
Submissions from 2013

The Impact the Price Promotion Has on the Manufacturer's Performance, Wenting Pan, Yung-Jae Lee, and Xiaotian Tina Zhang


Calendar Anomalies in BSE Sensex Index Returns in Post Rolling Settlement Period, Nageswari Perumal, Murugesan Selvam, and Sankaran Venkateswar


Understanding the Inherent Complexity of Sustainable Consumption: A Social Cognitive Framework, Marcus Phipps, Lucie K. Ozanne, Michael G. Luchs, Saroja Subrahmanyan, Sommer Kapitan, Jesse R. Catlin, Roland Gau, Rebecca Walker Naylor, Randall L. Rose, Bonnie Simpson, and Todd Weaver

The Relation Between CEO Compensation and Past Performance, Jose Plehn-Dujowich, Rajiv D. Banker, Masako N. Darrough, and Rong Huang

Value, Price and Epic Recession, Jack Rasmus

Pour Oil on Troubled Water: The Effects of Mere-Measurement and Time on Customer Desire for Revenge, Mina Rohani and Yany Grégoire

Does Time Heal Wounds or Does It Fuel the Fire: The Effects of Mere-Measurement and Time on Customer Revenge, Mina Rohani, Yany Grégoire, Renaud Legoux, and Jean Charles Chebat

The Effects of Mere-Measurement and Time on Customer Revenge Process, Mina Rohani, Yany Grégoire, Renaud Legoux, and Jean Charles Chebat

Forced Auditor Change, Industry Specialization and Audit Fees, Winifred Scott and Willie E. Gist


External Auditor’s Ethical Dilemma: Perceived Threat to Auditor’s Responsibility Posed by the Auditor’s Allegiance to Corporate Management, Winifred Scott, Willie E. Gist, and Trimbak Shastri

SEC Investigations on Fraudulent Reporting and Audit Cost, and Implications for Improving Audit & Financial Reporting Quality – Some Evidence and Suggestions, Winifred Scott, Willie E. Gist, and Trimbak Shastri

Power-Log Portfolio Optimization for Maximizing Portfolio Growth and Controlling Tail Risk, Arnav Sheth


Empirical Study on Strategic Application of Co-creation Process on New Service Success Factors, Priyanka Shrivastava and Javaid Akhter


Role of Customer Characteristics in New Service Development Process, Priyanka Shrivastava and Javaid Akhter


Skill vs. Luck on Wall Street, Andreas Simon and E. Matthew Van Winkle

CILSA Engaged Faculty Award, Saroja Subrahmanyan

Outstanding Faculty Research Award, Saroja Subrahmanyan

Successes and Challenges with Client Based Projects, Saroja Subrahmanyan


A Synthesis of Fraud Related Research, Gregory M. Trompeter, Tina D. Carpenter, Naman Desai, Keith L. Jones, and Richard A. Riley Jr.


First-Year Writing: What Good Does It Do?: A Policy Research Brief Produced by the National Council of Teachers of English, Bonnie Tucker and additional author(s)

The Rational Side of EQ: Illuminating Emotional Intelligence Through the Lens of Linear/Non-Linear Thinking Style, Charles M. Vance, Kevin S. Grove, Judith A. White, and George L. Hess

A Study of Consumer Behaviour Towards Organic Vegetables and Their Certification in Hanoi, Vietnam, Navin Veerapa and additional author(s)

Just In Time Potatoes, Navin Veerapa and additional author(s)

The Opening Hours of the Melbourne Wholesale Market and Their Impact on the Sustainability of the Market, Navin Veerapa and additional author(s)

Leadership, Vision, Strategy, and the Art of Publishing in India: An Interview With the Legendary Tejeshwar Singh of Sage Publications (India), Judith White


Review of “Human Rights and the Ethics of Globalization,” by Daniel E. Lee & Elizabeth J. Lee, Lili Yan and Timothy Fort

Submissions from 2012


Hugo Chávez: Rhetoric Made in Havana, Marco Aponte-Moreno and Lance Lattig

Jugaad, a way to innovate, or not?, Jyoti Bachani

Leading Operational Excellence, Jyoti Bachani

Panel discussion on innovation for The Lehendakari, His Excellency Patxi Lopez, President of the Basque regional government, Jyoti Bachani

