School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 1998

Victor Serge: A Profile, Susan Weissman

El Detonador Ruso: capitalismo en entredicho, Susan Weissman and additional author(s)


Russia’s Crisis: Capitalism in Question, Susan Weissman and additional author(s)


Transformational Politics: Theory, Study, and Practice, Stephen Woolpert and additional author(s)

Submissions from 1997


No Immunity: Signals Intelligence and the European Neutrals, 1939-45, David J. Alvarez

Research Fellowship - National Security Agency, David J. Alvarez

The Vatican, David J. Alvarez


Nothing Sacred: Nazi Espionage Against the Vatican, 1939-1945, David J. Alvarez and additional author(s)

Preconvention Conference on Community-Based Scholarship, Shawny Anderson

The Cultural Artifact Speech: Guiding Topic Selection and Leading Discussion on Issues of Culture, Shawny Anderson

Va Dove Ti Porta il Cuore, Maria Grazia De Angelis

Giuseppe Betussi's Raverta, Costanza Gislon Dopfel

Book review of Angelic Wisdom: The Cherubim and the Grace of Contemplation in Richard of St. Victor, by Steven Chase (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1995), Alexis Doval

Book review of The Atonement, by Michael Winter (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1995), Alexis Doval

Review panel on the book The Eucharistic Mystery: Revitalizing the Tradition, by David Power, Alexis Doval

St. John Baptist De La Salle, Alexis Doval

The Architecture of the Holy Sepulchre Church and Its Baptismal Itinerary in the Fourth Century, Alexis Doval


The Date of Cyril of Jerusalem's Catecheses, Alexis Doval

Does Monotheism Have to be Monotonous? Friedrich Nietzsche on Unity and Plurality, David Gentry-Akin

Review of Stanley Hauerwas Theology Without Foundations: Religious Practice and the Future of Religious Truth, Paul Giurlanda

Negotiating Terms: The Language of the MFA Classroom, Rosemary Graham


The Prostitute in the Garden: Walt Whitman, "Fanny Hill," and the Fantasy of Female Pleasure, Rosemary Graham

America Compared: American History in International Perspective, Carl Guarneri


Brook Farm and the Fourierist Phalanxes: Immediatism, Gradualism, and American Utopian Socialism, Carl Guarneri


Out of Its Shell: Internationalizing the Teaching of United States History, Carl Guarneri

U.S. Information Agency, Carl Guarneri

Holiness Remembered: Saintly Monks, Holy "vitae", and Necrologies of Montecassino, Charles Hilken

New Wine in New Wineskins: Saint Thomas Aquinas in the Thirteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Charles Hilken

The Monastic Family: Dependents, Servants, Brothers and Sisters, Charles Hilken


A Woman’s Soul is Her Castle: Place and Space in St. Teresa’s Interior Castle, Sheila Hassell Hughes


Between Bodies of Knowledge There Is a Great Gulf Fixed: A Liberationist Reading of Class and Gender in Life in the Iron Mills, Sheila Hassell Hughes


Interior Castle, Sheila Hassell Hughes


land/slide, Sheila Hassell Hughes


Mattering, Sheila Hassell Hughes


Outward Bound, Sheila Hassell Hughes

Pauli Murray, Ronald L. Fair, Joseph A. Walker, and The River Niger, Sheila Hassell Hughes

The Politics of Space: Domestic Spheres and Female Bodies in Beecher and Stowe's "American Woman's Home" and Harriet Jacobs's "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl", Kathryn S. Koo

Health, Character, and Boosterism in Nineteenth-Century Oakland, California, Deane A. Lamont

Women, Sport, and Vigorous Physical Activity: A History of Exclusion and Restriction?, Deane A. Lamont

Master's Thesis Dance Concert, Dana Lawton

Champions of 21 consecutive Latin competitions, Olga Lazebnaya

US National Professional Latin-American Top Couple of the Year, Olga Lazebnaya

Capital Flight and Grassroots Protest in Oakland's African American Community, 1945-1997, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Engendering Democracy, Patrizia Longo

The Storyboard as Architectural Tool: Using the Cinema to Imagine the Flow of Time for Architectural Sites, Lisa Manter

Racial and Ethnic Conflict, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli

Phi Kappa Phi (Highest Honors), Barbara McGraw

Promoting Moral Education Through Physical Education with At-Risk Youth, Steve Miller and additional author(s)


Sociomoral education through physical education with at-risk children., Steve Miller and additional author(s)

Veiled Histories: The Body, Place and Contemporary Public Art, Anna Novakov

Purification of the Elect': Embodied Spirituality and Religious Empowerment in the Narratives of Nineteenth-Century Catholic Nuns, Marie Pagliarini

