
Submissions from 2012

Leveraging Our Students’ Cultural Capital Through Multiliteracies, Clifford Lee

No, I’m Not a Math Teacher: Deconstructing the Dangers and Affordances of a Single Story for Asian-Pacific Americans, Clifford Lee

Culturally Relevant Computer Science? Building on Diverse Students’ Funds of Knowledge and Community Cultural Wealth, Clifford Lee and additional author(s)

Igniting the Classroom With Critical Media Literacy, Clifford Lee and additional author(s)

Rewriting Our Worlds: Harnessing the Power of Stories in the Classroom to Empower Students Personally, Academically, and Politically, Clifford Lee and additional author(s)

The Revolution Will Be Digitised: Recognizing and Affirming the Life Experiences and Cultural Practices of Urban Youth in Self-Reflection, Critical and Computational Literacy Through a Videogame Project, Clifford Lee and additional author(s)

Walking the Walk: Using Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Critical Pedagogy as a Model for Preservice Teachers, Clifford Lee and additional author(s)

Breaking barriers: Using poetry as a tool to enhance diversity understanding with youth and adults, Raina León and additional author(s)

21st Century Skills and Educational Technology: An Introduction through Stations, Raina J. León

21st Century Skills and the iPad, Raina J. León

Adolescent Literacy through Poetry, Raina J. León

Between the Sea and Prayer, Raina J. León

Department Consultation on Specific Uses of the iPad, Raina J. León

Dreaming Wide Open: Digital Storytelling for Educators and Youth, Raina J. León

Featured Reading: Canto Mundo Poetry Reading, Raina J. León

Featured Reading: First Wednesday Reading series, Raina J. León

Featured Reading: Litquake- San Francisco Literary Festival, Raina J. León

Featured Reading: Poetry reading and workshop, Raina J. León

Micro-essay on Fear, Raina J. León

Multiliterate and Multimodal in the 21st Century, Raina J. León

Professional Development: Multiliteracies, Raina J. León

Teaching Science Fiction with Technology, Raina J. León

TE(A)CH: Teaching with Technology Professional Development Workshops, Raina J. León

Helping Gifted Kids Cope With Anxiety and Depression: Tools For Parents and Teachers, Grace Malonai

Beyond Access: Broadening Participation in High School Computer Science, Jane Margolis, Jean Ryoo, Cueponcaxochitl Sandoval, Clifford Lee, Joanne Goode, and Gail Chapman

Translating Literacies: Latina/o Middle School Youth Leveraging Their Language Brokering Skills in Academic Writing and Documenting Their Linguistic Repertoires, Danny C. Martinez and Elizabeth Montaño

Cultural aspects of trauma, Sandra Mattar

Cultural diversity in trauma response, Sandra Mattar

Amplifying Not Simplifying: An Approach to Scaffolding for English Language Learners, Elizabeth Montaño

From restorative justice to restorative discipline in schools: challenges and opportunities, Laura Clement Mooiman and additional author(s)

The turn toward relationality: Incorporating a participatory paradigm in leadership, Ken Otter

What difference does it make? A qualitative inquiry into the longer-term outcomes of a transformative education in relational leadership, Ken Otter

Black fathers: Issues and concerns, Bedford E.F. Palmer and additional author(s)


The co-teaching book of lists, Katherine Perez

Brain research: Implications for education, Katherine Diana Perez

Co-Teaching: Strategies for strengthening inclusion, Katherine Diana Perez

Academic achievement in supplemental educational services: An experimental study of an online reading program, S. Marshall Perry

Exploring the relationship between elementary student academic achievement and teacher experiences with team learning, S. Marshall Perry and additional author(s)

All that's left unsaid: How Conrad gets it right, Joan Peterson

Creating 4+1 pathways to graduate study for first generation students, Jennifer Pigza

Saint Mary’s College of California Faculty Writing Retreat, Jennifer Pigza

Protecting Our Elders: An Interfaith Coalition to Address Elder Abuse, Rebecca Proehl

Career-Life Balance and Self-Care in the Current Economic Environment: The New Normal., Gloria Aquino Sosa


Humanism and intentional interaction., Gloria Aquino Sosa

Saint Mary’s College-CA, Faculty Technology Group Grant Award. (2012), Gloria Aquino Sosa

School Discipline Policies and Cultural Competency: Asking the Tough Questions, Gloria Aquino Sosa

School Discipline Policies and Cultural Competency: Asking the Tough Questions., Gloria Aquino Sosa

Understanding Intercultural Interactions through Self-Awareness: Working with Parents., Gloria Aquino Sosa


In defense of today’s struggling reader: What policymakers can learn from Beth., Tamara Spencer

