Submissions from 2020
Supporting Newcomer Students: Advocacy and Instruction for English Learners, Laura Alvarez and additional author(s)
Socially just family engagement: Voices from urban school leaders, Rebecca Anguiano and Cynthia Martinez
Family engagement in a Catholic school: What can urban schools learn?, Rebecca Anguiano, Suzy Thomas, and Rebecca Proehl
Outstanding Dissertation Award, Alta Joy Broughton
Curiosity, wonder, invitation, Luz Casquejo Johnston
From the ivory tower to the streets, Luz Casquejo Johnston
Leading for social justice panel, Luz Casquejo Johnston
Model minority: The promise and the reality, Luz Casquejo Johnston
Teacher Transformation Through an Anti-Bias, Anti- Racism Lens, Luz Casquejo Johnston
Hidden Black voices in Montessori education, Luz Casquejo Johnston and additional author(s)
Applying a collaborative therapeutic assessment framework to school-based assessments, Stephanie D'costa and additional author(s)
Crisis and Adolescents: Assessments and Initial Management, Stephanie D'costa and additional author(s)
What the data tell us about human reasoning, Carol Ann Gittens and additional author(s)
H. B. McDaniel Hall of Fame Award, Laura Heid
Unlearning Ageism: How to Empower Students to Examine their Perspectives on Aging and Older Adults, Laura Heid
WACES Innovative Counselor Education Program Award, Laura Heid
Chair, Technology Committee, Adria Klein
Principal Investigator, i3 grant for Reading Recovery/Descubriendo la Lectura, Adria Klein
Refining and Expanding HEROES: A Literacy Intervention for Young Students with IEPs [Grant], Adria Klein
Meaningful Reading Assessment, Adria Klein and additional author(s)
Professional learning for leadership during the coronavirus: Antiracist Leadership Series, Cynthia Martinez and Rebecca M. Anguiano
Trauma-informed, antiracist training for educators, Cynthia Martinez and Rebecca M. Anguiano
LIFTing UP literacy: Urban teachers and university coaches collaborate to ensure literacy proficiency for students, Mary Kay Moskal, Kathy Perez, Mary Dierking, and Meredith Morgan
Reimagining schools with special guests Drs. Raina León and Mary Raygoza, Aaminah Norris, Raina León, and Mary Raygoza
Navigating at the Edge of Chaos and Complexity, Ken Otter
Getting Out of Dodge: Exploring School Organization and Leadership in International Contexts, Marshall S. Perry
Leadership as the Negotiation of Autonomy and Control, Marshall S. Perry
Networks for Policy Making in International Contexts, Marshall S. Perry
A Father’s Level of Education: Examining Barriers to School Involvement in a Community with a Significant Immigrant Population, S. Marshall Perry and additional author(s)
Principal Practices, Job Satisfaction, and Disadvantaged Students in TALIS 2018, S. Marshall Perry and additional author(s)
Teacher Perception of Value, Self-Efficacy and Collaboration in TALIS 2018, S. Marshall Perry and additional author(s)
The Relationship of Teacher Job Satisfaction and Well-Being to Opportunity to Learn for Disadvantaged Students, S. Marshall Perry and additional author(s)
Through the Eyes of Joseph Roth and Christopher Isherwood: Berlin Before Hitler, Joan Peterson
It’s a small/interconnected world after all: The role of transportation technologies in epidemics and pandemics, Brian Preble
Sliding into the past, projecting into the future: Examining the development, and future of Projection technology, Brian Preble
Civics education in the mathematics classroom: Teaching the numbers behind economic inequality, Mary Raygoza
Coping with School Closures as Student Teachers: Self-Compassion, Surrender, and Action, Mary Raygoza
COVID-19, Exponential Growth, and the Power of Showing Up in Social Solidarity: The Math Behind the Virus, Mary Raygoza
Critical video praxis as a tool in humanizing secondary mathematics, Mary Raygoza
Humanizing approaches to grading with mathematics pre-service teachers: Navigating and pushing beyond systems, Mary Raygoza
Standing up for educational justice: From naming the problem to taking action, Mary Raygoza
The mathematics of transformative resistance, Mary Raygoza
‘BBQ Becky’, policing, and racial justice in Oakland, Mary Raygoza and additional author(s)
Humanity and healing through social justice math curriculum, Mary Raygoza and additional author(s)
Humanizing online mathematics teaching, Mary Raygoza and additional author(s)
Student and teacher angles: Building a critical mathematics video repository, Mary Raygoza and additional author(s)
Teaching mathematics as compassion, connection and collective resistance: Online classrooms with justice at the center, Mary Raygoza and additional author(s)
Social justice in teacher education: It’s not just a course, Mary C. Raygoza, Raina León, Chris Junsay, Aaminah Norris, Gemma Niermann, and additional author(s)
Racism is pandemic as well, Mary C. Raygoza, Aaminah Norris, and Raina León
Humanizing Online Meetings, Mary Raygoza, Raina J. León, Aaminah Norris, Chris Junsay, and Cliff Lee
Humanizing online teaching, Mary Raygoza, Raina León, and Aaminah Norris
Humanizing Online Teaching, Mary Raygoza, Raina León, and Aaminah Norris
A letter to my sisters: Advice from Black women alumnae about how to thrive and survive in college, Tangela Reavis and additional author(s)