Company Policies and Ethnic Relations: Italian and African American Workers in California's Lumber Industry, Paola Sensi-Isolani

Exploited Radicals and Exploiting Conservatives: Two Sides of the Italian Immigrant Experience in California, Paola Sensi-Isolani

Struggle and Success: Italian Immigrants in the Promised Land, Paola Sensi-Isolani

Champions of 21 consecutive Latin competitions, Dima Sukachov

US National Professional Latin-American Top Couple of the Year, Dima Sukachov

High Tech for Low Brows: Software Applications for Spanish., Frances Sweeney

The Reply to Sor Filotea by Juana Inés de la Cruz, Frances Sweeney

Dreaming in Cuban and Gringo Viejo: Case Studies in Intra-American Interpolation, Molly Swift

Re-colonizing Columbus in Two Works by William Carlos Williams and Alejo Carpentier, Molly Swift

Writing Americas: Fuentes and McCarthy Explore the Intra-American Space, Molly Swift

Alternative Music Controllers: An Historical Overview & Future Design Parameters of Electronic Music Instrumentation, Edward Tywoniak

KSMC Meritorious Service Award, Edward Tywoniak

Tribute to Brother Mel Anderson, FSC, Video, Edward Tywoniak

Kronstadt and the Russian Revolution, Susan Weissman

Serge and Trotsky's Exchange on Kronstadt, Susan Weissman

The Ideas of Victor Serge: Life as a Work of Art, Susan Weissman

The Russian Revolution and The Russian Question, Susan Weissman

The Mythopoetic Men’s Movement and the New Scientific Cosmology, Stephen Woolpert

Submissions from 1996


A German Agent at the Vatican: The Gerlach Affair, David J. Alvarez


Diplomatic Solutions: German Diplomatic Cryptanalysis, 1919-1945, David J. Alvarez


Faded Lustre: Vatican Cryptography, 1815-1920, David J. Alvarez


Italian Diplomatic Cryptanalysis in World War I, David J. Alvarez

Breaking Out: Overcoming Obstacles to Higher Education in the Indiana Women's Prison, Shawny Anderson

Constructing a New Ethnicity: Guillermo Gomez-Pena and the 'Revolting Pochos', Shawny Anderson

Escaping Monotony in Public Speaking: Guiding Topic Selection Toward Creativity and Productivity, Shawny Anderson

Ethnography as Advocacy, Shawny Anderson

Mundelein College Outstanding Faculty Member Award, Shawny Anderson

Oppositional Decoding and Grassroots Activism: Resisting Media Hysteria About Gangs and Violence, Shawny Anderson

Philosophies of Gender: A Historical Overview of the Rhetoric of the Body, Shawny Anderson

Prisoners' Testimonies on Work, Culture, and The Promise of Rehabilitation in the Indiana Women's Prison, Shawny Anderson

Sentenced but not Silenced: Reclaiming Agency in the Indiana Women's Prison, Shawny Anderson

Nel Mondo in Punta di Piedi: Aterballetto, Maria Grazia De Angelis

Book review of Tertullian and the Church, by David Rankin (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), Alexis Doval

Injecting Ethics Into Evolution: Can Creation and Evolution Be Reconciled?, Alexis Doval

The Fourth Century Jerusalem Catechesis and the Development of the Creed, Alexis Doval

Inside - Out: Halfway House Staff Management of Punishment and Empathy on the Ambiguous Boundary Between Prison and the "Outside, John Ely

Return to the Mountain of Love, Paul Giurlanda

Professor of the Year, Carl Guarneri


Reconstructing the Antebellum Communitarian Movement: Oneida and Fourierism, Carl Guarneri

Djerassi Foundation Artist in Residence, 1996, Joan Halperin

Greek Saints and Conventions in South Italian Chapter Books, Charles Hilken

Public seminar on "Monastic Commemorations of the Dead", Charles Hilken

Public seminar on the plays of Hrotsvit von Gandersheim, Charles Hilken

Public seminar on the writings of Catharine of Siena, Charles Hilken

South Italian Monastic Remembrances of the Dead, Charles Hilken

Sport and Leisure in the Building of an Urban Community: The Case of Oakland, California, 1850- 1906, Deane A. Lamont

The Games-Playing Phenomenon at Nineteenth-Century English Public Schools: A Precursor to American Collegiate Sport, Deane A. Lamont

Spring Showcase, Dana Lawton


Abiding Courage: African American Migrant Women in the East Bay Community, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo