School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 1991

The Vatican and the Fall of Poland, David J. Alvarez


Vatican Intelligence Capabilities in the Second World War, David J. Alvarez

La prima donna', The Feminine Voice as Source of Creativity, Jane Dilworth

The Location and Structure of the Baptistry in the Mystagogic Catecheses of St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Alexis Doval

Ireland's New Marriage in the Novels of James Stephens, Ronald Gallagher

Zeg het voort en geef het door': De Nederlandse manier van geloven is wereldwijd gemeengoed geworden, David Gentry-Akin

Cornell University Press, Carl Guarneri

Pulitizer Prize Nomination (History), Carl Guarneri


The Utopian Alternative: Fourierism in Nineteenth-Century America, Carl Guarneri

American Philosophical Society Research Grant, 1991., Joan Halperin

Facing Distortion in Biography: the Life of Louise Hervieu, Joan Halperin

Nijenrode Scholarship, 1991., Joan Halperin

Perspectives sur le symbolisme en peinture, Joan Halperin

The Ironic Eye and the Unconscious: Seurat and the Poet Jules Laforgue, Joan Halperin

Undergraduate Student Recruitment and Retention and the Centralized On-Campus Recreational Sports Facility, Deane A. Lamont

American Dissertation Fellowship, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Andrew Mellon Fellowship, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo


Conscientious Objection, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo


The Statue of Glaucus: Rousseau's Modern Quest For Authenticity, Patrizia Longo-Heckle

Rousseau and the Postmodern Syndrome, Patrizia Longo

The Foundation of the Greek Polis. Apogee and Crisis, Patrizia Longo

Destroying the Boundaries of Discipline: Feminist Film Theory and Feminist Literary Theory, Lisa Manter


Perceptions of psychological momentum and their effect on performance, Steve Miller and additional author(s)

De la Novela de la Revolucioacuten Mexicana y la Novela Revolucionaria, Alvaro Ramirez


German Encounters with Modernity: Novels of Imperial Berlin, Katherine Roper

Housekeeping, Naomi Schwartz

Motown and Soul, Naomi Schwartz


The Use of Artificial Intelligence by the United States Navy: Case Study of a Failure, Stephen B. Sloane

The Emperor's Nightingale, Steve Tillis

The Sign-Systems of the Puppet, Steve Tillis

Interactive Computer Music Programs in Live Performance, Edward Tywoniak

La Critique d’art Au Pere Peinard, Joan Ungersma

Victor Serge: Les Dernières Reflexiones sur le Stalinisme, Susan Weissman


Letter(s) From an Unknown Woman: Edith Wharton's Correspondence with Authority., Denise Witzig

Victim/Offender Reconciliation Programs, Stephen Woolpert

Submissions from 1990

Alumni Faculty Research Fellowship, David J. Alvarez

Travel Grant - National Endowment for the Humanities, David J. Alvarez

Francis Bacon, Inquisitor, Kenneth Cardwell


The Fish on the Fire: Jn 21:9, Kenneth Cardwell

Introduction, Paul Giurlanda

Ambiguous Encounters: Poets and Painters in the Post-Impressionist Era, Joan Halperin

Inventing Neo-Impressionism: Seurat and Félix Fénéon, Joan Halperin

NEH Travel-to-Collections Grant, June 1990., Joan Halperin

Anne Firor Scott Research Award,, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Anne Firor Scott Research Grant, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Television Production Grant, Dan Leopard

Marx's Utopia of Double Reality. A Critique, Patrizia Longo

Perceptions of Psychological Momentum and their Effect on Performance., Steve Miller and additional author(s)

Cervantistas Versus Quijotistas, Alvaro Ramirez

Death as a Structuring Motif in Pedro Páramo, Alvaro Ramirez

Coda, Martin Rokeach

Norturne, Martin Rokeach

Sonata for violin and piano, Martin Rokeach

In Search of the German Revolution: Novels of Imperial Berlin, Katherine Roper

Hsueh Tao, Naomi Schwartz


Italian Americans Celebrate Life: the Arts and Popular Culture: Selected Essays, Paola Sensi-Isolani

Italian Languages and Culture Promotion: The Pitfall of Cross-Cultural Misunderstanding, Paola Sensi-Isolani

La Pelle in California, I Soldi in Italia: The Italian Strike in McCloud, California, 1909, Paola Sensi-Isolani

Orpheus Ascending, Steve Tillis

Puppetry and Postmodernism, Steve Tillis

Puppet Theatre/Live Theatre, Steve Tillis

The Appeal of the Puppet: God or Toy?, Steve Tillis

Future View of Real-Time Computer Appplications for the Arts, Edward Tywoniak

Victor Serge's Critique of the Stalinist System, Susan Weissman