Submissions from 2015
Changing GLBTQ representations: The Sexual Other in Brazilian Telenovelas, Samantha Nogueira Joyce and additional author(s)
Dangerous Narrative: Apocalypse in African-American Literature, Jeannine King
I’m Not Here: Existential Acts in Nineteenth-Century African American Women’s Narrative, Jeannine King
Advice for New SMC Faculty, Emily Klein
Bad Translations: Adaptation, Affect, and Apathy in Post-Political Dystopias, Emily Klein
Fantasy Feminisms II: Remembering and Reimagining Feminist Pedagogies, Emily Klein
Imagining Lysistrata 2.0, Emily Klein
In Dialogue With Brecht: A Pre-Show Conversation, Emily Klein
Clorox Foundation Grant, Dana Lawton
Cultural Grant - City of Oakland, Dana Lawton
Home (Center Stage, Santa Barbara, CA), Dana Lee Lawton
Home (Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast, Ireland), Dana Lee Lawton
Review of Margaret Grundstein, Naked in the Woods: My Unexpected Years in a Hippie Commune, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo
Developing Language Skills and Cultural Awareness Through STEM Content, Helga Lenart-Cheng
Review of "Alexander Lenard: Stories of Rome", Helga Lenart-Cheng
The Conflicted Commitments of Archbishop Endre Hamvas Following the Communist Takeover in Hungary, Helga Lenart-Cheng
The Role of Indefinite Pronouns in Modeling Wholeness: Gertrude Stein's Everybody's Autobiography, Helga Lenart-Cheng
My Mummy Complex: Fusing Trauma and History in the Televisual 1960s, Dan Leopard
Scars and Wounds: Film and Trauma in National and International Contexts, Dan Leopard
Food justice and sustainability: a new revolution, Patrizia Longo
Against Dryness: Real People and Reading Don Quixote in Light of the Liberal Arts, Felicia Martinez
Vespers for a New Dark Age, Missy Mazzoli, Matthew Zapruder, Stephen Cran, Glen Kotche, and Lorna Dune
Annual Interfaith Leadership and Prison Chaplaincy Management Conference Chair, Barbara McGraw
Interfaith Leadership in Business: How Business Can Contribute to Interreligious Cooperation and Promote Compassion and Peace, Barbara McGraw
Religious Liberty, the Supreme Court, RFRA and RLUIPA, Barbara McGraw
Serving Those Who Serve: Safeguarding Religious Free Exercise, Barbara McGraw
Religious Liberty in the US: Coming to Terms with Hobby Lobby, RFRA, and RLUIPA, Barbara A. McGraw
Thou Shalt and Thou Shalt Not: The Ten Commandments Then and Now (But Mostly Then), Mark McVann
Presentation on Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mark McVann and Anne Carpenter
Finalist for Reynolds Price Short Fiction International Literary Award, Rashaan Meneses
The Body is a Promise, Rashaan Meneses
All I Have to Show, Rashaan Alexis Meneses
The Rift, Rashaan Alexis Meneses
Mexican Language, Culture and History in the Western Novels of Willa Cather, Molly Metherd
Clinical Writing and Publishing: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Writers At Work, Elise Miller
Writing as a Tool for the Development of Independent Thought: Pitfalls and Benefits, Elise Miller
Axis Mundi / Open Portals, Anna Novakov
Locative Interference: The Dérive, Cybergeography and Contemporary Art, Anna Novakov
Provisional Haven, Anna Novakov
The Sky is Moving – The Earth is Humming, Anna Novakov
Utopian Intensions [Book Manuscript], Anna Novakov
Utopian Intensions [Book Manuscript], Anna Novakov
Spiritual Tattooing: Pain, Materialization, and Transformation, Marie Pagliarini
Inverting the Object of Study: Recalibrating the Frame of Reference in Study Abroad Experiences, Norris Palmer
Injuries in U.S. Track & Field High School Student-Athletes, 2008/09-2013/14, Lauren A. Pierpoint, Claire Williams, Sarah K. Fields, and R. Dawn Comstock
Borromini’s Restlessness and the Classical Tradition, Gabriel Pihas
Classical and Christian Art in Hegel’s Aesthetics, Gabriel Pihas
Dante’s Beatrice: Between Idolatry and Iconoclasm, Gabriel Pihas
Defining Modernity with Borromini, Gabriel Pihas
Hegel’s Dante, Gabriel Pihas
Inwardness and Classical Sculpture, Gabriel Pihas