Writing Publishable Cases: Faculty Workshop, Jyoti Bachani

To Die With Dignity: Providing Hospice Care in India, Jyoti Bachani and additional author(s)

Nonprofit Leaders and Listening, Jyoti Bachani and Mary Vradelis


Strategy Making in Nonprofit Organizations – A Model and Case Studies, Jyoti Bachani and Mary Vradelis

Sustainable Consumption: Introspecting Across Multiple Lived Cultures, Catherine Banbury and Saroja Subrahmanyan

Developing Corporate Strategies to Successfully Conduct Business in an Uncertain Eurozone, Norman Bedford

Developing Corporate Strategies to Successfully Conduct Business in an Uncertain Euro Zone, Norman Bedford

TNK-BP: Tread with Caution, Christopher T. Bluhm, Mary Vradelis, Catherine Li, Brett Threlkeld, and J. Tomas Gomez-Arias

Explaining Geographic Cluster Success - The GEMS Model, Kris Chase and Shyam Kamath

Institutional Misalignment as a Cost of Doing Business Abroad: Varieties of Capitalism Approach, Kim Clark

MNC Practice Transfer: Institutional Theory, Strategic Opportunities, & Subsidiary HR Configuration, Kim Clark and Mark L. Lengnick-Hall

Influence of knowledge resources on exploratory and exploitative international strategic alliances: The effects of the institutional environment, Kim Clark, Indu Ramachandran, Stewart R. Miller, Stewart R. Miller, and Dana Wang

Does Adding Intermediate Algebra as a Prerequisite for Economics Principles Courses Improve Student Success?, Richard H. Courtney and William Lee

Marketization of Education: an Ethical Dilemma, Caroline Doran and Samuel M. Natale

Extraordinary Thesis Award for PhD thesis. 2012., Noha Elfiky

Academic and Work-Related Burnout: A Longitudinal Study of Working Undergraduate University Business Students, Craig S. Galbraith and Gregory Merrill

Faculty Research Productivity and Standardized Student Learning Outcomes in a University Teaching Environment: A Bayesian Analysis of Relationships, Craig S. Galbraith and Gregory Merrill


Predicting student achievement in university-level business and economics classes: Peer observation of classroom instruction and student ratings of teaching effectiveness, Craig S. Galbraith and Gregory B. Merrill


Data Center Equipment Locator and Monitoring System, Noah Groth, Jan Warhuus, and Krassimir Anastassov Boyadjiev


Data Center Server Location and Monitoring System, Noah Groth, Jan Warhuus, and Krassimir Anastassov Boyadjiev

Division Best Paper Award - Academy of Management., Michael Hadani


Institutional ownership monitoring and corporate political activity: Governance implications, Michael Hadani


Inside the belly of the beast: A meta-Analysis of the impact of corporate political activity on firm outcomes, Michael Hadani and additional author(s)


Finding a good job: Academic network centrality and early occupational outcomes in management academia, Michael Hadani, Susan Coombes, Diya Das, and David Jalajas

A Cultural Values Approach to Global Warming Initiatives, Linda Herkenhoff

HSBC Sustainability Fellowship, Linda Herkenhoff


Are Leaders and Managers with High Emotional Intelligence superior performers? Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), Linda Herkenhoff and additional author(s)

Subsistence Marketplaces in remote indigenous communities, Linda Herkenhoff, Saroja Subrahmanyan, and Catherine Banbury

Rethinking Management Education: The View to 2020. A Literature Review and A Retrospective and Future Perspective, Eric Kolhede, Shyam J. Kamath, and Guido Krickx

SEBA Teaching Innovation Grant 2012-2013, Nancy Lam

Social Business Models at the Base of Pyramid, Yung Jae Lee, Zhang Xiaotian Tina, and Shyam J. Kamath

Domestic and Offshore Outsourcing, and Labor Productivity: Evidence from Firms Located in Philippine Economic Zone in Cavite, Philippines, Yung-Jae Lee and Xiaotian Zhang