Consulting with the Brain in Mind [professional development workshop]., Kathleen Taylor

Training with the Adult Brain in Mind., Kathleen Taylor

Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience [preconference webinar]., Kathleen Taylor

Facilitating with the Brain in Mind., Kathleen Taylor and Annalee Lamoreaux

Mentoring with the Adult Brain in Mind [professional development workshop]., Kathleen Taylor and Annalee Lamoreaux

Effective groupwork: A time-saving tool for school counselors, Suzy Thomas

Offering your aesthetic response: Integrating expressive arts techniques in group therapy and supervision, Suzy Thomas

Appropriate self-disclosure: Confidence builders for the beginner, burnout prevention for the veteran, Suzy Thomas and additional author(s)

Creating evidence-based practice through collaborative action research in school counseling, Suzy Thomas and additional author(s)

Make it work: Tailoring LGBTQ interventions to fit your school, Suzy Thomas and additional author(s)

Submissions from 2011


A strategy-based intervention to improve math problem solving skills of students with emotional and behavioral disorders, Peter Alter and additional author(s)


Highly qualified teacher requirements for special educators: Defining disrespect: A rural teachers’ perspective, Peter Alter and additional author(s)


Managing Classroom Behavior Using Positive Behavior Support, Peter Alter and additional author(s)

Challenging behavior and teacher job satisfaction: Magnitude and prevalence as critical factors, Peter J. Alter

Helping Teachers Address Students’ Challenging Behaviors, Peter J. Alter

Strategies for Addressing Challenging Behaviors, Peter J. Alter


Factor structure of child behavior scale scores in peruvian preschoolers, Rebecca Anguiano and additional author(s)

Purposeful parenting for social behavior: Maternal practices in Mexican-origin families, Rebecca Anguiano and additional author(s)

Innovative Teaching Techniques, Steven Balassi

Interactive Teaching and Learning in College Economics: Perspectives from Economists; In-Class vs. Online Experiments: Is There a Difference?; Teaching with Case Studies; Hyperinflation: What can Zimbabwe Teach Us?; Do Daily Clicker Questions Predict Course Performance?, Steven Balassi

Report: Sales Tax Figures Inch Up, Steven Balassi

The Necessary Revolution, Steven Balassi

Unemployment Rate Continues to Decline Locally, Steven Balassi

Using Experiments and Group Projects, Steven Balassi


Interview with Jerry Brunetti, Gerald Brunetti and additional author(s)

Relational approaches to working with resistance and rupture: Using case studies to promote self-reflection, professional development, and relational transformation among supervisors, therapists, and school counselors, Jeff Cook, Suzy Thomas, and Laura Heid

Embodied cognition and mathematics., Laurie D. Edwards

Embodied cognitive science and mathematics, Laurie D. Edwards


More Than Just a Hammer: Building Linguistic Toolkits, Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, Clifford Lee, and Danny Martinez

Changing the Adult Brain, Annalee Lamoreaux and Kathleen Taylor

Prior Learning Assessment and the Developmental Journey, Annalee Lamoreaux and Kathleen Taylor

Trainers' Roundtable Pre-Forum Institute, professional development workshop, Annalee Lamoreaux and Kathleen Taylor

The George Kneller Prize, Clifford Lee

Empowering Student Writing Through Filmmaking, Clifford Lee and additional author(s)

Things Are Not Always What They Appear To Be: Video Data Analysis Workshop, Clifford Lee and additional author(s)

Dragon Spine Girl, Raina León

View of the World: Germany, Raina León

Cemberlitas Hamami, Raina J. León

Curriculum Study Commission teaching of poetry workshop, Raina J. León

Faculty Technology Fund - St. Mary's College of California, Raina J. León

Featured Reading: Palabra Pura Reading Series, Raina J. León

Inside Out: Paul Martinez Pompa’s My Kill Adore Him and Julia’s Story Post Moxie, Raina J. León

Interview with Verso and Flor, Raina J. León

Latino Round Table, Raina J. León

Little Swift, Raina J. León

Split this Rock semifinalist for “The Rising”, Raina J. León

Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence, Outstanding Dissertation, Jenny Maguire

Teacher Research in Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Classrooms, Danny C. Martinez and Elizabeth Montaño

Understanding Students' Linguistic Repertoires: An Assets Approach to Including Student's Languages into English Language Arts Instruction, Danny C. Martinez and Elizabeth Montaño

Educating and training the next generations of traumatologists: Development of cultural competencies, Sandra Mattar

Becoming Unionized in a Charter School: How Charter School Teachers Navigate the Culture of Choice, Elizabeth Montaño