Submissions from 1988
The Meaning of the Current Rehabilitations in the USSR, Susan Weissman
Victor Serge's Critique of Stalinism: Bureaucracy & Planlessness, Susan Weissman
Applying Humanistic Psychology to Politics: The Case for Criminal Restitution, Stephen Woolpert
Submissions from 1987
Abandoning Providence, Paul Giurlanda
Faith and Knowledge: A Critical Inquiry, Paul Giurlanda
Habermas' Critique of Gadamer: Does It Stand Up?, Paul Giurlanda
The Challenge of Post-Liberal Theology, Paul Giurlanda
Religion and Society in the American West, Carl Guarneri and David Alvarez
Pioneer paesani in Globe Arizona, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli
Intercultural Understanding, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli and Leonard Gordon
A further test of the model minority thesis: Japanese Americans in a sunbelt state, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli and Richard Nagasawa
Kingston’s "The Woman Warrior": Autobiography as Psychological Birth, Elise Miller
The Objects of Autobiographical Relations, Elise Miller
Still Life: Marriage, Naomi Schwartz
The Art in Magic, Naomi Schwartz
Tradition and Transition in a California Paese, Paola Sensi-Isolani
Looking At Glasnost: Who benefits from the Reforms?, Susan Weissman
The High Risk Side to Glasnost, Susan Weissman
URSS: Y los Obreros?, Susan Weissman
Victor Serge y Leon Trotsky: Una relacion dificil, Susan Weissman
Why Gorbachev's reforms must include the workers, Susan Weissman
Submissions from 1986
Outstanding Graduate in the Department of Speech Communication, Shawny Anderson
The Gods of the Mountain: Dunsany, Yeats and A.E., Ronald Gallagher
Gilbert Chinard Literary Prize, 1986, Joan Halperin
A test of the McKay and Lewins typology, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli
Concerto Competition: University of Hawaii, Lino Rivera
Distinguished Pianist Prize, Lino Rivera
Tango, Martin Rokeach
A Fictional Quest for the Berliner, Katherine Roper
The Poetry of Life's Details, Naomi Schwartz
Composition and Performance on the Buchla 400 Digital Keyboard Instrument, Edward Tywoniak
A Comparison of Rational Choice and Self-Actualization Theories of Politics, Stephen Woolpert
A Comparison of Rational Choice and Self-Actualization Theories of Politics, Stephen Woolpert
Submissions from 1985
Cervantes Prize: Department of Spanish. U.C. Berkeley, 1985., Jane Dilworth
Departmental Citation: Department of French. U.C. Berkeley, 1985., Jane Dilworth
Review of George Lindbeck The Nature of Doctrine., Paul Giurlanda
Summer Stipend - National Endowment for the Humanities, Carl Guarneri
Exploring ethnicity in the Sunbelt: Italian Americans in Scottsdale, Arizona, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli
National Competition: Music Teachers' National Association, Lino Rivera
Articles on Erich Kästner and Erich Maria Remarque, Katherine Roper
In Search of the Bohemian: Self-images of Berlin Literati, Katherine Roper
Couplets, Naomi Schwartz
Scattering, Naomi Schwartz
Sorting Out the Work of Modern Poets, Naomi Schwartz
Sylvia Plath Strophic Award, Naomi Schwartz
A Proposal for a San Francisco Bay Area College Broadcaster's Consortia, Edward Tywoniak
Submissions from 1984
Phi Beta Kappa. U.C. Berkeley, 1984., Jane Dilworth
Judge Nelson Administrative Justice Award, Barbara McGraw
Order of the Coif (Highest Honors), Barbara McGraw
Prelude and fantasy, Martin Rokeach
Variations for flute, Martin Rokeach
Conrad Alberti's Kampf ums Dasein: The Writer in Imperial Berlin, Katherine Roper
The Urban Aristocracy in Novels of Imperial Berlin: A Crisis of Honor and Means, Katherine Roper
Humor and Death, Bread and Art, Naomi Schwartz
Inventing Her Own World, Naomi Schwartz
Looking Out, Naomi Schwartz
Napa Poetry Conference Award, Naomi Schwartz
Music and the Liberal Arts Tradition, Edward Tywoniak
Studio Design Considerations for the Instruction of Radio Broadcasting, Edward Tywoniak
Restitution: The Punishment of the Future?, Stephen Woolpert
Submissions from 1983
The Papacy in the Diplomacy of the American Civil War, David J. Alvarez
The Associationists: Forging a Christian Socialism in Antebellum America, Carl Guarneri
Two Utopian Socialist Plans for Black Emancipation, Carl Guarneri
Jamais Qu'unique: Paradoxes in a Critic's View of Monet, Joan Halperin
The Problem of Democracy in Mass Society, Patrizia Longo and additional author(s)
Beneath the surface, ethnic communities in Phoenix, Arizona, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli
The Realism of Sarah Orne Jewett’s "The Country of the Pointed Firs", Elise Miller
Images of German Youth in Weimar Novels, Katherine Roper
Flying Colors Prize, Naomi Schwartz
The Peaches of My Childhood, Naomi Schwartz
Fabula, Steve Tillis
Submissions from 1982
Poetry Award - I.U.L.M, Costanza Gislon Dopfel
Importing Fourierism to America, Carl Guarneri
The Italian American political experience, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli
American Jurisprudence Award (Business Organizations), Barbara McGraw
American Jurisprudence Award (Contracts), Barbara McGraw
Dean's Outstanding Achievement Award, Barbara McGraw
Realism and Feminism: Re-Evaluating New England Local Color, Elise Miller
George M Wilcox Award in Education, Alvaro Ramirez
Harold P Gould Honor Society, Alvaro Ramirez
December Letter, Naomi Schwartz
Trust and Lewis, Hold Yourself Close, Naomi Schwartz
Submissions from 1981
Research Fellowship - Charles Warren Center, Harvard University, Carl Guarneri
Research Fellowship for Recent Recipients of the Ph.D. - American Council of Learned Societies, Carl Guarneri
Visiting Scholar - Berlin Historical Commission, Katherine Roper
Orpheus in the Underworld, Steve Tillis
Submissions from 1980
American Recognition of the Papal States: A Reconsideration, David J. Alvarez
Bureaucracy and Cold War Diplomacy: The United States and Turkey, 1943-1946, David J. Alvarez
Research Grant: Romance Languages - University of Tubingen, Ronald Gallagher
Felix Feneon and the Language of Art Criticism, Joan Halperin
Submissions from 1979
Outstanding Undergraduate Student, David Gentry-Akin
Scientific Criticism and Le Beau Moderne of the Age of Science, Joan Halperin
Honor Society of Sigma Delta Pi, Alvaro Ramirez
The Portrayal of Women in Novels of Imperial Berlin, Katherine Roper
The Struggle for Existence: Social Criticism in Novels of Imperial Berlin, Katherine Roper
The Adventures of Sindbad, Steve Tillis
Self-Actualization Theory and Political Science, Stephen Woolpert
Submissions from 1978
Research Grant - Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, David J. Alvarez
The Vatican and the War in the Far East, 1941-1943, David J. Alvarez
The Vatican Secret Archive, David J. Alvarez