The promise of free college (and its potential pitfalls): Evidence on the design, implementation, and effects of a performance-based college aid program from a randomized control trial, Tangela Reavis and additional author(s)
Making the most of every minute: Lessons in being constructive, Debra Semm Rich
The language phase: The first self-extending system, Debra Semm Rich
Team learning as boundary crossing: incubating collaboration, Stacey Robbins
Avoiding microaggressions in professional and patient interactions, Gloria Sosa
Self-directed learning: Leaning into what we know as we learn-Narratives Matter, Gloria Sosa
Children’s literature, culturally responsive teaching, and teacher identity: An action research inquiry in teacher education, Tamara Spencer and additional author(s)
Teaching across time and space: A collaborative self-study of teacher educator identity and critical practices, Tamara Spencer and additional author(s)
The Power Of Emotion In Adult Learning: Perspectives From Affective Neuroscience And Post-Jungian Psychology, Kathleen Taylor and additional author(s)
Brains are for Voting, Kathleen Taylor and Paul Loper
Brave Spaces, Safe Spaces, Suzy Thomas
Building Community Part II – Teaching and Learning in Crisis, Suzy Thomas
WACES Innovative Counselor Education Program Award, Suzy Thomas
Fostering the whole child: A guide to school-based mental health professionals, Suzy Thomas and additional author(s)
Supporting K-12 students’ mental health through grief counseling, Suzy Thomas and additional author(s)
Heavy-hearted at every stage: Exploring grief and loss across the lifespan, Suzy R. Thomas, Laura S. Heid, and additional author(s)
Heavy-hearted at every stage: Exploring grief and loss across the lifespan, Suzy R. Thomas, Laura S. Heid, and additional author(s)
Submissions from 2019
Supporting High-Needs Elementary Students with the CW-FIT Program: Building for Scale and Sustainability (2019-2024), Peter Alter
A model of socially just family engagement in urban schools, Rebecca Anguiano
Systems of support for middle school students with mental health needs: A self-reflective case study from a school psychologist intern, Rebecca Anguiano and additional author(s)
Liberatory family engagement practices in urban schools: Supporting school leaders in mindful reflexivity and critical praxis with families, Rebecca Anguiano and Cynthia Martinez
From one-on-one to groups: Grief counseling strategies, additional author(s) and Suzy Thomas
Contexts, funding history, and implications for evaluating the office of special education program’s investment in personnel preparation Since NCLB, Alta Joy Broughton and additional author(s)
Evaluation of the quality of education offered to students with special needs in public schools in the city of Bauru, Brazil, Alta Joy Broughton and additional author(s)
Serving English language learners in the Florida State Plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act, Alta Joy Broughton, Xigrid Soto, and Ashley White
Hidden Figures in Montessori Education, Luz Casquejo Johnston and additional author(s)
Using Language Pathways to Foster Language Awareness and Educational Equity, Stephanie D'costa and additional author(s)
Let’s Sculpt It!: Experiencing the Role of Organizational Context in Coaching, Pauline Fatien Diochon, Ken Otter, Paul Stokes, and Lucy Van Hove
Embodiment & constructivism: A meta-theoretical critique, Laurie Edwards
The body of/in proof: An embodied analysis of mathematical reasoning, Laurie Edwards
Workshop Plus: Comprehensive Literacy Design, Laurie Edwards and Adria Klein
Sexual risk taking in college students and functional families of origin, Colette Fleuridas and additional author(s)
Beyond four forces: The evolution of psychotherapy, Colette Fleuridas and Drew Krafcik
A Multifaceted Examination of Deeper Learning in PBL Elementary Schools: School Culture, Critical Thinking, and Access to Opportunity, Carol Ann Gittens and additional author(s)
"Check Yourself": Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teachers of Students With Challenging Behaviors, Todd Haydon, Peter Alter, Renee Hawkins, and Connie Kendall Theado
An Interview with Adria Klein 2018 PDI Speaker, Adria Klein and additional author(s)
Assets-Oriented, Formative Oral Language Assessment for Multilingual Students: The Oral Language Record, Adria Klein and Allison Briceño
Expanding our horizons: Integrating coaching and distance learning, Adria Klein, Debra Semm Rich, and additional author(s)
Correction to: Schoolin’ Black Girls: Politicized Caring and Healing as Pedagogical Love, Monique Lane and additional author(s)
On the value of labor, Raina León
Healing in community: School-based family wellness groups for Latinx and Black families, Cynthia Martinez and Rebecca Anguiano
Artful Means: Incorporating Body and Arts-based Methods into Leadership Coaching, Ken Otter
Coach’s hidden strategy: A case commentary, Ken Otter
Connect Thrive Succeed: Building Bridges between Student Success and Equity-Based Approaches, Tracy J. Pascua Dea and Gloria Sosa
Revolutionizing Our Commitment to Asset-Based Institutional Change: Data Driven Outcomes That Matter, Tracy Pascua Dea and Gloria Sosa
Innovations in Educational Evaluation Methods, S. Marshall Perry