, Metabolic Health, and Exercise Performance, Chi-An Emhoff

Gaps in Information Literacy: Bridging the High School-College Divide, Katherine Field

The Case for Questioning: Crossing the Border from High School to College Information Literacy, Katherine Field

Artist’s Grant, Katherine Field-Rothschild

(Un)Commodified Texts: Ownership, Authorship, and Identity-Assertion in Workplace Writing, Elisa Findlay

Changing Demographics and Electoral Politics, Monica Fitzgerald

Did the Puritans Have Any Fun?: Misconceptions about Early American History,, Monica Fitzgerald

Gendered Slavery,, Monica Fitzgerald

Post-Election Discussion, Monica Fitzgerald

Review of "A Sense of the Heart: Christian Religious History in the United States" by Bill J Leonard (New York Abingdon Press, 2014), Monica Fitzgerald

The Convention and Election, Monica Fitzgerald


Festival of (In)appropriation, Peter Freund

IRAN|USA grant, Peter Freund

Locate Iran, Peter Freund


Moving Image Art, Peter Freund

Short Circuit: Experimental Documentary Short Films, Peter Freund

Surplus|Lack. International experimental film art exhibition, Peter Freund

Unexposed Microcinema, Peter Freund

A Celebration of the Life and Work of Father Thomas Berry: His Contribution to a Creation Theology for an Ecology Age, David Gentry-Akin

American History as if the World Mattered (and Vice Versa), Carl Guarneri

Mechanical, Philosophical, and Mathematical Thinking in Ptolemaic Astronomy, Elizabeth Hamm

Mechanical Thinking in Ptolemaic Astronomy, Elizabeth Hamm

Modeling the Heavens: Sphairopoiia and Ptolemy’s Planetary Hypotheses, Elizabeth Hamm


Tuning into fantasy: Motivations to view wedding television and associated romantic beliefs, Veronica Hefner


From the Lighthouse to the Campfire: The Connection between Sharing Information Offline and Sharing Resources Offline, Veronica Hefner and additional author(s)


Mobile exercising and tweeting the pounds away: The use of digital applications and microblogging and their association with disordered eating and compulsive exercise, Veronica Hefner and additional author(s)

Lasallian Scholar Grant - St Mary's College of California (April 2006), Dana Herrera

#OFW: Technology, Discourse, and the Filipino Diaspora, Dana Herrera

Anxious Voices: Chinese Meanings of Speaking English and Embodying Social and Global Inequalities, Jennifer Heung

Leisure Time and English: Transnational Urban Consumption, World Citizenship, and the Embodiment of Language, Jennifer Heung

An Anonymous Eleventh-Century Doctor of Charity: Additions to the Holy Rule of Saint Benedict, Charles Hilken


La biblioteca di Alfonso II del Carretto marchese di Finale: Libri tra Vienna e la Liguria nel XVI secolo. Anna Giulia Cavagna. (Review), Charles Hilken

Legitur In Necrologio Victorino: Studien Zum Nekrolog Der Abtei Saint-Viktor Zu Paris. Corpus Victorinum: Instrumenta 7 (Review), Charles Hilken

Seeing the Spiritual in Tintoretto: A Dialogue with Jean-Paul Sartre, Charles Hilken

Seeing the Spiritual in Tintoretto: A Dialogue with Jean-Paul Sartre, Charles Hilken

Chancellor, Brenda Hillman

Dodge Poetry Festival, Reading, Brenda Hillman

Panels on Eco-elegy and Drought, Brenda Hillman

Reading of Environmental Poetry, Brenda Hillman

Taiwan International Book Exhibition, Brenda Hillman


Girl Talk: A Qualitative Study of Girls Talking About The Meaning of Their Lives in an Urban Single Sex Elementary School, Sheila Hughes and Carolyn S. Ridenour

Communication accommodation theory and intercultural communication: Interpersonal and intergroup perspectives, Makiko Imamura and additional author(s)

Effects of Contact Quality and Relational Solidarity on Stereotypes of Chinese Held by U.S. Americans, Makiko Imamura and additional author(s)

Intergroup Contact Theory and Acculturation: The Mediating Roles of Shared Cultural Identity and Individual and Group Levels of Communication Anxiety, Makiko Imamura and additional author(s)

English Proficiency, Identity, Anxiety, and Intergroup Attitudes: US Americans’ Perceptions of Chinese, Makiko Imamura, Racheal A. Ruble, and Yan Bing Zhang


BRICS and Mediated Narratives: The Proximity Between Brazilian News and Telenovelas, Samantha Joyce and Monica Martinez

Drama Queens!, Emily Klein

In Dialogue with Aristophanes: a pre-show conversation, Emily Klein

In Dialogue with Shakespeare: a pre-show conversation, Emily Klein

Make Love, not War!: On stage and screen, Emily Klein

Censored Landscapes: An Ecofeminist Perspective., Isabella La Rocca

Civic Center Art Exhibition, Isabella La Rocca


Feminism and Animal Agriculture, Isabella La Rocca

Portfolio from the series Fast Food, Isabella La Rocca

Rite of Passage (group show), Isabella La Rocca

San Francisco International Arts Festival, Dana Lee Lawton

Review of Betty Luther Hillman, Dressing for the Culture Wars: Style and the Politics of Self-Presentation, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Community-Building and the Celebration of the Everyday in Recent Crowd-Sourced Diaries and Communal Lifestory Archives, Helga Lenart-Cheng

Jean-Luc Nancy and the Concepts of Community and Sharing, Helga Lenart-Cheng


Paul Ricoeur and the 'Particular' Case of Autobiography, Helga Lenart-Cheng

Lénárd Sándor: Világok Vándora, Helga Lenart-Cheng and Zsuzsa Vajdovics

Pinchas Gutter: The Figure of Holocaust Testimony as Embodied Archive and Interactive Documentary, Dan Leopard and additional author(s)

Pinchas Gutter: The Figure of Holocaust Testimony as Embodied Archive and Interactive Documentary, Dan Leopard and additional author(s)

Pinchas Gutter: The Holographic Holocaust Survivor as Embodied Archive, Dan Leopard and additional author(s)


Studying the Snow Leopard: Reconceptualizing Conservation Across the China-India Border, Michael Lewis and Elena Songster

Citizens' Empowerment Through Food Democracy and Food Justice, Patrizia Longo

Women, Tradition and Revolution in Jordan, Patrizia Longo