Submissions from 2015
Best Book of 2015: "Softcover" by Monica Fambrough, Matthew Zapruder
Birds of Texas, Matthew Zapruder
Everyday Creativity, Matthew Zapruder
Everyday Failure, Matthew Zapruder
“Into the Alpine Meadow I Send a Few Silent Dawn Apologies,” “Poem for Keats,” “Poem for Coleridge,” “Poem for Tomaz Salamun," and “Poem for a Sleepless Friend”, Matthew Zapruder
My Childhood, Matthew Zapruder
Ordinaire, Matthew Zapruder
Poem for Ann Hood, Matthew Zapruder
Poem for Doom, Matthew Zapruder
Poem for Noguchi, Matthew Zapruder
Reading at Poetry Center, Matthew Zapruder
Review of "The History of Silence", Matthew Zapruder
“Summer Poem #2” and “Summer Poem #3”, Matthew Zapruder
Thinking Through the Poems, Matthew Zapruder
Tuesday; A Reading Project, Matthew Zapruder
Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them, Deanna Zibello
Submissions from 2014
Victims of Their Own Success?: Explaining the Lack of Microcredit Offerings in Costa Rica, Ronald Ahnen
Lifestyle Leapfrogging in Emerging Economies, Manisha Anantharaman
Networked Ecological Citizenship, The New Middle Classes and the Provisioning of Sustainable Waste Management in Bangalore, India, Manisha Anantharaman
Re-Cycling Class: Understanding New Middle Class Bicycling as a Social Practice, Manisha Anantharaman
Remembering and Re-Imagining a Garden city: Garbage Politics in Bangalore, India, Manisha Anantharaman
Sustainability Transitions in Emerging Economies: The Lifestyle-Livelihood Gap, Manisha Anantharaman
Segregation - A Core Concept in Discard Studies, Manisha Anantharaman and Aman Luthra
Beyond Soft Power: The Stakes and Configurations of the Influence of Contemporary Turkey in the World, Zeynep Atalay
Civil Society is the Rising Currency in Politics Today: Transnational Charitable Giving and Pious Neoliberalism, Zeynep Atalay
Instrumental Motives of Norm-Oriented Networks: Legitimacy, Resonance, and Visibility, Zeynep Atalay
"Occupying" Genesis 1–3: Missionally Located Reflections on Biblical Values and Economic Justice, Michael Barram
"Your Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven": Covenant Renewal and Economic Justice in the Sermon on the Mount, Michael Barram
Animal Sex and Narrative: Different Stories, David Benin
Grizzly Ontologies: On Affect, Intersubjectivity, and Animal Politics, David Benin
‘The Ball don’t lie’: Neoliberal technologies of citizenship in the sport film, David Benin
Urban Space and Social Life in the Essays of Ángel Ganivet, David Bird
An Autoethnography on Creating Social Capital through Sport, Velina B. Brackebusch
Bringing Social Change: Why Should We Integrate with This, That or Anyone?, Velina B. Brackebusch
Not Bowling Alone: The Use of Sport to Build Social Capital, Velina B. Brackebusch
Which Team are you on? Researcher Positonality in Sport for Social Change, Velina B. Brackebusch
Unions That Used to Strike, Robert Brenner and Susan Weissman
Hollywood Still Goes to High School, Robert Bulman
Among the Long, Black Rafters, Anne Carpenter
"Incline the Ear of Your Heart": Aspects of Liturgical Silence, Anne Carpenter
Our Lady of Cultures: Reflections on the Virgin of Guadalupe, Anne Carpenter
The Architectures of Violence and Beauty, Anne Carpenter
Where is Christ? Letter to My College Community After the Violent Deaths of Black Americans, Anne Carpenter and Jonathan Heaps
Lord Hear Our Prayer: Prayer, Social Support, and Well-Being in a Catholic Convent, Anna I. Corwin
Nuns, Prayer, and the Language of Aging Well, Anna I. Corwin
Nuns, Prayers, and the Language of Aging Well, Anna I. Corwin
Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers, excerpts from “Volver”, CatherineMarie Davalos
Italian Cultural Exchange Among International Students, Maria Grazia De Angelis
From Sigismund to Sigismondo: A Renaissance Restyling of a Medieval Saint, Costanza Dopfel
Frantz Fanon’s Praxis of Decolonial Love as Theological Locus, Joseph G. Drexler-Dreis
‘Going behind the white man’s definitions’: James Baldwin’s Praxis of Unveiling as a Praxis of Liberation, Joseph G. Drexler-Dreis
Nat Turner’s Rebellion as a Process of Conversion: Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Christian Conversion Process, Joseph G. Drexler-Dreis
‘The American failure to face reality’: James Baldwin’s Decolonial Option, Joseph G. Drexler-Dreis
