School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 1994

Review of Robert Goss Jesus Acted Up: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto, Paul Giurlanda

Eugenio Battisti Award, Carl Guarneri

St. John Baptiste De La Salle Award, Carl Guarneri


The Americanization of Utopia: Fourierism and the Dilemma of Utopian Dissent in the United States, Carl Guarneri

Prix France-Amérique. 4 July, 1991., Joan Halperin

Homosexuality and Group Boundaries in the Discourse of Contemporary Evangelical Feminism: a Historical Perspective, Sheila Hassell Hughes

Choreographer's Showcase, Dana Lawton

I Always Desired Independence, Never Wealth: African American Migrant Women in the Wartime East Bay., Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

Irvine Grant Workshop, Patrizia Longo

Baiting the Hook: Guillaume de Machaut and the Traffic in Women, Lisa Manter

Symposium on Character Development in Sport and Physical Activity., Steve Miller and additional author(s)


Librao, Alvaro Ramirez

Quixotic Alienation in Onetti's El Pozo, Alvaro Ramirez

North Beach Rhapsody, Martin Rokeach

National Endowment for Humanities Summer Seminar Stipend, Katherine Roper

Multimedia Classroom versus Language Lab., Frances Sweeney

The Effect for Oral Journals on the Acquisition of Spanish., Frances Sweeney

Changes II. John Cage Interactive Musicircus, Edward Tywoniak

The Reign in Spain: History, Music and Literature of the Age of Discovery, Edward Tywoniak

Kronstadt and the Fourth International., Susan Weissman


An Information Center for the Russian Workers' Movement, Susan Weissman and additional author(s)

Submissions from 1993


The Papal Cipher Section in the Early Nineteenth Century, David J. Alvarez

Eli Lilly and Company Matching Gift Program, Shawny Anderson

Puffin Foundation Grant, Shawny Anderson

Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award. U.C. Berkeley, 1993., Jane Dilworth

Location and Structure of the Baptistry in the Mystagogic Catecheses of St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Alexis Doval

The Great Leo: A Light in the West, Ronald Gallagher

A God Who Could Dance: A Nietzschean Perspective on Religion and the Body, David Gentry-Akin

Beyond Tolerance: Two Non-Individualist Views (Gadamer and Hauerwas), Paul Giurlanda

What About Our Church's Children?, Paul Giurlanda

Irvine Foundation Grant for Curriculum Development, Rosemary Graham

Solving All the Problems of Freedom: The "Case" of the 1860 Leaves of Grass, Rosemary Graham

Irvine Foundation, Carl Guarneri


Reunion, Texas: Post Scriptum Ironique au Fouriérisme Américaine, Carl Guarneri

American Philosophical Society Research Grant, 1993., Joan Halperin

The Historical and Theological Background for Prayers for the Dead, Charles Hilken

Dinner Theatre, Sheila Hassell Hughes

Sacramentalizing, Sheila Hassell Hughes

Physical Contests in an Ancient Near-Eastern Culture: A Comparison with Greece and Rome., Deane A. Lamont

Running Events in Ancient Sumer, Deane A. Lamont

African American Migrant Women in the San Francisco Bay Area, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo

...and Thales Fell into a Pit: A Feminist Critique of Epistemology, Patrizia Longo

Irvine Grant: "Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Context", Patrizia Longo

NEH grant: Participate in Summer Institute in Philosophy "Knowledge, Teaching and Wisdom", Patrizia Longo


The Excelsior Villagers: A study of an Italian American neighborhood in transition, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli

Transformation of an Ethnic community: Phoenix's Italians, 1880 to 1980, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli

Cervantine Resonance in Three American Television Programs, Alvaro Ramirez

The Quixote and Los Pasos Perdidos: From 'admiratio' to 'lo real maravilloso', Alvaro Ramirez


Imagining the German Capital: Berlin Writers in the Two Unification Eras, Katherine Roper

Karl Gutzkow, Katherine Roper

Friedrich Spielhagen, Katherine Roper and additional author(s)

