School of Liberal Arts Faculty Works | Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities, and Community Engagement | Saint Mary's College of California


Submissions from 2014


Sex and War on the American Stage: Lysistrata in performance 1930-2012, Emily B. Klein

Won't You Be My Neighbor?: Pittsburgh's Squonk Opera and San Francisco's MagicBus Perform Locality and Hometown, Emily B. Klein

Beyond This Moment (Center Stage, Santa Barbara, CA), Dana Lawton

Royère de Vassivière Festival, Dana Lawton

Home (Flight Deck, Oakland, CA), Dana Lee Lawton

A Multilingual Monologue. Alexander Lenard's Self-Translated Autobiography in Three Languages, Helga Lenart-Cheng


Concepts of Simultaneity and Community in the Crowd-Sourced Video Diary Life in a Day, Helga Lenart-Cheng

H.G. Wells and the Origins of the Quantified Self, Helga Lenart-Cheng

Maurice Blanchot and the "Unavowable Community" in First-Person Literature, Helga Lenart-Cheng

Review of Ramona Ausubel: No One Is Here Except All of Us, Helga Lenart-Cheng

Teaching Machines and the Humanities: Paragraphs on Critical Media Pedagogy, Dan Leopard

The Encounter and the Frame: Models of Reciprocal Interaction in 1960's Media Culture, Dan Leopard

The Encounter and the Frame: Models of Reciprocal Interaction in 1960s Media Culture, Dan Leopard

The Encounter and the Frame: Psychoanalysis, Cybernetics, and Humanistic Psychology as Models of Reciprocation in 1960s Media Culture, Dan Leopard

The Mind in Midcentury Media: Mentalities on the Cusp of the Digital Age, Dan Leopard

Don Quixote’s Madness and His Virtuous Desire: Mistaking a Life for Conditions of Possibility, Felicia Martinez

Joyful Madness and Narrative Disruptions, Felicia Martinez

Mahatma Gandhi Award for the Advancement of Religious Pluralism, Barbara McGraw

The Doniger Affair: Censorship, Self-Censorship, and the Role of the Academy in the Public Understanding of Religion, Barbara McGraw


The Doniger Affair: Censorship, Self-Censorship, and the Role of the Academy in the Public Understanding of Religion, Barbara A. McGraw

Caste, Cows, and Curriculum: A Panel Discussion on California Textbooks, Barbara McGraw, Vamsee Juluri, Maha Elgenaidi, and Vineet Sharma

Then the World Widened: Daring Creative Writing Students to be Cartographers of the Global Imagination, Rashaan Meneses

Then the World Widened: Daring Creative Writing Students to be Cartographers of the Global Imagination, Rashaan Meneses


The Others Are Strangers, Rashaan Alexis Meneses

Clinical Challenges of Writing for Publication, Elise Miller

Clinical Writing and Publishing: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Writers At Work, Elise Miller

“Educating Girls: Women Architects and the Design of Pre-War Schools in Serbia”, Anna Novakov

Flat Horizon: The Art and Life of Milan Konjović, Anna Novakov and Jasna Jovanov

Spiritual Tattooing and Pain in the San Francisco Bay Area, Marie Pagliarini

Absorption and Theatricality in Ancient Sculpture, Gabriel Pihas

Dante’s Return to Greece: Sophist and Philosopher in the Inferno, Gabriel Pihas

Imagination in Plato and Dante, Gabriel Pihas

Plato and Dante on Imagination, Gabriel Pihas

Adjudication of Piano Competitions for Music Teachers' Association of California at Baroque Music Festival, Lino Rivera

Adjudication of Piano Competitions for Music Teachers' Association of California, Northern California, Lino Rivera

Adjudication of Piano Competitions for Music Teachers' Association of California Piano Competitions, Regional Level, Lino Rivera

Adjudication of Piano Competitions for Music Teachers' Association of California Piano Competitions, Southern California, Lino Rivera

“Conspiracies, Peccadilloes, and Dirty Little Secrets: Fun and Games With the Great Composers” with Dr. Robert Greenberg, Lino Rivera

Music Teachers' Association of California, Southern California [adjudication], Lino Rivera

Sacramento Youth Symphony Chamber Music Workshop, Lino Rivera

Shostakovich's "Piano Concerto No. 2" Transcribed for Piano and Wind Orchestra by Glenn Disney, Lino Rivera

Solo Piano Performance at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Lino Rivera

Solo Piano Performance of Elliot Carter’s "Caténaires" from "Two Thoughts About the Piano" (2005-2006), Lino Rivera

Multiple Music Compositions, Martin Rokeach

"Six Questions" for Percussion and Violin, Martin Rokeach

Reinas, Misses and Viudas Negras: Gender, Beauty Queens and Violence in Narratives of Narcotraffic, María Luisa Ruiz

Latin@s in the School-to-Prison-Pipeline Panel,, Alicia Rusoja

The Medial Metaphor: Hip Hop as Media, Aaron Sachowitz


Who’s Alright?: The Politics of "Queerspawn" Representation in The Kids Are Alright, Aaron Sachowitz

Bridging Gaps Between "Us" and "Them": Creating "We" In Service-Learning Through Cultural Diversity, Aaron Sachowitz and Tara Perry