Orientation in Dante’s Purgatorio, Gabriel Pihas
Prudentia and Curiositas in Dante and Aquinas, Gabriel Pihas
Concerto for Piccolo and Orchestra, Martin Rokeach
Fast Lane for Violin and Trumpet, Martin Rokeach
Multiple music compositions, Martin Rokeach
Songs for Mezzo-Soprano and Guitar, Martin Rokeach
A Multimodal Review of the 2015 Screening Scholarship Film Festival., Alicia Rusoja
Ethnicity, Race, Multilingualism Committee Travel Award, Alicia Rusoja
Graduate School of Education Student Government Travel Award,, Alicia Rusoja
Fostering Coalitional Literacies in Out-of-School Spaces, Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)
Producing a Literacy Voice-Body without Organs: Continuing to (Un)frame Data, Alicia Rusoja and additional author(s)
Ethics and Sustainability in Edu-tourism, Aaron D. Sachs
Black Lives Matter=All Lives Matter, Myrna Santiago
La Reforma Energética en México y la Ecología del Petróleo: Lecciones Desde la Historia, Myrna Santiago
Mexico’s Energy Reform: National Coffers, Local Consequences, Myrna Santiago
Railroad Radicals in Cold War Mexico: Gender, Class, and Memory, Myrna Santiago
Review of "Subterranean Struggles: New Dynamics of Mining, Oil, and Gas in Latin America" by Anthony Bebbington and Jeffrey Bury, Myrna Santiago
To Conduct Oral Interviews in Nicaragua for an Account of That Country’s Devastating 1972 Earthquake, Myrna Santiago
Whiteness Attacked, Whiteness Defended: White South African Rhetorics of Race in JULUKA Newsletter, Scott Schönfeldt-Aultman
A Dance Class, A Drag King, and the Pedagogical Possibilities of Performative Hip-Hop: An Interview With Carmen Morrison & Alex U. Inn, Scott Schönfeldt-Aultman and Carmen Alex Morrison
Stalwarts of self-sacrifice: London Hospital and Edwardian nostalgia on the small screen, Aeleah Soine
Lavinia Dock, International Nurse: Transnational Approaches to Feminism, Social Justice, and Global Public Health, Aeleah Soine and Siobhan Nelson
Saving the Snow Leopard with Science and Spirituality [Award for Best Poster], Elena Songster and Michael Lewis
(Dis)Embodied Literacies: Identities and Ways of Being, Meghan Sweeney
The Everywhere and Nowhere Skill: Sustaining the Assessment of Analytical Reading as Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum, Meghan Sweeney
Annotated bibliography of Heather Robinson’s “Writing Center Philosophy and the End of Basic Writing: Motivation at the Site of Remediation and Discovery”, Meghan A. Sweeney
Difficulty Paper (Dis)Connections: Understanding the Threads Students Weave Between Their Reading and Writing, Meghan Sweeney and Maureen McBride
Felix Starro [Musical Adaptation], Lysley Tenorio
Rome Prize Literature Fellowship, Lysley Tenorio
Staged Adaptations of “Monstress” and “Save the I-Hotel”, Lysley Tenorio
The Brothers, Lysley Tenorio
Yaddo [Winter Residency], Lysley Tenorio
ETC: A Review of General Semantics, Ed Tywoniak
Executive Director Transition Ceremony School of Applied Theology [Keynote Speaker], Ed Tywoniak
Opportunities Between Media Ecology and General Semantics, Ed Tywoniak
Reading: Lord of the Flies (William Golding), Ed Tywoniak
Reading: The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck), Ed Tywoniak
Towards a Contemporary Media Ecology Curriculum: Communication Theory, Ed Tywoniak
The Ninth Island: Hawaiians in Las Vegas, Cynthia Van Gilder and Dana Herrera
Mark “Etienne” Zborowski: Portrait of Deception, Part Two, Susan Weissman
Portrait of Stalin's Master Spy Mark Zborowski, aka Etienne, Susan Weissman
To a Greater Goal/Vers le Grand But: Women’s Soccer in 2015, Claire Williams
Between the Lines: Women’s Sports and the Press in Washington, DC, Claire Williams and additional author(s)
Danger Zones: Trigger Warnings and the Precarity of Speech in the Feminist Classroom, Denise Witzig
Masculinity and Its Discontents: Myth, Memory and the Future on Mad Men, Denise Witzig
Commentary on "The Church of Economism and Its Discontents", Stephen Woolpert