School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 1996

Critical Perspectives on Working People of California: Future Directions for Labor Historian, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Irvine Fellowship, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Wesley Logan Prize, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Independent Filmmaker Award, Dan Leopard

Learning a New Dance: A Perspective on Social Change, Patrizia Longo

NEH Grant: Participate at a Summer Seminar in Sociology "Morality and Society", Patrizia Longo


Repensando la ciudadania, Patrizia Longo and additional author(s)

From Greece to Grease: Chaste Wives, Murderous Whores, and Camp as Critique, Lisa Manter

Julian of Norwich, Lisa Manter

The Savior of Her Desire: Margery Kempe's Envisioning of Christ, Lisa Manter

Averroism in Donna me prega, Gabriel Pihas

Yale University Fellowship - Yale University, Gabriel Pihas

Brother Manuel Vega Latino Empowerment Award, Alvaro Ramirez

Cervantes and the Empowerment of the Reader, Alvaro Ramirez

Race, Class and Identity in The Rain God and Migrant Souls, Alvaro Ramirez

DAAD Grant, Katherine Roper

Looking for the German Revolution in Weimar Films, Katherine Roper

Revolutionary Crowds in Weimar Films, Katherine Roper

Computers and Language Teaching., Frances Sweeney

Musical Chair Composing: Using Computers of Augment Composition Development., Frances Sweeney

TLC: The Use of Technology for Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom., Frances Sweeney

Interlanguage, Interlinguistic: Instructional Modes and Acquisition, Frances M. Sweeney

Theories of Interlanguage Development, Frances M. Sweeney


The Actor Occluded: Puppet Theatre and Acting Theory, Steve Tillis

The Shadow Groom, Steve Tillis

United Media Award, Edward Tywoniak

Elecciones en Rusia: Un Proceso Democrático que es una Parodia del de Occidente, Susan Weissman

La primera ronda en Rusia: el mal menor -- Yeltsin o Zyuganov?, Susan Weissman

Media and Politics: Are They Driving Us Crazy?, Susan Weissman

October Revolution, Ideals and Distortions, Susan Weissman

Revolution Betrayed and Destiny of a Revolution, Susan Weissman

Russia Twenty Years After, Susan Weissman

Serge and Trotsky’s Views: Post Theories Strengths and Limitations, Susan Weissman

Symmetrical crises of democracy? Post-Stalinist Russia and Late-Capitalist America, Susan Weissman

Transition: What Transition?, Susan Weissman


Trotsky Assassinated Again, Susan Weissman

Trotsky's Revolution Betrayed: Significance in post-Soviet Period, Susan Weissman

Where is the US Going? American Politics on the Eve of the Elections, Susan Weissman

Submissions from 1995


A Dutch Enciphered Code, David J. Alvarez

Collaborative Ethnography: Combining Teaching and Research in Participative Pedagogy., Shawny Anderson

Ethnography as Advocacy., Shawny Anderson

Preventing Hysteria through Grassroots Organizing: The Beat 2432 Gang Team, Shawny Anderson

Collecting Fragments: Behind the Myth of Zeuxis, Costanza Gislon Dopfel

From Witchcraft to Eloquence: The Parody of Female Education, Costanza Gislon Dopfel

The Fourth Century Jerusalem Catechesis and the Development of the Creed, Alexis Doval

The Place of the Cross in Cyril of Jerusalem's Theology of Atonement, Alexis Doval

Right-Minded In Romania: "Movement for Romania" and Radical, Nationalistic Intellectualism in a Romanian Youth Group, John Ely and additional author(s)

Alumni-Faculty Fellowship, Rosemary Graham

The Prostitute in the Garden: Female Sexuality in Walt Whitman's Poetry, Rosemary Graham

NEH Summer Seminar for School Teachers, Carl Guarneri


Reconsidering C. Vann Woodward's The Comparative Approach to American History, Carl Guarneri

U. S. Intellectual and Cultural History, 1815-1877, Carl Guarneri

Utopias, Carl Guarneri

Running phenomena in ancient Sumer, Deane A. Lamont

Sporting and Recreational Pursuits in Oakland, California, 1850-1900, Deane A. Lamont

Sweet Peas, Olga Lazebnaya

United States National Latin American Champions, Olga Lazebnaya


African American Migrant Women in the San Francisco East Bay Area., Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Deindustrialization, Urban Poverty, and Community Mobilization in Oakland, California, 1945-1995, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Reframing Our Social Reality: A Contemporary Utopia, Patrizia Longo

The Intersection of Sex, Violence and Gender in Nineteenth-Century American Anti-Catholic Literature, Marie Pagliarini

Riconete y Cortidillo: Una Lectura Satiacuterica, Alvaro Ramirez

So Far From God and So Close to the Quixote, Alvaro Ramirez

Mobilizations of the Crowd in Films of the Early 1930s, Katherine Roper

Sweet Peas, Dima Sukachov

United States National Latin American Champions, Dima Sukachov

Computers in the Realm of Proficiency, Frances Sweeney

Exposing Writing: Pre-Writing, Process and Group Activities to Aid Composition Development., Frances Sweeney

Stylistics as a Bridge for Proficiency and Literacy., Frances Sweeney

Writing, Assessment and Critical Thinking., Frances Sweeney

Stylistics as a Bridge for Proficiency and Literacy, Frances M. Sweeney

Writing, Assessment and Critical Thinking, Frances M. Sweeney

Fire in the Mountain, Steve Tillis

Morley and Hua-Hua, Steve Tillis

The Actor Occluded: Puppet Theatre and Acting Theory, Steve Tillis

Jupiter Systems MDT v.1 (Product Review), Edward Tywoniak

Student Media: An Historical Perspective, Edward Tywoniak

Tom Candiotti Saint Mary's Sports Hall of Fame Induction Video, Edward Tywoniak

Decline & Transition East and West, Susan Weissman

Privatization, the IMF and its Impact on the Russian People, Susan Weissman

Serge and Trotsky's Views: Post Theories Strengths and Limitations, Susan Weissman

The Left Opposition Divided: The Trotsky-Serge Disputes, Susan Weissman

The Politics of the Russian Left in Global Perspective, Susan Weissman

The Russian Trade Union and Socialist Movements Today, Susan Weissman

Rusia dice no al libre mercado y sigue el llamado del nacionalismo, Susan Weissman and additional author(s)


Tribalism and Its Discontents., Denise Witzig

On Spretnack’s The Spiritual Dimension of Green Politics, Stephen Woolpert