Bridging Gaps Between ‘Us’ and ‘Them’: Creating ‘We’ In Service-Learning Through Cultural Diversity, Aaron D. Sachs and Tara B. Perry

The Promise and Perils of Nationalization: The Case of the Mexican Oil Industry, Myrna Santiago

Just Kidding? - Humour, Rhetoric, and Racial Inference in Newsletters of a San Francisco Bay Area South African Group, Scott Schönfeldt-Aultman

Sweating Race: White Expatriate South African Readers Constructing Race and Racial Identities in JULUKA's Mail Bag, Scott Schönfeldt-Aultman

Patriotic Women, Professional Nurses, and the Redefinition of Gendered Citizenship in Germany during the First World War, Aeleah Soine


Wild Pandas, Wild People: Two Views of Wilderness in Deng-Era China, Elena Songster and additional author(s)

Assessing the Movement of Critical and Rhetorical Literacy across Disciplinary Borders, Meghan Sweeney

Enacting a Responsive Writing Program by Shifting Strategic Value: One Writing Program’s Response to the Basic Writing Crisis, Meghan Sweeney

Portfolio-based Assessment of Critical and Rhetorical Reading, Meghan Sweeney

Reading at Risk: A Qualitative Exploration of the Role of Agency, Meghan Sweeney

Review of I.02 ‘The Things They Carry: First-Year Composition and the Quest for Transferability, Meghan Sweeney

To Invoke is to Define: Examining Invocations of Citizenship in Public Arguments about PostSecondary Literacy Education, Meghan Sweeney

It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership - Colin Powell, Ed Tywoniak

Key Lasallian Themes, Ed Tywoniak

Critical Pedagogy and Filipino American Hip Hop: Analyzing and Honoring the Mixtape – ‘A Song for Ourselves’, Michael Viola

Empire of Funk: Hip Hop and Representation in Filipino/a America, Michael Viola

Pedagogy: Teaching Asian American Studies: Strategies, Trajectories, and Philosphies, Michael Viola


Toward a Filipino/a Critical (FilCrit) Pedagogy: Exposure Programs to the Philippines and the Politicization of Melissa Roxas, Michael Viola

W.E.B. Du Bois and Filipino American Exposure Programs to the Philippines: Race and Class Analysis in an Epoch of ‘Global Apartheid’, Michael Viola


Carlos Bulosan and a Collective Outline for Critical Filipina and Filipino Studies, Michael Viola, Valerie Francisco, and Amanda Solomon Amorao

Using Murderball (2005) to Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Spectator Motivation Factors and Sports Consumption Behaviors, Claire Williams

Mad Men's Histories: Television, Gender and Cultural Memory, Denise Witzig


Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species. Peter H. Kahn, Jr. and Patricia H. Hasbach, eds., Kenneth Worthy


Milgram, Proximity, and Environmental Crisis, Kenneth Worthy


Sun Bear, Matthew Zapruder


Isenberg, Arnold, Joseph Zeccardi

Exclusion in Descartes's Rules for the Direction of the Mind: the Emergence of the Real Distinction, Joseph Zepeda


The Concept of Space and the Metaphysics of Extended Substance in Descartes, Joseph Zepeda

Submissions from 2013

CILSA Community Engagement Award - 2013, Ronald Ahnen

Explaining Success and Failure of Microcredit Programs in Argentina, Ronald Ahnen


A Day in the Life of a Waste Picker, Manisha Anantharaman


In Bangalore, Waste Management Crisis Forces Change, Manisha Anantharaman


Talking Waste With Sanitation Workers, Manisha Anantharaman

The Cultural and Environmental Politics of the New Middle Classes of Bangalore, India, Manisha Anantharaman

Civil Society as Soft Power: Islamic NGOs and Turkish Foreign Policy, Zeynep Atalay

New Directions in Transnational Civil Society: The Politics of Muslim NGO Coalitions, Zeynep Atalay

"Fools for the Sake of Christ": Missional Hermeneutics and Praxis in the Corinthian Correspondence, Michael Barram

What Is and What Ought to Be: Located Reflections on Economic Justice Values in Genesis 1-3, Michael Barram

Play in the City: Playground design and urban subjectivity, David Benin

Writers. Women. Canadian., Carol Beran

Literary Tropes and Futurist Social Critique in the Early Essays of Gabriel Alomar i Villalonga, David Bird

A Friendly Warning to the Letrado: Bustos Domecq and the Praise of Folly, David W. Bird

Evaluation of a Sport for Development Youth Program in Eastern Europe, Velina B. Brackebusch

International Culture and Sport in the United States, Velina B. Brackebusch

Converting and Straining Language: Hans Urs von Balthasar and the Theological Grammar of Holy Saturday, Anne Carpenter

Digital and Jesuit: Marquette's Mission in the Digital Humanities, Anne Carpenter

"Incline the Ear of Your Heart": Aspects of Liturgical Silence, Anne Carpenter

Pavlova and her Daughters: Genealogies of Contingent Autonomy, Carrie Gaiser Casey

Competing Visions: A History of California (revised second edition), Robert W. Cherny, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo, and Richard Griswold de Castillo

Why Stories Matter: Interrupting the Political Grammar of Feminist and Other Contemporary Theologies, Jessica M. Coblentz