Identifying Misconceptions in Biomedical Education, Samuel Lind

Managing controversies during institutional transformation, Yuan Li

Connectivity and Immersive Environments: Education for the 21st Century, András Margitay-Becht


Enhancing new product adoption at the base of the pyramid: A contextualized model, Cheryl Nakata and Kelly Weidner

Deregulation, Competition and Merger Activity in the U.S. Telecommunications Industry, Kevin Okoeguale

Estate and Tax Planning, George Papagiannis

Teaching Excellence Award - Saint Mary's College of California, George Papagiannis


Obama’s Economy: Recovery for the Few, Jack Rasmus


The Bifurcation of Marxist Economic Analysis, Jack Rasmus

Customer Coping with Switching Costs: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Mina Rohani, Narjes Haj Salen, and Jean Charles Chebat


The Role of Emotion Regulation on Customer Behavior Following Double Deviation: A Cross Cultural Perspective, Mina Rohani, Narjes Haj Salen, and Jean Charles Chebat

The Carrot: Rewarding Bad Managers, Arnav Sheth


Achieving Sustainable Consumption Through Spiritual Practices, Saroja Subrahmanyan and Stephen Gould

Achieving Sustainable Consumption Through Spiritual Practices, Saroja Subrahmanyan and Steve Gould

Roadmap to IFRS Convergence in India: Realistic or Fantasy, Sankaran Venkateswar and Joseph Hilborn


Roadmap to IFRS Convergence in India: Realistic or Fantasy., Sankaran Venkateswar and Joseph Hilborn

Efficiency and Opportunism in Auditor Quality Choice in Emerging Audit Services Markets: The Case of Bangladesh, A.K.M. Waresul Karim

Ownership Structure, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: Evidence from an African Emerging Market, A.K.M. Waresul Karim

The Effect of IFRS Adoption and Investor Protection on Earnings Quality around the World, A.K.M. Waresul Karim

Leadership for Human Rights and Democracy in Burma: A Model of Moral Courage, Judith White

The Optimistic Trust Effect: Use of Belief in a Just World to Cope with Decision- Generated Threat, Andrew Wilson

Conflicts of Interest in Venture Capital-Backed IPO Firms, Tina Zhang and Berna Polat Aksu

Conflicts of Interest in Venture Capital-Backed IPO Firms, Xiaotian Zhang and Berna Aksu

Submissions from 2011


A 'Human Ecology Economics' Framework for Eastern Europe, Roy Allen, Norman Bedford, and Andras Margitay-Becht


Financing Rural Telemedicine: Bringing Healthcare To The Underserved, Jyoti Bachani

Hospice Care in India, Jyoti Bachani

Lessons for Social Enterprises: Why Business Practices Fail in Nonprofit Organizations, Jyoti Bachani

Using Cases to Build Theory, Jyoti Bachani

What Will It Take To Give Up Bottled Water? An Exploratory Pilot Study, Catherine Banbury and Saroja Subrahmanyan

Ukraine's global strategy in the post-crisis economy: developing an intelligent nation to achieve a competitive advantage, Norman Bedford, William Hutchison, and Sofie Bedford

Maoist Calls for Radical Land Reform in Post-Revolutionary Nepal: Are the Adverse Macroeconomic Constraints too Big?, Ravi Bhandari

Goodwill Non-Impairments: Evidence from Recent Research and Suggestions for Auditors, Dennis Chambers and Catherine Finger-Podolsky

Fellow, Academy of International Business Doctoral Consortium, Kim Clark

Haynes Award nominee, Academy of International Business, Kim Clark

International Research Grant, Kim Clark

Selecting State or Private Joint Venture Partners in Emerging Markets: Impact of Liability of Foreignness and Rule of Law, Kim Clark

Performance Measurement and Antecedents of Early Internationalizing Firms: A Systematic Assessment, Kim Clark and additional author(s)

Selecting State or Private Joint Venture Partners in Emerging Markets: Impact of Liability of Foreignness and Rule of Law, Kim Clark and additional author(s)