The Christian Understanding of the Relationship between the Human and Jesus Christ in a Context of Coloniality, Joseph G. Drexler-Dreis
Toward a Decolonial Christological Method, Joseph G. Drexler-Dreis
Many Peoples, Many Faiths: Women and Men in the World Religions, Robert S. Ellwood and Barbara A. McGraw
Classroom Assessment Techniques for Shared Inquiry, Katherine Field
Early Career Award, Monica Fitzgerald
Lasallian Research and Pedagogy, Monica Fitzgerald
Leaning In, Opting Out, Moving Up: A Roundtable on Women in the Academy, Monica Fitzgerald
Review of "A Reforming People: Puritanism and the Transformation of Public Life in New England" by David Hall (New York: Knopf Publishers, 2011), Monica Fitzgerald
Women in Lasallian World,, Monica Fitzgerald
Toward a Shared Understanding of Lasallian Research: A Report on the Second Annual Symposium on Lasallian Research, Monica Fitzgerald and additional author(s)
Arab Shorts, Peter Freund
Australian International Experimental Film Festival, Peter Freund
Berlin International Directors Lounge, Peter Freund
Black Maria Film Festival, Peter Freund
Cine Experimental Norteamericano, Peter Freund
Contemporary Art Ruhr, Peter Freund
Para-praxis: From the Clinic to Art and Back, Peter Freund
The Picture Show, Peter Freund
Without a Propaedeutic Gesture Lexically Inflamed, Peter Freund
Cursing in class: College students’ specific reactions and general attitudes towards instructor swearing, Mark A. Generous
Advice from children and adolescents on final conversations with dying loved ones, Mark A. Generous and additional author(s)
Creating the Final Conversations (FCs) Scale: A measure of end of life relational communication with terminally ill loved ones, Mark A. Generous and additional author(s)
Defining sexual consent: Perspectives from a college student population, Mark A. Generous and additional author(s)
Exploring children/adolescents’ final conversations with dying family members, Mark A. Generous and additional author(s)
Relationship maintenance across friends with benefits relationship types, Mark A. Generous and additional author(s)
When an instructor swears in class: Functions and targets of instructor swearing from students’ retrospective accounts, Mark A. Generous and additional author(s)
Words Will Break Cement: The Passion of Pussy Riot, Masha Gessen and Susan Weissman
Writing Residency at Jentel Foundation for the Arts, Rosemary Graham
Ptolemaic Astronomy and Analogies of the Universe, Elizabeth Hamm
Review of "Glen Van Brummelen, Heavenly Mathematics: The Forgotten Art of Spherical Trigonometry, Elizabeth Hamm
An experiment investigating the links among online dating profile attractiveness, ideal endorsement, and romantic media, Veronica Hefner and additional author(s)
The Influence of Television and Film Viewing on Midlife Women's Body Image, Disordered Eating, and Food Choice, Veronica Hefner and additional author(s)
Questions of Race, Beauty, and Feminine Expectations, Jennifer Heung
Roger Edward Reynolds (1936-2014): Bibliography, Charles Hilken
Seasonal Works with Letters on Fire. California Book Award Gold Medal in Poetry., Brenda Hillman
Seasonal Works with Letters on Fire. International Griffin Poetry Prize., Brenda Hillman
Seasonal Works with Letters on Fire. Northern California Book Award for Poetry., Brenda Hillman
Deconstructing Whiteness and White Privilege: White Identity Development in College Students, Ynez Wilson Hirst
‘I’m Not Indian’: Understanding Identity Construction in Multiracial Families, Ynez Wilson Hirst and additional author(s)
Contact Quality, Cultural Identification, and Conflict Management Styles: Examining the Mediator Effect of American Host Nationals’ Communication Anxiety With Their Most Recent Chinese Contact, Makiko Imamura and additional author(s)
Functions of the Common Ingroup Identity Model and Acculturation Strategies in Intercultural Communication: American Host Nationals' Communication With Chinese International Students, Makiko Imamura and additional author(s)
Assessment Grant (PI), Makiko Imamura and Ellen Rigsby
Producing Brazilianess for Global Audiences: The case of Sex and the City, Samantha Nogueira Joyce and additional author(s)
Fantasy Feminisms: Dreaming of the Perfect Syllabus, Emily B. Klein
“Frank Stitt.” Reference entry from Encyclopedia of Alabama, Emily B. Klein