Bridge, Naomi Schwartz

"Housekeeping II: Dustings," "The Happy World," and "Retreat", Naomi Schwartz


Struggle and Success: An Anthology of the Italian Immigrant Experience in California, Paola A. Sensi-Isolani and Phylis Cancilla Martinelli

An Analysis of the Acquisition of Morphosyntactic and Discourse Features in the Writing of First-Year University Level Learners of Spanish., Frances Sweeney

Techniques for Teacher Writing., Frances Sweeney

The Relationship Between Language Acquisition and Student Awareness of Methodology and Instruction., Frances Sweeney

From Affective to Effective Writing, Frances Sweeney and additional author(s)

An Analysis of the Acquisition of Morphosyntactic and Discourse Features in the Writing of First-Year University Level Learners of Spanish, Frances M. Sweeney

The Relationship Between Language Acquisition and Student Awareness of Methodology and Instruction, Frances M. Sweeney

Electronic Artisans: How Synthesizers are Made, Edward Tywoniak

Entrance Music for Elizabeth Taylor and Dance Music for Cirque de Sole Arial Acrobats, Edward Tywoniak

Los Angeles Project Studios, Edward Tywoniak

Reflections on the Information Superhighway, Edward Tywoniak

Show Time: The Technology of the Grateful Dead, Edward Tywoniak


Bloody Moscow, October 1993, Susan Weissman

Choque sin terapia, entre el Macartismo y el Pinochetismo, Susan Weissman

La Falta de salidas a la crisis rusa, Susan Weissman

The Politics of the Shadow, Stephen Woolpert

Submissions from 1992


A Papal Diplomatic Code, David J. Alvarez


Purely a Business Matter: The Taft Mission to the Vatican, David J. Alvarez


Vatican Communications Security, 1914-1918, David J. Alvarez

Share It Now Foundation grant, Shawny Anderson

Subjectivity and the Body: A Historical Overview of Interpretations of Physical Difference, Shawny Anderson


Mexican American Ethnic Identity, an Interdisciplinary Approach, Martha E. Bernal and Phylis Cancilla Martinelli

Phi Beta Kappa Scholarship. U.C. Berkeley, 1992., Jane Dilworth

The Fantastic Forum: James Stephens and Flann O'Brien, Ronald Gallagher

Annual Book Award, Carl Guarneri


Utopie et la Seconde Revolution Americaine, Carl Guarneri

Compact, Sheila Hassell Hughes

Distinction in academic and professional career, Patrizia Longo

Plato and the Modern Technological Myth, Patrizia Longo

Rousseau's Dream of a True Democracy: Utopia or Paradox, Patrizia Longo

In the Name of the Father: Dhuoda's Liber manualis as a Mirror of Authority, Lisa Manter

Cultural Pluralism in Arizona: Toward Intercultural Understanding and Accommodation, Phylis Cancilla Martinelli and Leonard Gordon

Promoting Moral Development via Physical Education: The Golden Gate Project, Steve Miller and additional author(s)

Imagining Germanness: Novels of the Kaiserzeit, Katherine Roper

New Letters Award, Naomi Schwartz

Struggle and Success - Agnelli Foundation, Paola Sensi-Isolani

Redefining Christianity in a Capitalistic Society: The Private Catholic Institution of the 1990's., Frances Sweeney

Learner Attitudes Towards their Foreign Language Development: Speech and Composition Acquisition, Frances M. Sweeney

The Right to Write in the Communicative Competence Classroom: A Comparison of the Acquisition of Morphosyntactic Features in Speaking and Writing in the First Year Spanish Class, Frances M. Sweeney

Frankenstein, Steve Tillis

The Truth of the Matter, Steve Tillis

Toward an Aesthetics of the Puppet: Puppetry as a Theatrical Art, Steve Tillis

Corazon de Agua: Heart of Water., Edward Tywoniak

Mixcoatl, Edward Tywoniak

The Sound of Music (play), Edward Tywoniak

Seventy-Five Years Later, the Workers Are Still the Problem, Susan Weissman


The Onus of Historical Impossibility, Susan Weissman